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Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Dirt Bike Menaces In Salisbury Maryland

Just captured two males on dirt bikes. Popping wheelies, no tags (no insurance) and wearing Ski Masks!

This isn't my first time seeing them. Surprised they followed at least one law and stopped at a red light.

Where are the police? If they are to get in accident, who's at fault? I wonder why they haven't just been followed and caught.
Victoria Adkins posted on Facebook as well.


  1. I think its time for local law enforcement to invest in their own enduro on/off road bike and start chasing these clowns down. The level of mentality to think riding a dirt bike in middle of highway traffic doing Wheelie's is impressive. Salisbury's really gone down the crapper

    1. Call the Mayor. Police are under investigation for everything they do. 24/7 monitors at work watching your everymove unless in the bathroom. Then a team of civilians decide if the cop broke the law and then the cop gets indicted. Usually the judge dismisses the case after 100k is spent on experts and lawyers. Your job is gone, home, wife and media shames you. Welcome to le in 2017.

    2. The mayor isnt going to do anything!!! Crime is down in Salisbury. Didn't you know that? He has parking lots and low income housing to build. So you think he's worried about a couple of dirt bikes on public streets?

  2. send this video to maryland state police..

    1. The police are looking for them and are asking for help.

    2. Why they can't find any roadway other then route 50

  3. I have seen them all over town as well...they are a danger to the public as well as themselves. I'm sure the police are aware of it and either choose to ignore it or have been ordered to look the other way. You know, race relations, don't want to offend minorities.

    Hate to say it, but if it were white kids, the police would be all over them

    1. That's what I said when I first saw the video. agree with you!

    2. At least one of them IS white. Stupidity knows no race.

    3. If you were in the neighborhood by the park and zoo you would know that the police have been trying and have arrested at least one. Talk about what you know and quit surmising please.

    4. Since when?? White kids can kill and get away with it.... Don't do that, you know damn well what you just said is complete BS!

  4. Never a cop around when you need one !!!!!! figures

  5. What is happening to our law enforcement ?

  6. Have had them do the same at night with no lights
    How have they evaded LE for this long? Pretty sure I would be pulled over for running no lights after dark


    We have been calling this in constantly from the E Side - where the white bike often is - and the cops have done nothing but make excuses.

    They even admit, they have gotten a lot of calls. But continue to do nothing about it.

    All they have to do is leave a car sit in waiting somewhere within view of either E Church St, near Thirstys or the Twilley center, and they can catch him, but they don't, they do nothing.

    1. First of all the Leo chased and caught a few. The police are now suspended and under investigation by the agency for chasing kids on dirt bikes at high speeds through out a residential area. COMPLAIN TO YOUR MAYOR. Cops do not want to be indicted.

  8. Welcome to "Da Bury"

  9. when their brains are splattered in the street and have to be washed down the storm drains with fire hoses the 'parents' will like the dummies they are sit around asking God "why?" like it's some kind of big mystery or something.

    1. Their parents know what they are doing but don't try to stop them, then like you said, when, not if, they get killed they will wish that they would have done something.

    2. First of all are you a Parent???? There's no way any parent knows what our cHildren are doing 24/7 so stop with the craziness!! Think abt thus what did you do when you were younger that your parents didn't know and probably still don't know!!! We all are and have a sneaky side in us. So what make you think they kids are any better than anyone else.THEY ARE A MAKING THE CHOICE TO DO SOMETHING AND DANGEROUS. And they will eventually get caught!!!!

    3. Wow. Honesty for a change

  10. Thugs Where is the outrage in the black communities? Then the idiots can't figure out why racism exists. They do not control their youth.

    1. Why would be outraged when we've seen white boys do this also? It just not a big deal when Johnny Boy does it because he is just a kid having fun.

    2. Lmao why are y'all so mad that they having fun??

  11. No helmets? Ain't that against the law? Tisk tisk.

  12. I myself have been almost run off the road by these 2 and 1 that was on a 4-wheeler. They didn't stop for a stop sign, almost causing an accident off of Lincoln Avenue and a van pulling from their drive way had to stop to keep from being in an accident. This is scary and if there is an accident, who pays since I am sure they aren't a bit insured for anything. They wear masks that have skeleton like designs that covers their faces, speeding all up and down Shiloh Street, Lincoln Avenue, Eastern Shore Drive, and those side streets. Something needs to be done before someone gets hurt.

  13. just taking a break from their real purpose...your property.

