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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Salisbury Independent Volunteer Fire Co.1 Station 13

Salisbury Independent Volunteer Fire Co.1 Station 13

We want to take a moment and clarify the truth to the public. Sometimes, news media outlets will provide inaccurate information and lead to false conclusions. 

Recently, the disappointment in the reporting by WBOC TV 16 Delmarva's News Leader has led to this. Our company and it's members have not given up on our dedication to serve the public. The assumptions of WBOC-TV that our company has reached the end and that station 13 will not exist is not only misleading, but is 100% false. It is obvious that their lack of due diligence in finding the facts and reporting the facts, shows their one sided support to the city of Salisbury in what could be conceived as a politically fueled race of personal agendas between certain individuals of the County Council and City officials, to include the Mayor. 

These dirty back door political deals need to come to an end. These officials were elected to represent the public and what the public desires. They were not elected to pursue what they desire themselves. We expect these elected officials to live up to the definition of integrity, stop the lies, stop the backdoor deals, and provide a safer community to the public. The community in which we have served since 1986 has shown their support to us, and we will continue to show our dedication to continue serving them. Our legal team is working diligently on assessing the fire service agreement and it's current legality given recent events. It is our intention to continue moving forward with serving our community and improving the public safety of Wicomico County. The cost of improving public safety should be in a proactive manner, not reactive. The goal is to prevent the loss of life, not wait to justify the cost after someone's life is lost. 

We are asking you as the public, to contact John Cannon, County Council President, and all of the Wicomico County Council. You need to inform them that you are not willing to be a statistic. Tell them that you are not willing to have your family member be the one that loses their life to justify better funding and increased fire/EMS public safety. Maybe now they will listen to you since the council members of The City of Salisbury seem to think this is a joking matter. Don't let your life be a choice or a joke to those you elected.


  1. They had an assignment and CHOOSE to vacate that assignment....don't need the expense of another fire company pulling County funds!!!!! County Council needs to stick with their ruling.

  2. Agreed this is a waste of time now. The councils both city and county along with the departments involved have business to handle. This thing has wasted enough time. Sell
    Your stuff and move on so you can pay your bills

  3. Seems this company has a ton of support except the council

  4. I suggest people that want to bad mouth this company to do so on their Facebook page so your name is beside it . All I see is support for this company on there Facebook post with this same letter. I fully support them and I will be a resident they serve .

    Sherry Clark

  5. I support the VOLUNTEERS, who ultimately will save the County tax dollars not to mention LIVES. Volunteers do their job out of heart and dedication - not for a paycheck and benefits. You won't see them riding around Salisbury in equipment costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to pick up lunch every day. As far as Day and Cannon - they are losers who will be gone next election.

  6. I so wish Sta 1 made this move about 12 yrs or so ago when Sta 2 tried to succeed from the city. The problens of today existed back then too. We could be way past this if that had happened. Oh what could have been....

  7. If someone in my family does not receive timely care or dies as a result of not having adequate Fire/EMS coverage due to the missteps of Day and Cannon, I will use every resource I have to sue them personally as well as the City and County. I'm sure there are plenty of attorneys who would love to take on a case like that and find a way to sue them, regardless of any shield laws. I will also make sure that there is a massive media campaign naming names. I've had it with their games and stupidity. This is not a joking matter and they are too ignorant of the fire service to be making these decisions.

  8. Sta 2 needs to get involved with 13 cause rick is about to push you out 2

  9. Station 2 needs to leave to

  10. This is a CONTRACT between City, County, and Fire associations signed under false promises, last minute changes, and dirty dealings behind backs and we the People have written our support for #13 many times over. The only people who can change this are the lawyers now, as it has become plainly apparent by the childish giggling of the City Council of Children and the boy mayor, at their meetings that they pulled a "fast one" and have no intention of caring what the Citizens wishes are in the least.
    Cannon and Company were in on the gig as well, and think they have pulled the wool over Bob Culver's eyes. Bob just wants what has been discussed and promised as the best thing for the Citizens, and that's a new district for Fire 13.

    Unfortunately, thanks to 12 a&&hat clowns, this will now cost the Taxpayers millions in legal fees for the upcoming battle.

    I'll make the popcorn...

