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Sunday, August 27, 2017

NAACP announces national boycott of NFL over Kaepernick

"This is not a simple request. This is not a statement. This is a demand," said Gerald Griggs of the Atlanta NAACP.

At a Friday afternoon news conference, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP announced a boycott of the NFL due to the ongoing unemployment of quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

"There will be no football in the state of Georgia if Colin Kaepernick is not on a training camp roster and given an opportunity to pursue his career," said Griggs.

Kaepernick has remained unsigned by an NFL team after opting out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers. While it was thought that several teams were considering the former Super Bowl quarterback, none have given him a shot this year.

Last year, Kaepernick made headlines for his controversial decision to kneel rather than stand during the national anthem. Griggs said Kaepernick remained unsigned solely due to his silent boycott of the national anthem last season.



  1. hopefully no one signs him and he can go to work in the peace corps and do some real good. The NFL was not the place to try those parlor room antics.

  2. DAVE T: I'm glad he's out of work - as he should be for his lack of patriotism. He's pathetic. And I'm glad to see no football, than watch a game with that loon involved. He's no athlete, he's an idiot !

  3. I know the chicken politicians will take down the statues but if the NFL gives into that extortion I'm done with them.

  4. No one cares about your stupid boycott, just dry up and blow away.

  5. The NFL is not supposed to be a home for troubled youth.

  6. It was his choice
    NAACP is no better than the skinheads
    Sick worthless bullies. That are no longer relevant to life matters.
    Go disappear and take Rev Al and his no tax paying a$$ with you.
    We are tired of your worthless rants .

  7. so the one organization that supposedly only represent colored folk is going to war against the one entity that is responsible for more colored millionaires than any other entity? interesting. So what happens when the white folks decide to spend their time and money elsewhere? be careful what you ask for you might just get it!

  8. Who Cares? For every 1 person that will boycott the NFL their will be 5 that will still watch and support the decision to not take him. The news will only report on the amount of people boycotting. This is comical

    1. Untill the NFL caves. Then you'll see a real boycott.

  9. I hope they boycott...The game will be more enjoyable without them racist a holes.


  10. Why don't they do a Go-Fund Me to put a kneeling statue of him at the Hall of Fame in Canton?

    And he can go on a pay for autograph signing tour with the other self-inflicted athlete - Pete Rose!

    Wonder how Crispus Attucks feels about Kaep?

  11. He has no place in the NFL. it is supposed to be a place where we can look up to heros not losers

  12. so does that mean that 70% of active NFL players won't accept a paycheck?

  13. How about the amount of money they have already lost because of fans not attending the game or watching on TV because of this jerk!

  14. The team that hires him will lose a good portion of their fan-base. The NAACP should get their head out of their butts they're advocating amnesty for an anti-patriot! Next thing you know, they'll be asking for an advance pardon for the previous slime-in-chief...then Jane Fonda!

  15. Come on he is not being signed because he isn't as good as he thinks not because of his color or beliefs. He's to dump to remember the plays and changes to the play book.

  16. It will be interesting to see if the NFL gives in to this type of blackmail. That is all it is - pure and simple.

  17. I guess its now up to the NAACP to find employment for the African Americans of this country. Maybe they need to start trying to help employee the millions of AA that are not working instead of focusing on one guy. His unemployment has NOTHING to do with race. Now it is and the race card played. Why can't the NAACP accept that this pathetic unpatriotic unemployed football player made a huge mistake in choosing his platform to push his agenda. Hey Kaep, go get your free food cards and buy all the steaks and seafood you want. Stay unemployed, you can now live for free like the rest.

  18. I'm not a huge fan of the NFL but i support them now.

  19. He wants US dollars but he feels he can disrespect the US flag. Well a lot of us fans are disrespecting the NFL because the team owners and Head Coach / Managers are allowing this disrespect. Him or any one else who boycotts the National Anthem does not deserve any type of respect. He was offered a job and refused it. Tough luck for him. He does not deserve to have a contract.

  20. Good!!! Don't sign him. Screw the NFL's brand of repetitive football.

    College football is where the action is anyway.

