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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The internet attacks Joel Osteen and his church for Harvey response. But here’s the full story.

The internet ripped Lakewood Church and its lead pastor, Joel Osteen, Monday for the church’s perceived lack of adequate response to Hurricane Harvey — but there’s much more to the story than what is being alleged by critics on social media.

Lakewood, Osteen, and a spokesperson for the church all responded Monday to the heavy criticism that accused the Houston megachurch — which can accommodate nearly 17,000 people — of not taking in Hurricane Harvey victims during a time of need.

Many on social media voiced disappointment at a Saturday tweet originating from Osteen’s Twitter account, which read, “Victoria & I are praying for everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey. Please join us as we pray for the safety of our Texas friends & family.”



  1. Oh no.. sweets. Children where have all the Cowboys gone. John wayne. Churcg open !

  2. more fake news.
    it takes a huge effort to pull off housing storm refugees.
    local churches that used to house the homeless men, before halo, took weeks to orchestrate it.
    cots, linens, food, meds, etc.
    staff, congregation, social workers, etc.

    unless emergency management is involved, no one can pull this off instantly.

    I don't like joel or his cult religion, but I have to side with him on this one.

  3. The good people always are judged, verbally attacked, etc. Very sad.

  4. 7:49

    Get off the opioids and out of mommy's basement!

  5. 749 AND turn off that TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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