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Sunday, August 27, 2017

BACKFIRE: Major NASCAR Sponsor Tells Trump Supporters To Shop Elsewhere — Racing Legend Vows To Cancel $150,000 Order

Marcus Lemonis, the CEO of Camping World, doesn't want anyone who supports Donald Trump to shop at any of his 120 stores across America.

Following the very fake news reports that President Trump had somehow supported white supremacists in Virginia, Lemonis said he had had enough.

"There’s no doubt that there is probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple days — and if they are, frankly, don’t shop at my business," Lemonis said last week in an appearance on CNBC.



  1. Screw him.


  2. IIRC this guy bought the Gander Mountain name and locations but not the inventory, which was being hawked by a liquidator firm.

    His plan was to blend his camper business with Gander's customer base, goods and locations.

    Wouldn't want this wealthy snowflake to be unhappy because I support our president so I'll be happy to steer well away from stores, wherever they are or whatever they're called. Think a financial spanking might help his perspective.

  3. Amen...boycott the fool and his business.

  4. Wow. I always liked seeing mark Martin win. I'm still a huge NASCAR Fan. Mark Martin is no longer an important part of the sport. And he just became the Colin Kapernick(sic) of NASCAR. I just lost all respect for Martin. Canceling the order was the right thing. Not sucking up and re-ordering that RV. Take a trip to Canada Mark, stay there.
    Sad, I thought NASCAR was better than this. NASCAR better be very careful. Their biggest fan base, those of us that are left who watch!... is North Carolina, and the south. And we will drop them fast if they get into this political crap on the alt-left..

  5. Go to Camping World's website and select "contact us". There is a selection to send them a comment. And I did....you should. Let them know this comment was stupid and not in line with the views of many of his customers. Then stay away from Camping World and it's subsidiaries.

  6. Like Michael Jordan allegedly once said why he never backed any politician.....
    Democrats and Republicans both buy sneakers. Loomis needs a lesson it appears. I'll give him one. See ya!

  7. @826. That is not Mark Martin.

    1. Yes 9:12, 8:26 is correct. Martin canceled his order from Camping world then got a call from this A$$ Lemonis. Martin then reordered his RV because he is weak and pathetic.

  8. 8:26, what the hell are you smoking

  9. That is not what he said,he said hate is hate and there is no place for it in our society and has been attacked for saying that.

  10. Not the brightest ceo ever. Now lets see what the stock holders think.

  11. no camping world around here so this shouldn't be a problem boycotting! to funny!

    1. There is always the Internet 7:57.

  12. That dude just lost most NASCAR fans,BUT I agree with you 7:45 SCREW him.

  13. Does this make you think their new store in Salisbury is doom to fail?

  14. Amazing how some of the rich love to sign their own business death certificates!

    "What an maroon, what an ignoranimus!" (ala bugs bunny!)

  15. Gander mountain building in Salisbury will be vacant....groups didn't come together on a lease agreement...now you Know

  16. Can you say Bass Pro.

  17. Well who is going to shop at his stores, the lefty snow flakes only have college debit and no money.

  18. Gander may be yours but in my town Trump is a hero. You just wanted face time with the media. Is your attitude something like this. - I won't sell you my goods because your are black, Jewish, old, gay. I could go on. Move forward not 2steps or more backward in civil rights. Thank God I don't need your junk.


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