  21. They DEMAND? Who the hell do they think they are ? 17% of the population with 95% with a criminal record. Screw them!

  22. I thought some teams did express interest, as a back up QB and he did not want that, so whats the problem.

    1. 3:48 Thank you, he has actually had several offers but has turned them down. Now why did he turn them down and why are the teams not aloud to discuss the offers?

  23. He chose to not stand during our National Anthem and that's his right, his freedom living in America. But when we make such choices, we must realize there may be consequences that follow. The NFL teams also have the right to choose who to hire or not to hire. So far, they are choosing not to hire Kaepernick. His decision is now producing the consequences.

  24. He already turned down offers, hoping to get more money with this fake pity party. So yea, go ahead and boycott because what 3:06 PM said is true and they are just screwing themselves. Let's do it and give them just what they wanted.

  25. "Anonymous said...

    so the one organization that supposedly only represent colored folk is going to war against the one entity that is responsible for more colored millionaires than any other entity? interesting. So what happens when the white folks decide to spend their time and money elsewhere? be careful what you ask for you might just get it!

    August 21, 2017 at 3:06 PM"

    LOL I know right-NAACP real Einsteins aren't they?

  26. I say if the NAACP truly support him then they should pay him what he was making.

  27. I beat them to it. I started boycotting last year. I don't watch football any longer and probably never will again. Hope there is no season and they all lose their salaries.
    For my part, football can be completely dissolved from society. As can the NBA.

  28. Hey. He could move to salisbury and run for mayor. I'm sure he is liked a little more then Jake is.

  29. This is like boycotting a grocery store since my kid chose to not eat. He left his job opportunities by "opting out" of his contract. This is all his choice and therefore his fault in which he has to live with it. It's so sad to see how society is more concerned with the bad choices some spoiled rich adult made about playing a game. This is just nonsense. Grow up America. Go volunteer at a nursing home and hospital where there is a greater need to take care of those who are truly suffering and can't do anything about it. Not watching a televised game won't make a difference. Spending time with those that are really in need will make a difference and you'll feel better paying it forward instead of crying about the ludicrous actions of an athlete that just doesn't get it.

    1. World Grease you are 1000% spot on 👍🏻

  30. Kaepernick is disgusting to us. We don't cower to demands from a racist organization.

  31. He is not worth all the conversations about him. Useless waste of space. Who cares who they boycott either. Remember they boycotted ocean city md. But no one even noticed. Less thugs places they boycott maybe. Sounds like a win to me.

  32. I hope they do boycott the NFL. I would love to hear about all black players quiting in solidarity. I won't be watching anyway! Boycott the NFL. Who needs it?

  33. This will only hurt the players and it's 70 percent black. Too funny. I feel like everything I read is a parody

  34. I like World Grease's comment. Let's try to make the world a better place.

  35. The "shield" has yet to back down to any demands. Plus the last time I checked, the 32 white owners say/do what they want!!

    Keep cryin NAACP - the NFL isn't listening!

  36. A large percentage of these clowns can't afford to boycott anything. Between child support and the ridiculous money wasted on cars and cribs their in up to their eyeballs

  37. I can't support a group that still uses the phrase "colored people"

  38. This is about killing football by pissing off fans so they tune out...it's systematic.

  39. 8:02 AM - I'm with you on that one. Tearing down statues is unfair if organizations like this one continue to keep antiquated titles that perpetuate antiquated thinking. To call a person "negro" is an insult and even a racist crime by today's progressive standards, yet there it is, doing quiet race baiting in the NAACP's name.

  40. 70 percent all black players. I think the league needs more diversity. NAACP is fighting for a former player who quit and made 118 million dollars not including endorsements. I personally think NAACP could be fighting for other things.. considering kap isn't Black I do give a tip of the hat to NAACP.

  41. Funny because Kaepenick isn't black. He's a mulatto raised by a rich white family.

  42. I'm going to start watching bowling and ice skating on sundays.

  43. K-Boy has had one too many concussions...

  44. Boycott those little cry baby fools. Low I Q scum.

  45. That right there is rich! A black only organization boycotting a sport comprised of predominately black athletes. BLM!


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