  14. I would like to say the LEO Community is well aware of the situation with the dirt bikes. The LEO Community hears the outcry also. I also have had to deal with these folks riding next to me. My view is this the community knows who these folks are and can ID them and don't. Secondly if they are chased down then the community is in danger because of high speeds as the dirt bikes won't stop or they cut through ally and yards which I have seen myself. What will the community do if a child get hit chasing these bike by a LEO or a bike rider? I think everyone knows the answer the police. So they are caught between a rock and hard place unit the community steps up and helps.

    Jon D. Black

  15. Law enforcement hands are tied. Not allowed to pursue. Don't blame the officers who want them off the road just as badly as you do. Blame leadership. #hugathug


  16. Paging WBOC's 'Drone Force'!

    Here's a real opportunity to make a contribution to the community that isn't just grandstanding for an advertiser.

    The bikes can outrun cars but your drone/s could follow them from a higher perspective and direct LEOs to where they are parked/stashed.

    How about it?

    1. Now this is a tremendous idea and should be seriously considered! Excellent idea @10:20

  17. 10:16 poor excuse, catch them and fine, jail, etc... them !

    1. The police are told by their higher ups not to pursue these dirt bikers on the streets. I've seen police searching areas for hours for these people but they just keep running and (sadly) they can't chase them.

  18. 10:16, so you are saying we have to learn to live with this, just like we do with all the other crimes, robberies, rapes, drugs, assaults, murders, etc!
    I guess then the kops should stand down from writing speeding tickets and generating revenue? or not even bother with car registrations? sure why not!

  19. Excuses excuses excuses!! Law enforcement needs to do their f***ing jobs. These jackasses are putting the publics safety st risk and need to be dealt with. I find it hard to believe that a little reconnaissance couldn't find out their whereabouts. Next time their reported on city streets send units to the reported neighborhood and see where they go back to(church st, doverdale,Shiloh,Princeton?) Doubt very serious they have garages to store the more than likely stolen motorcycles

    1. Why don't you do it for them since you know so much?

    2. Excellent comment 6:12...10:33 should get out of his momma's basement and step up like a man instead of blaming everyone else...

    3. BS #bikelife we going ride no matter what "bikes up guns down" is what we go by. Would you rather see violence or dirtbikes and atvs we going ride no matter what

  20. I would imagine these two gentlemen are emulating a Baltimore group known as the 12 o'clock boys. There is documentary regarding this group who run thru neighborhoods with their dirt bikes and atv in a vertical wheelie. just my guess / opinion and everyone has one.

  21. This has been going on for weeks now....saw them on snow hill road the other day...

    1. So what let tgem ride or give them a place to ride no one talking bout that

  22. 10:16 AM you make some valid points and then there are the excuses that the cops are not smart enough to come up with a way to find out who these thugs are. Like following them in an unmarked car, etc.

    No one said they had to "chase them down", all they have to do is follow them.

    1. Exactly.
      But you just can't fix stupid.

  23. Wish the police would sit on State Line by my mobile home park in Delmar because there are guys on motor cycles who like to race up and down the road. It's rather noisy and irritating.

  24. There used to be a problem in Princess Anne. When the police chased them they drove right through my yard and almost hit me. The police were right behind them driving over my landscape timbers and through my yard as well. The guys on the bikes or police seemed to care nothing about if there were kids in the yard playing or not. The bikes got away by hiding in the back of a pick up. I say run their a$$e$ over.

  25. One of them was on the plaza last week weaving in between cars who were doing the 10 mph speed limit. We almost hit him/her because they came out of no where and kept going up the plaza in between cars.

  26. Maryland State Police are not going to do anything! We have motorcycles that block the main road and race quite often, when you call the police they just say we already know and can't catch them because they scatter when we come. If they were smart enough to come from both directions and block the road, they wouldn't be able to scatter. I told them same thing, that when their brains were scattered on the road, someone would be having a law suit.

  27. I saw the one on the white bike riding down the center line of Snow Hill Road doing the same thing. Idiots, ever last one of them. Someone is going to get killed and everyone of their friends are going to be boo hooing wondering how this happened and what good guys they are. If these fools are your friends why not encourage them to stop before they die.

  28. Don't ride that sh*t by me.
    I'll push you off that bike and God help you want to fight about it.
    And if you REALLY want some fun, get your thug buddies to come on over and act like they will be able to help you. Six against one is still an even fight. You know what I'm sayin"????

