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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Missouri Senator Who Said "I Hope Trump Is Assassinated" Refuses To Resign

The Missouri State Senator who published a Facebook post calling for President Donald Trump’s assassination is refusing to resign despite finding herself in hot water with both the Secret Service and her fellow Democrats, according to the Kansas City Star.

In her response, State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal struck what the newspaper described as a “defiant” tone, saying that she published the post out of “anger and frustration” after President Donald Trump said “both sides” were to blame for an attack in Charlottesville Va. last weekend that killed one counter-protester and injured more than 20 others. She explained that it would be hypocritical for her to be punished for her speech when Trump makes similarly offensive comments on a regular basis.

“Out of anger and frustration, I said something that could have been reframed,” she said. “And I refuse to shy away from the hypocrisy and chaos our country is enduring under Trump.”

Somewhat ironically, Chappelle-Nadal accused the White House of “traumatizing” people of color, saying in a tweet that “when (people of color) are respected by this (White House) & they are willing to do real work, I’ll sit down with them. People are traumatized!”



  1. This is BS...she may call it the heat of the moment but this is sedition pure and simple. This type of recklessness can not and must not be tolerated; she should be censored at least and I think fully investigated by the FBI and not given a choice to resign. She should be summarily dismissed and prosecuted.

    1. Agree 7:42.
      There is no "heat of the moment" when you type=written word.

  2. She only apologized so she could keep her seat...Maybe.
    I don't see where current admin. officials are against poc.

  3. The hypocrisy is all the racial tension stirred up by our first "black" president.

  4. Typical!
    No accountability.
    Pathetic waste of flesh.

  5. How dare a president tell the truth without a liberal wanting instant death. Democrats are Sociopaths because they either say this crap or agree with it.

  6. The theme of "People of Color" being "traumatized" by the White House is completely manufactured by the Left. it's all baloney.

  7. If your skin isn't black, you can't judge if they are traumatized. Their feelings are just as valid as yours even if they are different.

  8. All the "trauma" out there is completely self-induced. No person on the right is traumatizing anyone.

    You cannot be a leader or a representative and call out for murderous actions.

    You're fired, and should go to jail and serve lots of time.

  9. Just part of the swamp that WILL be drained in time!

  10. Well, Dammit Ms. Chappelle-Nadal, I happen to be white and I am 'traumatized' by your statement. Take the high road now that you have opened your unthinking mouth. RESIGN!

  11. I am white and I feel traumatized by all the black BS
    Show me hoe this white house is against POC
    Please just give me one example before the civil war begins
    You want to talk trauma. Wait till the shooting starts.

  12. 8:58 AM, High Road? This trash does not know the meaning of take the high road let alone take it.

  13. The new law in America,you get to choose your own punishment. No accountability she should be removed from office.

  14. 7:43 the same black president that many people said the same thing about. I've even read threats to Obama's life on this very blog. I am not an Obama fan but you need to call out what needs callin out.

    1. Name ONE senator that did this to obama? Or ANY elected official? Or ANY LAW MAKER that did this to obama!!

  15. She should resign. She is a representative of her state and she is upheld by a higher standard because of this.

  16. She needs to resign so I can say BYE FELICIA!


  17. I wonder if this crap starts on the local level and goes to the top or is it true it runs down hill?

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She only apologized so she could keep her seat...Maybe.
    I don't see where current admin. officials are against poc.

    August 21, 2017 at 7:42 AM

    She HASN'T apologized. If you read the article it even states she REFUSED to apologize TWICE.

  19. 7:25
    eventually she did.

  20. 7:25 pm
    you haven't been keeping up...read the most recent news


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