  11. I support them 100% and feel the Public will be safer. All I see SFD & EMS do is ride around putting mileage on the equipment. I have seen This equipment respond across town when IMHO they should have been in the Station assigned to and respond from there. They would not be fighting traffic in this across town response to an accident. You say they were leaving a call and responded. I say flirting in a College housing area was not a call. As far as going to lunch at local eateries, The problem I have is they have a million dollar kitchen that any restaurant would die to have being unused and just about all eateries in Salisbury will deliver to them. Working 24hr shifts as they claim to do means they eat when they can. They do not have assigned lunch / breakfast / supper times. No other 24hr facility has that privilege. SFD is a bunch of whiners because they are losing funding because of their incompetence in managing operations and money wisely.

  12. John Cannon, the slum lord, will not listen to the public especially on this matter because he would benefit from insurance money if his rentals would burn to the ground. He would probably donate some to SFD if they were slow to respond. He could care less about the renters.

  13. Joe Holloway would be screaming to high heaven if Parsonsburg operated / responded in the manner that SFD operates.

  14. 6:12 Joe is a County Councilman...so are suggesting he and other members of the council spend county taxpayer funds so the City will be improved?????

  15. I support the volunteers.

  16. 649, I take exception to Joe Holloway, as I'm sure the vote among the council was a majority vote with some voting no. I would think Joe probably voted in a fashion that would include #13 on its arrival.

  17. Per the recent fire service agreement between the city and county the city is covering a substantial portion of the county outside of it's municipal boundaries. That scares me as a county resident because of how far they would have to travel to reach my house near the county line. On a good day it sometimes takes me 8-10 minutes to travel at the speed limit to get into Salisbury let alone to the closest of the three stations. A comprehensive review of the facts should be preformed and if a station is realistically unable to perform it's duties additional resources and substations should be proposed before life and liberty are removed from a fellow resident.

    1. But what you're not factoring is these clowns failed to get on the street 51% of the time. So 1 out of 2 times you're still getting a Salisbury Fire response, but now you won't have to wait 8 minutes for these clowns to scratch.

  18. 6:49 , that's exactly what he's doing.

  19. I've always had questions about how the purchase of major fire equipment was handled in the city budget. Always looked to me like there was some sort of unspoken plan.

  20. I support all volunteers , they are by far the best , I don't support the obama lovin butt breaths like Messick Jr. as a paid do nothing.

  21. Salisbury has always covered the Salisbury fire district and will continue to do so has nothing to do with city or county.

  22. Word has is Foskey put his business up for collateral plus sunk a load of his personal savings into funding this parade. I knew the guys was stupid but not that stupid.

    1. Why don't you just post your name so I can show you that's not true!

  23. Supporting volunteers is fine but this is not a volunteer issue it's about a group of unruly clowns who couldn't perform (well documented) and wouldn't perform that chose to run off and start their own clubhouse. The entire issue has nothing to do with public safety what so ever it's about doing what we want to do and not listening to the big bad fire chief.

  24. There is nothing misleading from 16 news it was very factual that there will be no new fire station. No one has asked for a new fire station, there is no need for a new station so there will not be a new station. Those volunteers walked away from a good thing where everything was provided for them all they had to do was train and respond to calls and they couldn't do that. However if it wasn't for Mr Paladore non of this would have transpired. The entire thing was dreamt up by him dragging the Foskey's and Elliots into it.

  25. I don't see how a group can go out and start another fire company because those involved are unhappy. If this were allowed there would a fire station on every corner. Who is going to pay for this firehouse or any other that pop up out of the blue? I have heard this exact thing is getting happen on the Maryland side of Delmar. Apparently there is an unhappy group there with a desire to open a Maryland side fire station stopping the Maryland/Wicomico funding from going to a Delaware station. I believe this to be true and don't see how anyone can stop such. Station is in Delaware getting Maryland funding plus Delaware funding talk about double dipping god. From my understanding this can happen very quickly and not one thing can be done to stop it.

    1. Agreed so you don't want to play by the operations manual or the rules so just pick up and go. The problem is the players involved has this unreal vision and they are distracting the public involved with scare tactics. You need us you're in danger etc. the city and the current surrounding companies have plans and tactics to cover incidents no matter what. What they don't need is a bunch of wanna be disgruntled renegades in the middle of this. Let the city and current companies manage this as they have in the past. The area is protected by competent able personnel . And at a 51% scratch or fail to respond rate this bunch of clowns is a terrible fiscal mistake and risk which would create a false sense of security for the citizens involved in this area. There are better uses of funds even if its donations people make. Leave things as they are. You wan to play fireman go somewhere else and do it, if anywhere else will have you including your self proclaimed "chief" . He's amazingly bold when he has someone standing behind him completely different animal when he's face to face on his own without what appeared to be a bodyguard or his boys behind him. A true leader is consistantly the same person. Not so much with this one.