  29. The police cannot be everywhere...But if you "accidentally" hit one you won't be charged.

    1. What if I hit one and take off on the bike could I get charged for stealing, I need a new bike lol

  30. As someone mentioned above, this "type" of behavior goes away once those who know these knuckleheads speak up and turn them in. Help our LEO's get rid of the troublemakers before someone gets hurt or killed!

  31. It's really simple... Carry mace in your car and spray it out the window when they're behind you. Problem solved.


  33. These guys might not get hit, but they can certainly cause an accident among other vehicles around them who are trying to suddenly move to avoid them. The dirt bike riders will be the reason for bodily or property damage, but will never stay around for the aftermath or to take responsibility.

  34. I have seen them several times after dark over by Pemberton Apartments on Parson road. The ride wheelies back and forth in front of the barber shop there. Got to love those patrons in that shop. Barbs and crew will do nothing. She doesn't care and this is way outside her wheelhouse. People we have to demand she has got to go. We need new leadership and direction for SPD. Day will do nothing if he thinks it will disrupt his chances for reelection. Its only a matter of time before someone gets hurt and I'm sure both the Mayors office and the Chief's office will down play it. Even though we are demanding someone do something. Promise one thing. If Day made some changes, a lot of things would slowly turn around......

  35. Just throw a stick threw their front spokes and let the rest work itself out.

  36. I see that LEO once again has no backing from the higher administration for who they work for. Barbs is known not to back her officers and I know for a fact Jake Day knows this and will do nothing.... So sorry for our LEO. That's why crime is getting worse every day. Thanks again Jake

  37. Everyone should start filming them and sending video to Joe to post. Maybe someone will give police a break.

  38. I seen one of them fall off his bike and break his foot right in front of where I used to live not even a week later was in it again with a cast this time. It's one thing to put urself in danger but putting everyone on the street in danger, how can they have so much power they r just kids smdh

  39. Leave Salisbury now!

  40. These bikes ARE stolen. I have heard many times on the radio that there is an epidemic of stolen dirt bikes up and down the East coast. The police know this and do nothing. If they have the money to buy these bikes, they can afford the cost of tags. If the police will do nothing then maybe the people need to take action. We have the right to keep ourselves safe from these scum bag thugs. Run them off the road. Maybe the police can give out a reward to whoever turns them in, since they will not enforce the law. Money speaks louder than friendship and family. Someone knows where these pansies live. Maybe some of us can follow these shi- heads. I will if I see them.

  41. Just start running them off the road.

  42. OK Police, Hang around Shiloh Street / The Zoo.
    They ride from Shiloh to Schumaher Dr then turn down
    by the YMCA, toward the Zoo, to the Civic center and back.

  43. Well if you pursue in one fall and loses their life,then y'all be saying the cops killed them. make up your mind on what you want people to do. just leave it alone let them ride what's a little noise going to do.

    1. 3:31 You are an idiot. It is a safety issue not "a little noise" issue. They are breaking laws left, right and center.

    2. That little noise can get bigger and louder if not silenced fast enough

  44. Swing your door open when they come by

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Swing your door open when they come by

    August 22, 2017 at 3:37 PM

    You are just looking for trouble and will probably find it.

  46. Police don't want to do anything cause my may have to do some work instead of being at a local food eatery, when you call in on these guys they always say they are on other calls well if there is that many calls need to hire more officer's or pull some out of the office and put them on the road. Admin is top heavy any way maybe the chief needs to get out and write some tickets but I know her you job is to look pretty and be a politician. If one of them hit my truck it's not going to be pretty cause you will find them, but if they hit you it's automatically your fault, but there is a helmet law in the state of Maryland and you need lights on the bike if its street legal and what they are doing is reckless driving

  47. The penalty is minimal for riding a dirt bike on city streets. The worse thing that will happen is confiscation of motorcycle and court case probably stet or pbj, big deal

  48. Sanctuary'bury! That said, many thanks to our local law enforcement. Regardless of what they are told to ignore, what they deal with on the daily is not easy stuff

  49. Wow these jerks are really stupid. What happens when one of these jackasses hurts some innocent person??

  50. I hope they never try this while I am around. I will not swerve to avoiding hitting them or them hitting me. Sorry too many telephone poles in that area and I will not chance hurting someone else by swerving to miss a jackass on a dirt bike that isn't suppose to be on the road anyway.

