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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wicomico-Salisbury Connection: It's All Just One Big Movie Plot

By Thornton Crowe

There's a hilarious legal eagle sleeper flick from the 80s called, From the Hip, where Judd Nelson plays a hotshot lawyer who makes an arrangement with his nemesis - a prosecutor - to turn a simple misdemeanor assault trial into a First Amendment case over using the word 'asshole' in a court of Law. Of course, in humorous antics, it becomes a huge courtroom drama, leaving everyone laughing! In truth, their stunning 'performance' is to progress both their careers - which it does - and no one else is the wiser.

These kinds of arrangements are always on the hush-hush and seldom are people witnessing the facade, aware there's any connection between the two opposite parties. Much like a play, it's scripted with plot twists and turns where you'd think the two actors were almost at odds, when in fact, they are conspiring together to make things appear differently than they truly are.

Couldn't we say this is what's going on with County Council President John Cannon and Salisbury Mayor Jake Day?

A brilliant example is the property tax game where the County lowered taxes while the City raised taxes. In this one plot, both Cannon and Day come out smelling like American roses! To the voters looking on, it appears the County Council, namely Cannon, is the good cop and Day is the even better cop.

Sound like a familiar scenario to all my movie-watching readers? Cannon comes off as the caring councilman, in it to help the little guy save more of his hard-earned cash while Day appears to be going after that big bad landlord class (like Cannon) with a higher hit to the wallet. They both win and we're none the wiser!

Another example of this good cops is when they work to create the bad guy. Both have sided against County Executive Bob Culver in his effort to help the volunteer firefighters - not because he's pandering for votes but because he wants to provide faster Emergency Services to the Wicomico residents. Yet, the only guy actually doing something for 'the people' is getting slammed every which way but loose. Meanwhile the toxic twins dynamic duo sit back and hold their elaborate volley - taking pop shots left and right through a variety of ways. They've even gone so far as to pull firemen into the fray and added a couple of other community players into the mix.

Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers have chimed in with their own little good cop duo double play, stating in their "Letter to many Editors," we don't even need another fire district. Bear in mind, neither are versed in firefighting or emergency services, so their opinions are not necessarily based on any fact or  professional expertise. And by the way, you're supposed to forget the Fire Chiefs Association actually voted for the new district.

4-D ping pong and you are the ball...

We, the voters go to and thro, weighing in with probably only about an eighth (if that) of the whole picture colored in with twisted crayons by nefarious plotters. This is how politics work - a zero-sum game where there are winners and losers - but it's seldom by happenstance.

The politically savvy spot these shenanigans almost from the beginning while the pedestrian voters, meaning most of us, wallow in the milieu, wondering "What in the world is going on?"

It's quite a spectacle that has all the local media jumping through hoops to see who can beat the chosen nemesis to a bloody pulp.

Elections are already beginning and you're being played like an exquisite 17th Century violin...

Why do they do it? Well, the answer seems obvious - or so we think. At first blush it seems they are doing it to score political points and oust whomever they have in their target. However, when you look below the surface and observe timing, the seeming barrage is, in fact, a smokescreen to keep you, the voters, from realizing just how much is not getting done and forget all those campaign promises made in the last election that just haven't come to fruition.

As we round to the local primary cycle, you can expect to see more of these 'ganging up' on others by Cannon and Day as their friendship is no secret to those whom are paying attention. Even though they are supposedly on the opposite sides of the political fence, they are acting in unison to wreak havoc on those who they don't deem as a 'part of their little club.'

One thing you can take to the bank is, your best interests (and those of the whole community) are far from paramount in their machinations. (Of course, you're not supposed to know this because it's a big secret.)

We're surely in for some exciting times... At least, now, you can eat your popcorn as you watch the drama unfold with your eyes wide open!

Let the games begin!


  1. It is a shame that Culver has never understood the need for a strong communications strategy. He has been told since he was first elected the need for it, yet he rejects the advice. If he could do a better job of getting his message out, he'd be in far better shape - particularly among the voters who aren't paying attention as described in this post.

  2. Yeah some of this falls on Culver for sure. That interview posted yesterday was very good but there should be more of them and shorter ones so the word gets out. Why is he so afraid to tell the people all the good things he's been doing? He should stand up and take credit. We understand you are not the sort to lord it over people but come on, Culver, they're trying to get you unelected because you are the only one working at 125 N. Division.

  3. Bob needs to rethink the idea of hiring a good Public Information Office who can maintain the County's webpage and post one-on-one interviews not only with Bob but all departments in getting the word out about good and difficult things happening at the County government level. That girl who was Pollitt's PIO was not the right person for the PIO job which was why Bob let her go.

  4. Chambers is new to the scene and he's already aligned himself with the riff-raff of local fringe who have done nothing to help the community. Makes me rethink signing up with the Chamber. What's the point? If people like that continue to run it, it's a nothing outfit that won't do squat for small businesses. He's only looking out for the good ole boys. Probably why he was hired for the job in the first place.

    I know so many businesses around Salisbury who aren't members and they seem to be doing better than a lot of the ones with. Should tell us something right there. The new Ernie isn't looking better than the old one.