  26. A portion of Station 2s volunteers are members of the wanna be station. I find it hard to believe that a chief volunteer officer at station 2 is a chief officer of the wannabe station. Hoppes is ok with it?

  27. 9:29 that's a complete and total lie.

  28. Chuck Foskey is a kind person that would help anyone out that was in need. It is sad to see him caught up in this unfortunate situation.

    1. He isn't in any situation. He hasn't funded that station in no manner.

  29. If there truly was a lot of support they could fund it and fight there legal battles....which is truly a no win situation, I know you want some kind of hope, but, it's not happening. Your leadership didn't think this through BEFORE you all pulled out. Now you are on a island with no where to go.

  30. Actually county fire chief voted to assign the current "station 1" territory to station 13 this was before the sign agreement between county and city. Thus the territory was station 13's. The agreement then changed the territory assignment thus, the fire chiefs have to approve this agreement.

  31. So true! The players aren't firemen either and that's a huge problem. I mean it's ok when you belong to a club play games wash your 4wd pickup at the firehouse but when you don't have firemen people will see it very fast. We've all seen it over and over they don't have firemen. They couldn't perform simple tasks on the fire ground so why show up if we have to do it anyway just stay home out of the way. Palidore is the worst of them all with some the antics I've seen this guy do and he is employed by a career fire department. He is a paramedic not a firemen so maybe that's why he do firemen stuff in Salisbury.

  32. How funny, almost all of these negative comments are from the exact same person. The 51% response was a lie. Even the so called Fire Chief of Salisbury admitted to it on recorded television at the county council meeting. It was his way to justify more career staffing. The fact is, the 1 volunteers had no issue with the career guys.

  33. So to all the ones that think they are not being lied to, the chief, mayor, and others say that another firehouse isn't needed in Salisbury (after station 1 volunteers leave as a whole) then, why does the fire chief have two new additional firehouses in his five year plan? One on the north end of Salisbury around target area and one.... oh where could it be? Oh I know, on the other side of bypass by shorebirds stadium. So, why were these firehouses needed in his eyes but, now no no no it's not needed?

    1. Because he's a progressive chief and is planning for the FUTURE hope they staff them career

    2. Then his opinion now would be regressive. How are new firehouses needed in his eyes before but, now they are not needed if they are volunteer? But, again you are just another paid man commenting on grown up conversations you clearly know nothing about. More career= more taxes or they could keep the same taxes and cut from somewhere else like schools right? See, when you have those career glasses on you can't see the big picture. Thus, progressive would mean to put new firehouses closer to the area that has the potential for new volunteers bringing more volunteers would have made his "Kentland wanna be" plan work better. Then, the need for more career wouldn't be there giving him a bigger budget and workforce to utilize. Look what I did there no ego and business sense to formulate a well thought out plan. Like let station 13 become keep the EMS area as I am sure they would let stay with the city. Give them small area outside the big revenue area to make them happy and use them for mutual aid. This would keep big money in city and station 13 funded to improve or obtain new equipment giving more resources closer to the city and formulate new working relationship? How is this not a win-win for the public?

    3. Or give them nothing and give the citizens the coverage they deserve and kill the ego of an out of control rebellious monster that was growing. Continue to progress and provide the best service without the hassles. Seems easy to me the right choice was made

  34. 12:19am

    I guess my wording didn't come through correctly.
    I was just stating that Chuck Foskey is a very kind and giving person.
    My statement was not saying that Mr. Foskey is funding any station.
    Just saying that he is a very kind person, and it is a shame that he is caught up in this mess that is going on.

  35. 2:17. Brilliant ! Whoever you are, run for office we need thinking people on office.

  36. 2:17 if they don't want to adhere to the standard and want to be trouble makers then it isn't regressive. Eliminate the issues and smooth out the operation. Think about this. How distracting and destructive has this group been... answer is a lot. The time they have used or that these jokers have absorbed clearly could've been applied elsewhere but they clogged the system causing a distraction. They, the station 1 or 13 or whatever they are have absorbed and wasted government budget money by being a ridiculous pain in the butt that the chief and chiefs had to take time to deal with. Maybe they should have to pay the bill for the time they wasted. Maybe they should pay their other outstanding bills as well.

