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Sunday, August 27, 2017

What's Happening 8-24-17

Time to let everyone know what is going on in the area!  The good, the bad and the ugly


  1. Looking forward to beautiful weekend mid 70's

  2. Good...POTUS



  3. The bad is 3rd grade students soon at east salisbury school might have heat strokes because no ac on 2nd floor and nothing has been done

    1. I know what you mean ive complained about this for years and like you said nothing has been done

    2. County Executive Culver Included $1 Million dollars to put AC in the upper level of the building at east salisbury in his budget

  4. 2:01 We didn't have any AC when I went to Wico schools.

  5. Open the windows. I remember back in my day we had no AC, walked up hill in the snow 3 miles barefoot with buzzards attacking us just to get to school!

  6. But getting free breakfast and lunch,should be okay

  7. Tired of paying so many taxes in my small business and loads of people around town with EBT cards not working.

  8. They sure have jacked up the prices at the "new and improved" Salvation Army store! Do they really think anybody is going to pay 7 bucks for a second hand shirt?! 5 bucks for a used book?! How do they expect people who don't have much money to spend to pay these crazy-ass prices? They have tried to turn what was a nice thrift store into some sort of fancy-pants jookie joint. Their main concern now seems to be making lots of loot, not helping people on a tight budget. Just like the change that happened not so many years ago at that rotten goodwill store up the street.....money-money-money-money! That's all they care about now.

  9. going to buy a building on boardwalk from peck miller later

  10. I don't recall a/c on any floor when I went to school. I have a 98 year old relative that has a/c and doesn't use it, not because of cost but because she doesn't like or want it in her home. Same goes for my father. You would think a child could go without it for a short time. Maybe they can check to see if have a app on their cell phone that blows cool air through their speaker.

  11. Not only did we not have air conditioning, but we couldn't wear shorts like they can now!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:01 We didn't have any AC when I went to Wico schools.

    August 24, 2017 at 2:16 PM

    I didn't either. We were so glad when they brought one of those stand-up fans and blew the hot air around lol. When they built a new addition it had ac and we would always walk through there when we changed classes.

  13. Eclipse was a warning 40 days and 40 nights of calamities hurricane in Texas the beginning,wall street banks warning be prepared my friends.

  14. Bunch of coddled pansies asking for air conditioning. Put on your big boy/girl panties and deal with it. It will get you used to your future job of working the drive through at McDonalds. With the window opening and closing it gets hot in here too!!! Air conditioning is for sissies.

  15. Just like the change that happened not so many years ago at that rotten goodwill store up the street.....money-money-money-money! That's all they care about now.

    August 24, 2017 at 4:06 PM

    America=Capitalism. That's what this country has ALWAYS been about, money.

    I don't frequent this store but if they are to help people they would need money to do so, no? I'm sorry you can't afford a used tee shirt for 7 bucks or a used book for 5. I hope things get better for you.

    I'm not sure but are they exempt from paying taxes?

  16. Were losing out brand new home to forclosure after purchasing it from Malone Homes in Parsonsburg. Every heavy rain we get our home is under water. Don't recommend buying a home from the builder in that area at least.

  17. Is BBQ chicken to help volunteer firefighters! 800 Snow Hill Road happening this weekend? If so,...

  18. 9:18

  19. 4:06 PM, Halo on Snow Hill Road not much better. Was in there today and they have certainly upped their prices for their not so good stuff.

  20. 7:19 PM...very good point. I didn't think of that.


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