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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Save Dumser's on the Inlet and Nathan's Building in Ocean City, MD

For continuing information about this issue, please visit the support page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/110530229621367/

Our goals we wish to achieve:

1. That the Town of Ocean City not require Nathans or Dumser's to vacate the property on October 31

2. That the Town of Ocean City not require that the Nathans' building be removed or demolished.

3. That the Town of Ocean City concede that Nathans is the owner of the land on which its building sits by virtue of its continuous possession thereof for one hundred five (105) years, just as the Maryland Appellate Courts have already decided that Windsor Resorts, Inc.owns its property located just south of the Nathans' property.
This petition will be delivered to:
Mayor and City Council of Ocean City


  1. Just a money grab by the Town mayor.

  2. Why do we allow the local government or any government to be in the real estate business ? They don't have the brains or the know how to do this .

  3. its a money grab by all involved. who gives a rats ass about oc or any of the greedy business owners who live there part time? what? they may not import any more foreign workers?

  4. The government should own nothing .

    1. Yep, falls under the 5th Amendment of the person who owns it

  5. The Mayor IS a real estate agent!

  6. Do you have to be a registered voter in Ocean City to sign this petition?

  7. This is crap.... an agreement is an agreement. Get over yourself Nathan and Assoc and Dumsers. They are the ones trying to do a money grab here by playing at your heart strings. Oh poor Dumsers... cry me a river. Guess they should have planned ahead a little better for the end of the agreement. Didn't have their ducks in a row, if they did, they would have made this plea before the agreement ended. Deparate attempt for more $$$. It isn't Dumser's only location... go walk off some of those calories from the ice cream and go to the next Dumsers building.

  8. Ocean city sucks I'd rather go to just about any other beach.

  9. Screw them! Ocean City is a pit of sin!

  10. 9:26 They made their plea to the court and lost.

    That should be the end of it. They are the one trying to steal this very valuable land.

    They have known all along that the land was not theirs and the building would need torn down at the end of the lease.

    Instead of arranging a new lease they decided to try to steal the land.

    Glad the court saw past it.

    Right or wrong OC is the owner of the land. The legal owner.

    1. And in the best interest of the taxpayer, OC deserves the income

    2. 1:31. Well said

  11. All the land in O.C. belongs to the Atlantic ocean.Sooner or later she's gonna want it back.

    1. Glad someone realizes that a hurricane made it and one day a hurricane will take it away.

  12. Rick Meehan should be sued by the voters of OC for giving away the Caroline St. comfort station to the homeless who use it as their base of operations to continually harass residents and vacationers and violate local ordinances on a constant basis. It was ours, he gave it away, and he should reimburse us. AND NOW he can't negotiate a fair settlement on the Nathan's building? What a liberal crook!

  13. Thanks for the reminder that the citizens are not in charge and that everything belongs to big government...Not they way it was intended.

  14. "Anonymous said...

    Rick Meehan should be sued by the voters of OC for giving away the Caroline St. comfort station to the homeless who use it as their base of operations to continually harass residents and vacationers and violate local ordinances on a constant basis. It was ours, he gave it away, and he should reimburse us. AND NOW he can't negotiate a fair settlement on the Nathan's building? What a liberal crook!

    August 20, 2017 at 2:42 PM"

    And making all those homeless camps they call "parks" in OC. You can't even talk a walk in them. Smells like piss.

  15. Some of these posts are downright silly. Meheen didn't even exist when these "deals" were struck so he certainly should not be considered an "expert". Caroline comfort station? Where is that? This morning, the South Division St station was opened (by the Maintenance crew) without putting any bathroom tissue in there. Shore Transit already arrives with their domestic workers locked out of the Park N Ride bathroom. What good is it to greet them with a bathroom with toilet paper. This is no better than slave treatment except that OC employees experience this too. No toilet paper? C'mon....

    As for the homeless, you can not even find a place to sit at South Division St because there's so much crap on the benches from the homeless. In fact, the restroom there was pushing 90 degrees while the bathroom "booth" was treated to a Karate kick. No toilet paper, too much heat, and a restroom that looks like it was built in a war zone. Nobody in OC cares.

  16. I'm sure Ocean City didn't mind the taxes and surcharges on this business all these years.

  17. If I remember from business law, the precedent of egress and regress may be at play here. In that decision , the Supreme Court ruled that if a property has been used by the public for a certain length of time, with no objections from the owner, then that property may be deemed to have been changed for he purposes of those using it. It's common for a road or driveway that passes over someone else's property.
    If the owners are the town of ocean city, it may be possible that the 'users' of the property may have a case here.
    I hope they find a good constitutional law attorney and fight this.
    I'm not an attorney but I did stay in a holiday inn express last night.

  18. Adverse possession requires only 20 years. & YES it's a legal avenue/entity for the owners to pursue.

  19. 8:28: Isn't that adverse possession?

  20. Wow.
    We are supposed to SUPPORT people who charge us TWENTY DOLLARS for french fries?
    That family has enough money to spend most of the year on vacation in Florida.
    Buy another property.
    It seems a lot like a renter who, at the end of his lease, cries a river about "what am I going to do!!?". What to do??
    Plan ahead better.
    I guess snowflakes aren't confined to the younger generation.
    Keep cheering.

    1. Dumsers is the ice cream place, you are thinking of Thrashers.

  21. Land is owned by the town, who also employees the town real estate agent (MAYOR), who will NEVER EVER allow all owners to be registered voters. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Status Quo, not to mention all attention ends from Sept to April each calendar year anyway. "Git used to it!"

  22. City FAIL behind this too, not a surprise at all! Just like 1130 mentioned, after Labor Day City FAIL can look forward to quiet time until early/Mid April.

    Sad what they get away with, MD summertime cash cow and yet little money to show for it! 20th Century leaders in the 21st Century = nothing but mixed signals!

  23. It's a ice cream shop folks, not a hospital. Amazing how the millionaire owners of the business and the millionaire leassors are getting the public to join in their fight to continue to make millions off of the tourists visiting OC, with land that belongs to neither of them..


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