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Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Saw this pulling out of SPD about 10 this morning.


  1. New meter maids vehicle

  2. Donut run!

    That is one way to take out the dirt bikes.

  3. Going to Pakistan? Or maybe this is Pakistan

  4. Is that going to chase down the thug dirt bikes ?

  5. Pizza delivery. They stay hot in the specialty made oven in the back..... Cool Barbs

  6. New Thug Pizza delivery truck.

  7. Just more "it was free so we accepted it". Of course, there's no money budgeted to maintain it as usual so it can be stored with the fireboat.

  8. After dirt bikes or breakfast run?

  9. Old ranger military patrol car.

  10. Someone please explain to me why a bunch of half baked wanna be cops need something like that? This isn't a war zone. If they did their job rather than pretending to do it, we wouldn't have half the violence we do.

  11. That thing looks like kindergarten class put it together.

  12. It's not like we have riots anymore,police ambushed or violent mobs. I personally like it better when there are no cops working.

  13. That's the new Good Humor Ice Cream truck.

  14. Anyone know what that thing is and what it is used for?

  15. Looks like somebody forgot about the back door.

  16. Headed to Jeep Jam in OC??


  17. 3:26 wins the comments; 3:29 gets honorable mention!

  18. Glorified golf cart!

  19. This unit gets regular maintenance runs like any other SPD and SFD vehicles on a regular basis.

  20. AWWW... Widdle Jakey Day had to go out and by a midget military vehicle so he can compete with Sheriff Lewis.

    Well Jake Day I highly doubt the Governor will be calling on you for the little Turd Buggy!

    I hope those poor police officers are embarrassed driving that ugly thing.

  21. It was heading to Texas to help out...

  22. I've had one of those for about 3 years; I use it to haul out dead chickens from the chicken house to the composter.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Someone please explain to me why a bunch of half baked wanna be cops need something like that? This isn't a war zone. If they did their job rather than pretending to do it, we wouldn't have half the violence we do.

    August 25, 2017 at 4:02 PM

    "This isn't a war zone."

    You are an idiot! This is a war zone!

  24. Anonymous said...
    Headed to Jeep Jam in OC??

    August 25, 2017 at 5:45 PM

    Is it a Jeep?

  25. Anonymous said...
    It's not like we have riots anymore,police ambushed or violent mobs. I personally like it better when there are no cops working.

    August 25, 2017 at 4:55 PM

    Well guess what. You can go somewhere else to live in your littler Fairy Tale world because I prefer the cops to be working, just need to do their damn jobs.

  26. Anonymous said...
    This unit gets regular maintenance runs like any other SPD and SFD vehicles on a regular basis.

    August 25, 2017 at 11:07 PM

    Do you think the new Emergency Vehicle Techician mechanic from the Salisbury Fire Department will get to be it's primary mechanic?

  27. Anonymous said...
    It was heading to Texas to help out...

    August 26, 2017 at 8:39 AM

    I heard the Salisbury Fire Boat 1 has been dispatched to respond to Texas for the flooding. Maybe it can tow Fire Boat 1, the $$ Million Dollar S.S. Slick Rick Hopeless!

  28. "I heard the Salisbury Fire Boat 1 has been dispatched to respond to Texas..."

    The Salisbury fire boat is out of commission with corrosion problems again. estimated repair time is 3-6 months.

  29. You people can crack fun all you want because its clear you missed the point. Riot armored vehicles in Salisbury? What are they gearing up for?

  30. Maybe they are preparing for WHEN it IS a War Zone?
    Ever think of that?

    You don't realize the government prepares first, then creates the situations it desires to exist, and uses its weapons against the enemy? Hint: WE are the enemy.

    Get a clue.

    All of the terror events are orchestrated by the intelligence agencies.

  31. But remember folks, Cops are here to help you, so you shouldn't mention their illegal acts they commit on the populous!!! Remember, if you followed the illegal orders of cops always, they wouldn't have to abuse you, beat you or out right murder you... Remember it is always your fault for why cops commit crimes, illegal acts, and egregious things towards people... It is never their fault and according to the ass cheek sucking cop lovers, they should never be held accountable, never!!!! Even if they do break the law themselves!!!!

  32. Gov't SURPLUS !!! from the Feds
    Two Tanks on order too !!! coming soon !!!

  33. Apparently didn't come with air conditioning!


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