    1. Me neither. I think that's the solution to this problem since the police can't do anything about it.

  51. Does salisbury offer a place where they can ride their dirt bike/ off road vehicle with out any complaints?? Cause I'm sure if the go and ride in parsonsburg or further down from there, they would still receive complaints. Think about it

    1. You can't be serious!!

    2. Great idea !!

    3. Aug 22 5:24: They won't like the reception they'll get riding the back roads in Parsonsburg. Lits of steel and a helluva lot less eyes. Ask the crotch rocket riders and drag racers. 😚

  52. It's not even that serious 😂😂😂 y'all panic over everything!
    If they fall and hurt themselves that's on them! Y'all act like it's personally hurting your everyday lives! So dramatic! 🙄

  53. Let them smash the pavement. They don't care if you get hurt, so why should we care. If people see that they get away with this type of behavior with out consequences then they'll join in. However they see these idiot bite the pavement They might reconsider. Tho I doubt it. Cops get blamed for everything nowadays. Let them take a break and we can smash a bike or two. With or without a person on the bike.

  54. 9:25 don't ever hate telling the truth.

  55. Jake's homies. Maybe these are thugs that helped him come up with that beach towel he calls a flag. Maybe these thugs could use it for a dew rag.

  56. Lil Baltimore, drugs, prostitution, overdoses all over the city, murder,rape, homeless panhandling everywhere

  57. 6:19 PM hey imbecille. I will come to you and you can pay for the damage they do to my car when they hit it. Deal? No?? Why not?? You don't think there is anything wrong with them riding and support them, you can also do it financially.

    1. No you won't come to me! No you don't have a deal! Yes I will keep my same opinion! Yes you will still be upset! Lol

  58. They are causing a safety issue bump them off the road you will have no liability .

  59. Elderly driver and I am frightened. I was run off the road by one of these thugs and thank goodness there was no accident and they didn't stop or come back. It is getting so there is so much to be frightened of in the county that I stay home. I haven't been to the mall in months. I'm sure the Mall will not miss one shopper but my friends of a certain age are staying home as well.

  60. Bike lifeeeeeeeeee fa sure

  61. Almost Every day between 7 and 8 pm they run up and down churchill ave going by the basketball court. I have seen 2 city police card behind them doing nothing.

  62. Let em ride there not robbing banks

  63. They can get away quicker when they commit crimes!

  64. I saw a couple dirt bike riders on the main streets myself there week ago. I hear that cops aren't allowed to chase them. But certainly they should be allowed to follow, and once stopped, impound n confiscate the bike?

  65. The police have been told to not pursue these clowns. I have seen them on several occasions just taunting the police as they just sit and observe their ignorance

  66. I bet if someone was riding a scooter without a tag the police would pull you over, yet these clown 🤡 can run a muck around town and nothing's being done. I bet if you hit one you would have a lawsuit also. POLICE DO YOUR JOB!!!!

  67. I really like the pepper spray idea. They will certainly pull/fall over.

  68. This idiot and others like him need to be prosecuted as menacing to traffic. Someone will get killed and I hope the families sue just like in an automobile case. It needs to be stopped now as do the bicyclers that ride down city streets doing tricks like this and halting traffic and endangering lives you will catch them all the time down Vine, Washington, Jackson Sts and many others.

  69. 9:41 you are exactly right it is happening all over the parents make excuses till their children are killed but don't raise them as parents and children they raise them as their "friends" and they're young they'll learn.

  70. It is wayyyy to dangerous for the police to chase these boys!! You people are absolutely crazy!! Why is it that because they are riding bikes and making poor choices as teenage kids, they are being labeled as thugs??? When did bike riding turn kids into thugs??? Some of you are saying they stop at traffic lights and some of you are saying they don't. Which is it? We all have clearly seen them and we all know that at least one of them is a white kid. Now saints, as you all portray yourselves to be, how many of you can honestly say that you, as a teenager, didn't make poor choices in some way?? All of you probably have even stole your parents car as a kid. Was that not dangerous or putting public safety at risk? Did that mean you were a thug? Did that mean that your parents didn't raise you right or that they simply just didn't care??? Let me guess your answer is obviously going to be NO!! So lets not be so hypocritical here folks. I was behind them the other day near the city park and I saw a million children clapping and jumping up and down because they were actually excited to see those boys. They never cut me off on traffic and actually waved their hand for me to get by as they moved over to let me pass! Does this make it right no that's not my point at all, but my point is thatcher you all are trying to make this an issue and bigger than what it has to be! Maybe instead of trying to through those young men in jail how about writing the mayor to have money invested into a bike park for those guys to ride their bikes!

  71. I think they are pretty good at it..

  72. they are just trying to have fun, leave them alone.

