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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Teacher Calls Students Racist… She Shows Up to a Class to Find a Specially “Decorated” Room

This teacher disparaged Trump all year long, and called people supported him “racists” including her own students. When they’d finally had enough of her crap, they decided to decorate her classroom in a way only she would appreciate.

In true victim/drama queen fashion, she decided to film a video in which she lamented how her students treated her following a year of political bullying.



  1. LOL - at least they have a sense of humor if it was the other way around there would be violence. Notice teacher is going to black teachers meeting and her use of the language is below any teacher I ever had. I am quite sure she was rejoicing when Obummer was president

  2. What a poor excuse for a teacher. Can't even speak proper English. Then people wonder why kids don't learn anything in school. This so called "teacher" is a perfect example of why they don't

  3. This is the kind of grammatically challenged idiots we have teaching our kids

  4. Dumming down of America! Sad time when that's what's teaching your kids.

  5. Mmm , UMES graduate , dumb as a brick.

  6. Wow. She is not going to cuss because she is at work. Such class.

  7. I would be racist if I had to attend that dummies class. I sure she gets plenty of idea's in the black group she spoke of. What a fat waste.

  8. She is a teacher and says "I'm a gonna be". Fine example of a teacher.


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