    1. The distraction and destruction has been Hoppes and Day and paid fireman acting like spoiled brats. There is nothing wrong having another station in the county. Culver needs to step up the area is in the county so he has the final say in the matter not Day who is clearly over his head. And Hoppes don't get me started on him. They just want more money from the county as they can't manage their own finances. It's funny these guys were fine being members until you tried to screw them like you did 16 volunteers now you want to paint an ugly picture of them for your own agenda.

  37. Anonymous said...
    They had an assignment and CHOOSE to vacate that assignment....don't need the expense of another fire company pulling County funds!!!!! County Council needs to stick with their ruling.
    August 22, 2017 at 4:08 PM

    Ummmm! They were run out of the volunteers just like most of the volunteers at Station 2 and Station 16. This is obviously a paid farmin from the Salisbury Fire Department.

  38. Anonymous said...
    They had an assignment and CHOOSE to vacate that assignment....don't need the expense of another fire company pulling County funds!!!!! County Council needs to stick with their ruling.
    August 22, 2017 at 4:08 PM

    You either haven't been paying attention or you are intentionally trying to mislead the public.

    They are not another fire company so an additional expense will not be required. The Salisbury Fire Department is one department right now, not 3. The Salisbury Fire Department has a fire service agreement with the County and these are the Station 1 volunteers that have the original charter from 1986. Nothing has changed, they just relocated.

    1. No. They abandoned their duties. They failed to serve the citizens and couldn't meet the standards and threw their little tantrum and split.
      Sorry, the SFD just adapted to you not being there ( as usual since you weren't there when needed half the time anyway) and continues to serve ITS territory.
      You chose to leave the fire department. You were never firefighters anywsy, just t shirt wearers. Do the citizens a favor and just stay gone.

    2. They did not abandon their duties, they were locked out by the chief throwing his little temper tantrum like normal. To be a leader one must lead by example and if there was a faltering on anyone's watch then why did he not go to the station and he'll let alone his little chief in his clown car that kept riding by when needed?

  39. Anonymous said...
    Agreed this is a waste of time now. The councils both city and county along with the departments involved have business to handle. This thing has wasted enough time. Sell
    Your stuff and move on so you can pay your bills

    August 22, 2017 at 4:49 PM

    How do you know they have bills? Oh Wait. Must be a paid fireman who fears his own job security. Must be nice to get paid to sleep every night you work.

    1. No fear of my job at all just curious about the vendors you've used so far. Hope they get paid before what money you have dries up or gets spent

  40. Anonymous said...
    Seems this company has a ton of support except the council

    August 22, 2017 at 4:50 PM

    Council President John Cannon is in bed with Wannabe Mayor Jakey Boi Day. Jakey Boi was at Johnny Boi's wedding.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I support the VOLUNTEERS, who ultimately will save the County tax dollars not to mention LIVES. Volunteers do their job out of heart and dedication - not for a paycheck and benefits. You won't see them riding around Salisbury in equipment costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to pick up lunch every day. As far as Day and Cannon - they are losers who will be gone next election.

    August 22, 2017 at 5:07 PM

    I agree. Volunteers save the county tax payers a lot of money. John Cannon needs to admit his influence is a conflict of interest because he is a slum lord in Salisbury managing hundreds of slummy rentals and getting tax breaks and kick backs from Jake Day and the city of Salisbury. Most of us know what is going on.

  42. Anonymous said...
    I so wish Sta 1 made this move about 12 yrs or so ago when Sta 2 tried to succeed from the city. The problens of today existed back then too. We could be way past this if that had happened. Oh what could have been....

    August 22, 2017 at 5:10 PM

    I agree with you exactly. Fire Chief Steve Brezler was the problem then and he is the problem now.

    Steve Brezler is a resident of Nutters Crossing and he is leading the activities of resistance behind the scenes along with Rick Hoppes, Brian Records, John Tull, Jimmy Gladwell and others that supported him and he promoted as fire chief.

