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Sunday, August 27, 2017

TV producer files suit against Punkin Chunkin, farm owner, TV network and state

A television producer, who was severely injured when a cannon misfired during last year’s Punkin Chunkin event, has filed suit in federal court in Wilmington.

Suzanne Dakessian’s wide-ranging suit lists organizers of the event, the owners of the farm where the fall Punkin Chunkin was held, cable network operator Discovery Communications and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources. DNREC inspected the cannon.

The suit seeks a jury trial.

Dakessian was working for a production company that was taping the event for broadcast on one of Discovery’s channels.



  1. All these events I have attended there has always been signs posted , handouts or a receipt that states basically that you attend at your own risk. If you were around the equipment you had to have on safety gear. Appears she was the negligent one. Appears she wants something for nothing since she did not obey the rules of the event.

  2. If I was the farm owner, I would have stopped hosting this event after the last lawsuit.

  3. We were just discussing the other night whether someone would sue.

  4. 5:44, as correct as you are, this is the death knell for one of the greatest redneck sports in the USA. I do hope the jury sees the liability is on the attendees and not the event itself.

    Lesson for all; If you want to go where rednecks are going to say, "Hey! Watch this!", you are there at your own risk.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All these events I have attended there has always been signs posted , handouts or a receipt that states basically that you attend at your own risk. If you were around the equipment you had to have on safety gear. Appears she was the negligent one. Appears she wants something for nothing since she did not obey the rules of the event.

    August 21, 2017 at 5:44 PM

    I would assume (yeah I know so don't bother) that the participants in the lawsuit would still have to utilize due care in hosting the event, in a court of law especially. Not all laws on the books coincide with what people may think and may even be contrary to common sense, but they are the LAW.

  6. Greed only. I feel sorry for the farmer.

  7. Thank God we have Lawyers from NY to handle cases like this. I mean how in the world would we survive with out having these greedy worthless people sucking the life out of us. It could never be at anyone else risk or fault, always the person who has deepest pockets.

    With out Lawyers, WHERE would this country be? I mean really without Lawyers every where in every country, the world would be lost.

    Thank God we have lawyers.

  8. With out Lawyers, WHERE would this country be? I mean really without Lawyers every where in every country, the world would be lost.
    Thank God we have lawyers.

    August 21, 2017 at 6:51 PM

    Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 25 were lawyers. Of the 55 framers of the Constitution, 32 were lawyers.

    WE, American citizens, might still be English subjects without lawyers.

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So don't blame lawyers if anyone does not take due diligence in educating themselves what the law is and protect themselves accordingly.

    They put themselves at risk and at fault, if that's what the court decides.

  9. Better hope I don't get picked for the Jury, the way they were that day was awful how this guy was treated.

    1. You don't know what you are talking about 7:34.

  10. I'm curious to know exactly what happened, does anyone know where I can find out?

  11. that's why she's suing the state and discovery channel, they got deep pockets. Who wants to be a millionaire?

  12. What a shame. Greed is one of those sins. See ya in hell 🔥

  13. DNREC inspected them? Are they qualified to inspect cannons?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You don't know what you are talking about 7:34.

    August 21, 2017 at 9:22 PM

    So why don't you tell us what HE is talking about?

  15. The law office that drew up the waiver should be sued if her lawsuit is successful.She was among those who signed a form stating that Punkin Chunkin would not be held responsible in the event of an injury.If that agreement is not honored in court the law office should pay the amount awarded.

  16. In cases like this sometimes even if you go to court and win, you still lose. That is why there will probably be some sort of out of court settlement to make this case go away. We will see what happens. I remember the early years of 'chunkin and it turned into something that's not so much fun anymore.

  17. The only parties that will prevail will be the lawyers on both sides

  18. The entire event has gotten out of control. 1000's of people around Mechanized Machines made by people not knowing what they are doing, to shoot pumpkins. Recipe for disaster. And now they have what is a bad situation. This event is out of control. Time for it to be a thing of the past.
    Eating 70 hot dogs doesn't hurt anyone but yourself. Mechanized firing of pumpkins with junk equipment, around 1000's of people was and is dangerous. Someone, an innocent bystander, will be hurt again, or killed if this continues.

  19. Can we just go from cannons to marshmallow launchers?

    You know, to be "safe" and all. What is it about danger and risk that these snowballs don't get?
    The possibility that you can die is appealing and escaping death is even more exhilarating. Punkin Chunkin isn't Motocross but things can still happen.
    Let the pansies play checkers. Or dress-up.

    Leave the rest of us alone.
    I hope I'm on the jury.

  20. For a woman with half a brain, she sure found some high powered legal representation to go after some big bucks (deep pockets). Her lawyers are going to make a fortune off of her case. And she will still have a half of a brain, and a ton of money that a guardian will have to spend for her. All the money in the world is not going to give that woman her life, as it was before she was injured, back.


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