  73. Four wheels always wins over 2 wheels, they're ignorant thugs, don't get into my right-of-way, they won't have to worry about riding a bike anymore, maybe a wheelchair for life

  74. Maybe if salisbury would get a place for people to ride all this wouldn't be happening!!

  75. 10:42
    Maybe your parents should all get together and buy some land so you can ride. That is your problem you are so used to getting everything for free you EXPECT IT. Don't buy a damn dirt bike if you have no place to ride it legally! You rely so much on the government you look to them for everything you need or want. You have become slaves to the government...waiting and waiting for them to give you something. Get off your ass and your dirt bike and get a job and buy some land and make your own track. Better make sure you have good insurance because when someone wreck you can be assured they will sue you and take your property.

    1. Agreed! A typical Liberal solution to a problem. Let someone else do it and they dont.
      What about security!? Someone else will do it!

  76. I challenge Sheriff Mike Lewis to do something about it. This is happening on Civic Avenue, the Civic Center parking lot, Glen Avenue, WiHi and the areas around the Wi Hi School Stadium while Deputies are at the football games. I've been to many games where these thugs are riding up and down the streets the Deputies don't even bat an eye. To much paperwork I guess.

  77. Blatant disregard for the law! No tags, insurance or helmet. They are getting their 15 minutes of fame. Hopefully soon, they will get their time in jail too. They are going to hurt someone or themselves. I understand that they want a place to ride, but a public roadway is NOT the place. What if, as they are running from the cops, they hit an innocent child trying to cross the street on the way to/from school???

    STOP complaining about them and CALL THE POLICE when you see them. That's the only way they will get caught. We all have to ban together to get this foolishness to stop.

  78. Oh great some of you want our tax money invested in a dirt bike park. Maybe if the idiots on the bikes could pool their money together and buy some property they could ride there. Money spent on a dirt bike park would be wasted. These budding criminals have plenty of fields and off road areas that they could illegally ride on. Do they? No they choose to ride through traffic pulling wheelies and as a video I saw ride into oncoming traffic. They are not the dirt bike enthusiasts that some of you are making them out to be. When one of them gets run over and I'm sure it will probably happen I would hope that our courts will have the wisdom to throw out any lawsuits against who ever hits them.

  79. No helmet
    No tags
    Mask over face
    Recklace driving
    Driving between the two lines of traffic weaving in and out
    Darting in and out of traffic causing drivers to have to brake to keep from hitting them
    Cops can't chase?
    Cops aware and want you to call them if you see them in a yard, or at a gas station then they can get them but told not to chase in case they get hurt it will be cops fault.
    If you were out on road driving your car with no tags, mask, driving recklace,between two lanes etc I bet they would chase you! Who in the hell told the police they can't chase them anyway? Sad because they are what they are that police have been told that.
    I say if they get hurt or killed it will be one less thug on our streets!

  80. 9:10 AM they don't have to chase them. thats just more popo bs. there are other ways, many of which have been mentioned on here.

  81. 8:55 AM apparently drug dealing is not that profitable. the one that lived behind us didn't even own a car. they have no long term ambition other than more tats and new sneakers.

  82. Jon Black said...
    I would like to say the LEO Community is well aware of the situation with the dirt bikes. The LEO Community hears the outcry also. I also have had to deal with these folks riding next to me. My view is this the community knows who these folks are and can ID them and don't. Secondly if they are chased down then the community is in danger because of high speeds as the dirt bikes won't stop or they cut through ally and yards which I have seen myself. What will the community do if a child get hit chasing these bike by a LEO or a bike rider? I think everyone knows the answer the police. So they are caught between a rock and hard place unit the community steps up and helps.

    Jon D. Black
    August 22, 2017 at 10:16 AM

    What kind of experience do you have as a LEO? Are you a police officer? Why are you commenting on behalf of the Salisbury Police Department?

  83. Why don't you all get together and take turns wringing one another's panties out. You all have your panties in a twist over young men who instead of sitting in some room selling drugs or getting high they are riding. I would rather my child get run over doing wheelies down the highway than die from a heroine overdose that is a much bigger problem in our community. You want to stop people from riding dirt bikes through town, you need to give us a free range place to ride. People will get hurt, it comes with the sport. Unlike most the people commenting here these boys riding bikes weren't raised to be pussies. And now since it's to costly to legally ride a bike we turn to public streets where we have all of the control in the world. Or you can start running your neighbors kids over and spraying mace at them.

    1. LMAO!!!! Please, please, PLEASE tell me that you are joking and just being sarcastic!

  84. 12:25 PM thank you for reinforcing our thoughts on just how ignorant the black community and their logic is. WE don't owe you anything.