  43. Anonymous said...
    If someone in my family does not receive timely care or dies as a result of not having adequate Fire/EMS coverage due to the missteps of Day and Cannon, I will use every resource I have to sue them personally as well as the City and County. I'm sure there are plenty of attorneys who would love to take on a case like that and find a way to sue them, regardless of any shield laws. I will also make sure that there is a massive media campaign naming names. I've had it with their games and stupidity. This is not a joking matter and they are too ignorant of the fire service to be making these decisions.

    August 22, 2017 at 5:14 PM

    Well said!

    A resident of Nutters!

  44. Anonymous said...
    Sta 2 needs to get involved with 13 cause rick is about to push you out 2

    August 22, 2017 at 5:19 PM

    Rick Hoppes wants Station 2 and Staion 16 to dissolve their corporations into 1. Smart move on his part because then he only has to fight 1 corporation instead of 2 corporations. Dumb move on the part of Station 2 if they go through with it.

  45. Anonymous said...
    I support them 100% and feel the Public will be safer. All I see SFD & EMS do is ride around putting mileage on the equipment. I have seen This equipment respond across town when IMHO they should have been in the Station assigned to and respond from there. They would not be fighting traffic in this across town response to an accident. You say they were leaving a call and responded. I say flirting in a College housing area was not a call. As far as going to lunch at local eateries, The problem I have is they have a million dollar kitchen that any restaurant would die to have being unused and just about all eateries in Salisbury will deliver to them. Working 24hr shifts as they claim to do means they eat when they can. They do not have assigned lunch / breakfast / supper times. No other 24hr facility has that privilege. SFD is a bunch of whiners because they are losing funding because of their incompetence in managing operations and money wisely.

    August 22, 2017 at 6:06 PM

    Regardless of where they are located the city doesn't need paid 24 hour fire crews. The Salisbury Fire Department and the Fruitland Fire Department need to stop runing on 10-50 PI's or MVC's. They are only doing that to get their jollies off responding to calls with lights and sirens. Then the get their and just stand around. No you are not there to help the paramedics lift the stretcher. The stretchers now have a power lift on them and 99% of the "patients" can walk to the ambulance because they are walking around when the ambulance gets there.

    Also the Salisbury Fire Department is only responding on calls for job security so they can boast how many calls they responded on. They were alerted today for an MVC and the paramedics cleared the scene way before the fire engines got there because there was no patient. Just like this call: Salisbury Fire‏ @SalisburyFD 23 hours ago
    Units responding to a report of a Vehicle Accident w/Injuries on Kirkwood Dr And Cook Dr in Salisbury

    The sheriff's department was already on the scene. If Central tells you the PD is already on the scene then that means there are no injuries as it was dispatched first to the PD's and then Central dispatches and ambulance and a fire truck. Wicomico Central is just as much the blame for dispatching a fire truck. Just because the Sheriff's Office called for an ambulance to "check out" the patient doesn't mean a fire truck is needed as well. That needs to stop. Bob Culver you have the power to put a stop to this.

    1. I'm all for Station 13, but you are wrong about the response. Just because PD is already on the scene does not mean there are no injuries. The engine crew serves several purposes on scene of accidents. That being said Salisbury does however self dispatch a lot when it is not needed to boost their stats. PD and fire/EMS are all dispatched at the same time. Central is correct in dispatching all three when there are reported injuries.

  46. Bob Culver has a copy of letters sent from Steve Brezler demanding that the County deny any funding to the former Station 1 volunteers or the creation of another volunteer fire station. Mr. Albero you should make a copy of it and post it so that the public can see how a past fire chief is meddling in Station #1's business.

    Please ask the County Executive for all letters and email correspondence from the former fire chief Steve Brezler concerning this matter.

    If Mr. Culver doesn't release it immediately then you can do a Freedom of Information Act on this.

    I encourage the Station #1 Corporation Volunteers to execute this privelege. Then you will see how Brezler who was fired for misconduct (oops, I meant resigned) is acting towards the former Salisbury Volunteers. He is being vindictive.

    1. Brezler should never have been hired to begin with. He created more problems for paid and volunteer. He also had a hand in the so called study they did between the city and county he put his biased spin on things, talk about conflict of interest. The paid crew don't like him, but are using him for their agenda as he is against volunteers. He so call left on his own, but it was more like leave or be fired.

  47. Speaking of Steve Brezler it should be noted that Steve Brezler is a former paid battalion chief from Baltimore County. Steve Brezler was asked to resign or be fired. This is a fact. Steve Brezler hated the volunteers in Baltimore County and they hated him as well.

