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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hogan: MD Flag Won't Change As Long As He Is Governor


  1. Wise move on your part govenor.

  2. Just wait. When the snowflake sjw's start crying and attacking people he will knuckle under.

  3. The Maryland State Flag is distinctive among all state flags. It's historical origin defines the founding of Maryland. It has nothing to do with the Civil War or white supremacy.

  4. Until the next blm or antifa riot

  5. are we sure about that?? maybe his wife will start talking in his ear that the flag is racist, or the state song...
    what's next, Smith Island cakes are a white thing???
    Or the name Chesapeake is disparaging to Indians... excuse me, Indigenous People

  6. Find a pair Larry?

  7. Nothing he can do now to get my vote back.

  8. Fun Fact the Maryland State Flag is one of only 3 in the country that does not feature the color blue.

  9. Instead of changing the flag > change the political Party !
    Make MD a Republican State !!!!

  10. The Maryland Flag is from the flags of the Calverts and related families. The Calverts are the ones who stole Maryland from Virginia back in the early 1600's.
    As a Virginia resident I am offended and traumatized every time I see the Maryland Flag. It should go.


  11. Good to hear from Governor RubberBackBone on this topic. Feel so much better now.

  12. Hogan does not like the criticism he has been taking and now he will publicly change his wording to try and get re-elected. He will never earn my vote again. I would rather leave the Governor box unmarked than vote for him. He has buckled on 90% of his campaign statements. At least I would know I am getting royally screwed at every turn with a Democrat instead of being bushwhacked by Hogan.

  13. No one wants our flag changed because it is the most beautiful in the nation. It's not going to change and I think it's smart of Hogan to suggest it might if he's not reelected. Beating Dems at their own games, love it.

  14. 11:07 your racist ways are evident in your comment. I just feel sorry for you. You think it's so hard to just call a Native American by the correct phrase. "People are too PC!" you probably say. You're just too lazy and your mind is too weak to re-learn anything.

    1. 1:29 And you're too sensitive 😁

  15. 12:52. You're a moron.

  16. But he takes down the statues. makes much sense.

  17. Appears there are comments on here that don't MD history. This symbols being removed from Statues to name changes should remind us how we have progressed but some of these comments proves they no nothing about history.

  18. Thank you governor. This subject is getting old with ridding of statues, songs, and flags. What's next...stop teaching history in school because it might offend someone?

  19. Well imagine that, he can actually do something right.

  20. "1:29 And you're too sensitive"

    No, just respectful of others.


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