  5. Dunn knowing about fire station needs is a hoot. This line actually made me laugh out loud. He is such an impotent worm it's pathetic who even looks as freakish as he acts. Please. This is the best we can do for Greater Salisbury? Insane.

  6. 852 agreed. Chambers isn't even a year on the job and he's already sniffed out all the bad people and decided to be butt buddies with them. Isn't it time we just did away with the local Chamber of Commerce? Doesn't seem like they do much of anything for anyone here anyway.

  7. Oh come on y'all, you know Dunn was on Chambers like a fly on crap the minute he was hired. Probably worked him over with all his stupid ideology and fancy talk. Chambers is just a moron for believing him.

  8. I don't think it was appropriate for Dunn or Chambers to comment at all. Dunn is a joke, but favored by the so-called "elite" downtown. The majority of the County residents have no use for him nor do they respect him.

  9. Most people who a little brain realize what's going on but they just don't want to get involved so they turn their head. This is nothing more than a smaller swamp that needs to be drained. It's all about "What's in it for Me".

  10. The problem with Culver's messaging is that he doesn't get the value of having someone who understands how to do it properly. So many of the things he has done have not been positioned well and he ends up digging out of a hole. The fact that he doesn't grow weary of being in that position and realize he needs to listen to someone with experience is a little concerning. Being a one man band is not the way to go.

  11. This happens in DC politics all the time. Look at the slam job they're doing to Trump right now. DNC and RNC working hard to keep the outsider out! It's common place not 'opinion' it's just reality. Some people will argue until they're blue that this is not the case but we all see the strings and don't appreciate being played for idiots. Voters are now starting to understand terms like fake news. These local yocals politicians and talking heads better come to reality quick, we see and know what's going on much more than you would like us to and you're just tough out of luck.

  12. Dunn and Chambers look ridiculous commenting on the fire station ordeal. They're just publicity whores trying to get attention. Boring!

  13. This blog is been a fresh breath of fresh air! your not telling us anything we already did'nt know!! its just now, we now have a forum to vent our frustrations. it exposes the bumbling bureaucracy of back-slapping good ole boy snake club! backroom taxpayer theft deals! a bunch of wasteful,lying cheatin, deceiving shell playing crooks! Nothing but pigs at the tax trough. one hair short of bribery. So yes it is Very sad voter turnout is extremly low. appears most are happy with status Quo? NO!! its time for the real voices to be heard. the flexing of the fiscal muscle behind the real power that need to be felt! it the peoples vision that needs to be heard! less government! taxes! fees!, and waste. MORE of lets live within means, get off the little guys backs, allow us to elect a school board, allow law abing citicens to protect ourselves, CCW freedoms!! STOP the deceptive political GAMES!! ....and what am i getting for my tax buck updates???

  14. People here don't care about their tax dollars. If they did they would never elect John Cannon again and quit harassing Culver. If you haven't seen that interview with him and Greg Bassett then you should. He's doing a lot for your morons and you don't even appreciate it. You get what you vote for and we all know Johnny's a lazy cuss and he's always been one.

  15. I've been stuck in Salisbury my whole life but the last of my responsibilities will be ending soon and I cannot wait to get out of here. I'm moving to the north east New England area....Why ? Well inspite of it being 96% liberal Democrat it's also 96% white with little crime. I'll not have to worry about crime and I'll turn off the news for the rest of my life and enjoy it.

    1. Good riddance. You don't want to be here, we don't want you to stay. You can now contribute to the illiteracy issue in New England.

  16. If people like Cannon, Day, etc would do their jobs, they wouldn't have to do cheap parlor tricks to stay elected. People wouldn't have any problem having them stay on if they were actually producing anything. Cannon is worthless and Day has his head so far in the clouds he can't even see earth anymore.

  17. This is 12 minutes long so most won't watch all of it probably but it talks about exactly what you are saying I think.


    Also, I just came across this today and I haven't finished reading it yet but it too discusses how we are manipulated by corporations, media, gov't etc.


  18. Just an example of this guy Bernays.

    In 1924 Bernays set up a vaudeville "pancake breakfast" for Calvin Coolidge to change his stuffy image before the 1924 election. Entertainers including Al Jolson, John Drew, Raymond Hitchcock, and the Dolly Sisters performed on the White House lawn. Newspapers reported enthusiastically that Coolidge had laughed.[25]

    A desperate Herbert Hoover consulted with Bernays a month before the 1932 presidential election. Bernays advised Hoover to create disunity within his opposition and to present an image of himself as an invincible leader.[26]

    Bernays advised William O'Dwyer, in his candidacy for Mayor of New York City, on how to appear in front of different demographics. For example, he should tell Irish voters about his actions against the Italian mafia—and Italian voters about his plans to reform the police department. To Jews he should appear as a committed opponent of the Nazis.[27]

    He helped to name the President's Emergency Committee for Employment, suggesting this name as preferable to the “Committee for Unemployment”.[28]

    During World War II, Bernays advised the United States Information Agency as well as the Army and Navy. He was chairman of the National Advisory Committee of the Third U.S. War Loan, co-chairman of the Victory Book campaign, and part of the New York State Defense Council.