    Not only that Mr. Brezler is a racist. Just ask the black fire fighter he violated and got in trouble over. Ask about the incident with the noose! This is all common knowledge and can be confirmed by calling Baltimore County or asking volunteer or career firefighters who were in the Baltimore County Fire Department prior to him coming to the Salisbury Fire Department around 2001.

    See this is what is wrong with letting employees "resign" instead of firing them. These douche bags are allowed to resign with no punishment and they end up getting jobs with Ghetto Fire Companies like Salisbury because the former employers won't say anything negative just that he worked there.

    To the residents of Nutters Crossing in Salisbury you have a racist man living among you.

  48. Former Fire Chief Brezler(he was actually run off was the one who got rid of SFD’s Tankers during his first year or so in service. He can be quoted as saying we are in the fire service not Tanker business. These tankers were needed and still are needed for our County area. Only an idiot would get rid of 2 perfectly good Tanker trucks that carry water to your house when it's on fire in the county. The current Salisbury fire trucks only carry 500 gallons of water or less. Considering the fact that half of the Salisbury Fire District is in the county without fire hydrants or a water source this was an ignorant mistake. In other words the water has to be brought to you if you home in places like Nutters is on fire. I hope Nutter’s Crossing likes listening to this idiot in their community meetings. By the way the only Tanker in the city has now been taken out of Station 1(where it was needed the most) and put downtown surrounded by fire hydrants. Brezler retired from the city when it needed him the most. He single handedly stirred up more controversy and then when things started to point at him, he simply tucked in his tail and ran away. What a great leader he was!

  49. After the sudden resignation of Chief Steve Brezler in April 2003, Mayor Tilghman appointed See as Acting Fire Chief until a permanent successor was appointed. Mayor Tilghman subsequently appointed him to the position of Chief of the Department in December 2003.

    After the sudden resignation of Brezler? WTH does that tell you! Worthless POS and you people in Nutter's is listening to him.

  50. Stephen Brezler

    Director/Senior Program Manager at SPC/ TriData, Arlington, VA
    Studied at University of Maryland '88

    Oh wait! Steve Brezler is the Director/Senior Program Manager at TriData?? The same TriData that did the Salisbury/Wicomico Fire Study?

    And with a little more digging I found this story in the Daily Times. No wonder the same fire study conveniently said a "new volunteer fire station wasn't needed"
    Salisbury, Wicomico to fund fire service study
    Liz Holland, erholland@gannett.com Published 2:41 p.m. ET Dec. 9, 2015 | Updated 2:43 p.m. ET Dec. 9, 2015

    Wicomico County pays $956,000 annually to Salisbury for fire and ambulance services, but city leaders believe the true cost is roughly $2 million more than that. City and county officials are hoping a study on Salisbury Fire Department expenses will once and for all determine how much services provided outside city limits actually cost.

    “We’re pretty confident it’s going to be more than we’re being compensated for,” said Fire Chief Richard Hoppes.

    A contract with TriData of Arlington, Va., that is set to be approved next month by the Salisbury City Council and Wicomico County Council, is expected to give an accurate and unbiased accounting of the department, said Salisbury Mayor Jake Day.

    The city has calculated that coverage of areas outside municipal limits costs $2.2 million more than what the county currently pays, he said.

    The ongoing dispute over what the service to non-city residents actually costs came to a head in April when former Mayor Jim Ireton threatened to halt all service calls in the county. The so-called “nuclear option” was later removed from the table after Ireton appointed Day, who was then the City Council president, Hoppes and Assistant City Administrator Julia Glanz to begin discussions with the county.

    Day said the results of those discussions was an agreement to hire a consultant and evenly split the $30,000 fee.

    County Executive Bob Culver agreed the study is needed.

    "We realize there is a need for just compensation, but we need to know how much," he said.

    Currently, the county pays $125,000 each to all volunteer fire companies, including the three Salisbury stations, Hoppes said. Each fire company also receives $152,000 for ambulance services.

    The county also pays Salisbury $125,000 for special operations such as water rescues.

    Hoppes said he calculated the cost of each fire and ambulance call then multiplied that by the number of calls outside city limits. The result was a $2.2 million deficit between the cost and the county allocation, he said.

    While the chiefs admits he is not an accountant, the number is his best attempt to valuate the service, he said.

