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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

2 Far-Right Rallies In Bay Area Fizzle While Counterprotesters Rejoice

It was all, in effect, over before it even began.

In the face of overwhelming popular and political opposition, a far-right activist canceled a press conference hastily scheduled for Saturday afternoon that some feared would provoke violent confrontations in the heart of San Francisco. This came less than 18 hours after organizers also called off two highly publicized right-wing rallies planned for the Bay Area this weekend.

Counterprotesters arrived Saturday morning prepared to rebuke their opponents with signs and slogans. When the press conference never materialized, the crowds — relishing the turn of events — simply celebrated en masse.



  1. What a shame to let the far left wing nuts, BLM and Antifa win again. White people have turned into a bunch of damn cowards who pretend they don't watch CNN and MSNBC, but they seem to believe everything they are told by the Lame Stream Media.

  2. I wonder if they still get paid by Soro's or this is a freebie!!


  3. Why would anybody be stupid enough to think there was such a thing as
    'free speech' in San Francisco??


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