  19. Bob said when he was elected he was going to go thru each county department and speak to the employees to get a real pulse what was going on in each department.I think this fell by the cracks with all the political things he has to address.I feel on thing he needs to do is stop allowing himself to be snow blinded by Wayne and other department heads.They are telling him all is fine but IT IS NOT! Department heads and there assistants are passing down there managing and oversight of employees to hourly employees to keep track of 2-3 peoples work.It is lining up the fall guys to C.M.A. at its finest. No way this type of management could work in the private sector but because the taxpayers are funding it and Bob does not know about it the wave carries on.For the most part I think employees like Bob and he cannot fix what he does not know about.

  20. Why do all of Bob's problems always seem to track back to Wayne? Anyone else notice that? How about Cannon and Wayne being buddies? Do you think that has helped Bob at all? Is Wayne the Steve Bannon of his administration?

  21. Nothing like being played by pro-politicians who have nothing to offer anyone but happy faces on facebook and empty promises. I think I'll stick with Bob. He might not be perfect like any of us are, he is honest.

  22. 337 (1) that fits in with the scenario where people appear to be enemies yet they conspire to make someone else look bad. Wayne could well be the man inside feeding crap back to old Cannon. Would not shock me if this were the truth.

  23. Wayne Straburg needs to be fired more he's an idiot agreeing with culver to his face and stabbing him in the back when he's not looking. And as for the Fire study, it was a load of garbage, Brezler the ex Salisbury fire chief owns the company who did the fake study anyway funny he's strasburgs next door neighbor. This county council minus a few and the entire city council are a bunch of clowns. And Jake Day a mayor. His an idiot with a big head. City council members being charged with crimes and dtill in the council. Wth ? Bob Culver is stuck between idiots , suck ups , fools and backstabbers first thing Bob should do us fire Wayne, he's a fool. I mean you have a way mart stockboy on the city council. Now there is a leadership role model right there.

  24. Haven't seen Mike Dunn's name in a while. Failed sewer plant, millions of tax dollars in developer reimbursements to his political cronies...wonder if he'll run again. It would be fun to pull all the old articles and recorde out again to remind Salisbury voters just how much his shady dealings cost them.

  25. Jake Day is. Baldface lier, no crime in Salisbury, what have you been drinking....Obama s koolaid . There is more crime here now than ever before and Jake and the idiots on the council are responsible for it. You are nothing but wanna bes . Total miserable failures the whole lot of ya, and the county council isn't far behind. John Cannon your a Dad would smack the taste outta your corrupt mouth. He was a real honorable man but you sir are a far cry from his stature you aren't nothing but a spoiled brat who needs a spanking. Hopefully next election we will be rid of your childish behavior.

  26. Kick Jackson off the council, she is a criminal and no good. If she were white she would have been gone !

  27. Mike Dunn. Corrupt as the day is long.

    1. He learned it from his father.

  28. Is Strauberg Judas? Good question 337

  29. Wicomico version of Washington and the Trump WH. More of the same failing politics

  30. Wicomico county didn't raise the property tax this year, not even by 1% stand by next year .... after the elections and watch it go up at least 2% in one year to make up for the lost revenue. It's John Cannons election games against Bob Culver to make Bob look bad. Just smoke and mirrors. And the taxpayers will again lose in the end.

  31. August 20, 2017 at 1:40 PM

    You put up good stuff but most people won't understand or take the time to understand. They can only read one paragraph, two tops, at a time and watch no videos over 3 minutes.

  32. Breaking News

    There are 5 paid firemen and 1 volunteer who have just flown out to the Pierce Manufacturing Plant in Appleton Wisconsin for a free vacation. Why does it take 5 people without decision making authority to fly out to Appleton Wisconsin to look at the new 2 new fire trucks that the Salisbury Fire Department is buying. What a waste of tax dollars! This is nothing more than a free vacation for these paid firemen in Salisbury. All expenses paid by the tax payers. Typical of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    No Pierce isn't paying for the 6 vacations. It is built into the price of the truck you big dummy.

    Don't forget the new mechanic that Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are hiring to sit around an play computer games because there isn't enough work in the fire department to employ a full time mechanic. So if they are buying 2 new fire engines then these fire engines will be under warranty and will have to be serviced and repaired at a qualified Mechanics shop and the full time mechanic won't be needed to work on them. What about the 3 brand new ambulances they just bought? Same thing, they have to be serviced at a qualified shop for warranty work? What other apparatus does the Salisbury Fire Department have that is still under warranty. This new mechanic won't be able to work on new vehicles for warranty work or service.

    Don't forget the 2 brand new fire trucks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are buying to replace 2 perfectly good fire engines that are only 10 years or less. Don't forget they were rehabbed already under Gordy and Hoppes. These engines should last another 10 plus years. Guess what's going to happen to Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 when it gets traded in to Pierce? It's going to be sold to a fire department the size of Salisbury's FD and they will use it for another 10 to 20 years.


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