    In April, Ireton said the city responds to 62.95 percent of the total fire calls and 66.71 percent of all EMS calls in the county.

    Additionally, the Salisbury Fire Department serves 56.58 percent of the county population and 58.38 percent of the county’s assessed valuation.

    During fiscal year 2014, the city received only 23.87 percent of the county’s total funding for fire and EMS.

    The study could be completed before officials finalize their fiscal year 2017 budgets which will take effect on July 1, Culver said.

    "We hope so, but the wheels of government some days move very slow," he said.

  51. Breaking News

    There are 5 paid firemen and 1 volunteer who have just flown out to the Pierce Manufacturing Plant in Appleton Wisconsin for a free vacation. Why does it take 5 people without decision making authority to fly out to Appleton Wisconsin to look at the new 2 new fire trucks that the Salisbury Fire Department is buying. What a waste of tax dollars! This is nothing more than a free vacation for these paid firemen in Salisbury. All expenses paid by the tax payers. Typical of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    No Pierce isn't paying for the 6 vacations. It is built into the price of the truck you big dummy.

    Don't forget the new mechanic that Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are hiring to sit around an play computer games because there isn't enough work in the fire department to employ a full time mechanic. So if they are buying 2 new fire engines then these fire engines will be under warranty and will have to be serviced and repaired at a qualified Mechanics shop and the full time mechanic won't be needed to work on them. What about the 3 brand new ambulances they just bought? Same thing, they have to be serviced at a qualified shop for warranty work? What other apparatus does the Salisbury Fire Department have that is still under warranty. This new mechanic won't be able to work on new vehicles for warranty work or service.

    Don't forget the 2 brand new fire trucks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are buying to replace 2 perfectly good fire engines that are only 10 years or less. Don't forget they were rehabbed already under Gordy and Hoppes. These engines should last another 10 plus years. Guess what's going to happen to Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 when it gets traded in to Pierce? It's going to be sold to a fire department the size of Salisbury's FD and they will use it for another 10 to 20 years.

  52. Should be a "Comment Worthy Of A Post"

    Anonymous said...
    Breaking News

    There are 5 paid firemen and 1 volunteer who have just flown out to the Pierce Manufacturing Plant in Appleton Wisconsin for a free vacation. Why does it take 5 people without decision making authority to fly out to Appleton Wisconsin to look at the new 2 new fire trucks that the Salisbury Fire Department is buying. What a waste of tax dollars! This is nothing more than a free vacation for these paid firemen in Salisbury. All expenses paid by the tax payers. Typical of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    No Pierce isn't paying for the 6 vacations. It is built into the price of the truck you big dummy.

    Don't forget the new mechanic that Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are hiring to sit around an play computer games because there isn't enough work in the fire department to employ a full time mechanic. So if they are buying 2 new fire engines then these fire engines will be under warranty and will have to be serviced and repaired at a qualified Mechanics shop and the full time mechanic won't be needed to work on them. What about the 3 brand new ambulances they just bought? Same thing, they have to be serviced at a qualified shop for warranty work? What other apparatus does the Salisbury Fire Department have that is still under warranty. This new mechanic won't be able to work on new vehicles for warranty work or service.

    Don't forget the 2 brand new fire trucks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are buying to replace 2 perfectly good fire engines that are only 10 years or less. Don't forget they were rehabbed already under Gordy and Hoppes. These engines should last another 10 plus years. Guess what's going to happen to Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 when it gets traded in to Pierce? It's going to be sold to a fire department the size of Salisbury's FD and they will use it for another 10 to 20 years.

    August 26, 2017 at 11:18 AM

  53. This county would be much better off if the county took over Fire and EMS. If they don't like that idea then I say cut the funding off.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Breaking News

    There are 5 paid firemen and 1 volunteer who have just flown out to the Pierce Manufacturing Plant in Appleton Wisconsin for a free vacation. Why does it take 5 people without decision making authority to fly out to Appleton Wisconsin to look at the new 2 new fire trucks that the Salisbury Fire Department is buying. What a waste of tax dollars! This is nothing more than a free vacation for these paid firemen in Salisbury. All expenses paid by the tax payers. Typical of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    No Pierce isn't paying for the 6 vacations. It is built into the price of the truck you big dummy.

    Don't forget the new mechanic that Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are hiring to sit around an play computer games because there isn't enough work in the fire department to employ a full time mechanic. So if they are buying 2 new fire engines then these fire engines will be under warranty and will have to be serviced and repaired at a qualified Mechanics shop and the full time mechanic won't be needed to work on them. What about the 3 brand new ambulances they just bought? Same thing, they have to be serviced at a qualified shop for warranty work? What other apparatus does the Salisbury Fire Department have that is still under warranty. This new mechanic won't be able to work on new vehicles for warranty work or service.

    Don't forget the 2 brand new fire trucks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are buying to replace 2 perfectly good fire engines that are only 10 years or less. Don't forget they were rehabbed already under Gordy and Hoppes. These engines should last another 10 plus years. Guess what's going to happen to Engine 16 and Engine 16-1 when it gets traded in to Pierce? It's going to be sold to a fire department the size of Salisbury's FD and they will use it for another 10 to 20 years.

    August 26, 2017 at 11:18 AM

    Who all went to Appleton Wisconsin for this vacation? I heard that David Black did. He is the guy that is a volunteer and Station 16 and stirring the pot against the Station 1 volunteers.

    The other person I heard was Brandon Records. He is just a lowly ole farmin with absolutely no authority to make a decision. He is also Bryan Records son. The guy would have never gotten a job at the Salisbury Fire Department if his father and grandfather didn't work for the fire department.

  55. Johnny doesn't care about us. He's just against this because Bobby is for it. Don't ya get it?

  56. The Salisbury Fire Boat 1, the $$ Million Dollar S.S. Slick Rick Hopeless, is being prepared for self-dispatch to respond to Texas for the flooding as a result of Hurricane Harvey. They were told to stand down by FEMA, but Chief Hoppes stated we don't need their permission just like they did during Katrina.

    They also have called up Reserve Heroes Dru Bragg, Bill Gordy and Jeremy Gordy to respond as the USAR leaders.

    Bill Gordy has been sent plane tickets via Priority Shipping to his home in Florida to fly back to da 'Bury to assume operations as he did when the Ghetto Boys of Metro self dispatched themselves to Katrina. Even after they were told by the Feds to return numerous times.

    Former Salisbury Fire Chief Stephen K. Brezler has been recalled to fill in during the absence of Deputy Chief Tull. He will take over the reigns of Chief of the Department as Rick Hoppes steps down to the Deputy Chief slot. Both have been given assignments to rewrite the SOP's for the Department. Chief Brezler will be working on a policy to help force out the Station 2 volunteers. A job that he didn't complete when he left the employment of the City abruptly in 2003. The Station 16 Volunteers will follow suit not long after.

    Super Hero James Lloyd Jester has been assigned Logistics and he will be responding to Huston in the Former Air Light 1.

    A Chief's Backstage Page has been sent to the Former Vollies at Station 1 to backfill the stations in the Super Heroes absence. No response has been noted.

    Other Super Heroes on the roster to respond to Hurricane Harvey is Darren Scott, Jimmy Gladwell, Chris O'Barsky, Chris Truitt, David Cox, Bryan Records, Brandon Records, Brooks Morris, Rob Hull, Ian Insley, Todd Dudek and Fire Marshal Eric Cramer.

    FF Todd Dudek will act as the PR Director and Photographer.

    Fire Marshal Cramer will be responsible for all safety operations.

    A special flight has been set up to return FF Brandon records from his vacation in Appleton, Wisconsin.

  57. Dear Bob Culver,

    If you review the history of fire service spending and decision making within the City government and the Salisbury Fire Department, I think you will find a multitude of bad decisions and waste of taxpayer dollars. You were elected because the voters felt you would look out for their tax dollars. Please, please, please stand up to the ignorance of the City and the County Council on this fire service issue.

    The cost/benefit and risk/reward of adding Station 13 is a win/win for the taxpayers and the residents of the County. Only the most ignorant would not want a VOLUNTEER fire station. The study by disgraced Brezler should NOT be considered valid, but should be viewed as a conflict of interest and not taken seriously. He has an axe to grind. This is just another example of poor decision making by the City.

    Please be the grown up that solves this problem without the petty name-calling and cheap shots that are being posted by the City and paid firemen.

    Thank you.
    A resident of Wicomico County

  58. Well said to the writer of this post. The fact remains politicians are playing with our lives so they can angle for other positions at our monetary and physical expense. For that alone they should be voted out.

  59. Vote them all out. The immaturity and incompetence is disappointing, at best and untenable. They all have to go.


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