  85. 12:25 PM Sport? I guess by your definition and logic shooting up heroine is also a sport. You possibly die either way. Your words. Doh!

  86. 12:25 it is hard to comprehend the amount of ignorance in that paragraph. it is mind boggling that someone actually believes this. is this a prank or are you really that stupid? you need a serious amount of mental health assistance.

  87. So 12:25 you think that we get to choose which laws we have to follow and which ones we don't. I am guessing you are a liberal because that kind of logic only flows through democrats. Your statement was ignorant. I guess you are to stupid to realize that those clowns on the dirt bike have the potential to cause an accident. I really don't care if they get hurt or die. What I do care about are the other law abiding motorists that may get injured or die. Apparently you are way to stupid and ignorant to understand what I am talking about. We have to many distracted and drunk drivers out there as it is to have to deal with those idiots on dirt bikes. Even though behavior such as that may be routine in your crime ridden ghetto it still doesn't make it right.

  88. Why does ghetto trash think everything should be given to them for free? Can anybody answer that?

  89. Who gets charged should one of these idiots runs into a car and dies? Will the driver be held accountable? Where is local LE during these moments?

    1. Already happened a few years back. Josh Fridley.

  90. @12:25 speak English, please.

  91. Don't worry all!

    They will be back under the control and supervision of your beloved Wicomico County public school teachers soon!

  92. 905- i hope you are being sarcastic. Can you imagine trying to teach these kids anything? And you all dump on these teachers 24/7/365.

  93. Man that sure looks like fun,they ain't hurtin nobody leave em the hell alone. Better dirt bikes than guns and gangs.

  94. Follow them with drones. When they park them close in.

  95. August 27, 2017 at 10:09 AM
    Did you graduate elementary school?

  96. 10:54 hell yes went to 7th grade how bout you?

  97. 8/23 @ 1:05
    What part of DIRT bike do you not understand? Not bicycle, not scooter, not car or truck. DIRT BIKE.

    If the parents can't or won't parent, they lose their right to criticize how the COMMUNITY chooses to discipline the child offender(s).

    You don't reward illegal and dangerous behavior by building them a park! Are you daft? All they need to do is get permission from a private property owner with an acre or two of fallow land and a waiver for that property owner exempting him/her from liability if the riders get injured or killed. That's it. And that's what we did as kids.

    Oh yeah, I forgot. Those kids want what they want with as little effort on their part as possible. And they want someone else to do the work and PAY for it! On second thought, no landowner is going to allow it on their property because those parents would be the first to sue if their kid got hurt in spite of the waiver.

    The skateboard park exists because the KIDS and enthusiasts did the damn work and raised money to make it happen. And it was a lot harder and more expensive than finding DIRT!

    Get your head out of your butt and hold these kids accountable for their behavior. Hold their parents responsible because you know damn well they know it's happening. There's been too much publicity for them to NOT know.

    If you still want to make excuses, please kindly leave your name and number. Then people can come to YOU with bills in the thousands for vehicle damage or funeral expenses.

  98. MEANWHILE, the laws passed a few years ago that were enacted specifically to end this sort of activity has killed the scooter rental businesses in Ocean City.
    Also, you very rarely see scooters - maybe 10% of the numbers one used to see - on the street.
    Of those few, only law-abiding citizens follow the rules (tags, insurance, helmets, glasses).
    Consider this when someone speaks of stricter gun laws.

    1. Cops need to do there DAMN JOB.

  99. The key to ending this is neighbors calling in on them.

    1. And how long after the perp finds out who turned them in do you think their well-being in that neighborhood would be constantly in jeopardy?

  100. Dumb y'all have nothing better to worried about 😂😂😂 sad really

  101. 1014 would you think it's such a dumb thing if one of those dirt bike morons came crashing through your windshield and killed your kid? You are an idiot.

  102. 10:17 That's a real stretch and your child should be in a rear seat/booster seat until age 8.

  103. Look people i hope everybody on here that said something sees this.These boys on these bikes are very good at what they do ive seen them.So leave them alone please cause you all are on here judging them for no reason and i would like to see somebody try to stop them because the way youll talking they probably reading these comments and now are going to protect there self while riding cause after reading i would def carry protection with me if i was to ride.But stop talking about what u dont know a mind your bi because all of u are way wrong and they have no intentions on hurting anybody drive right and u will be safe and how would i know ... Just cut the crap ppl its worst things going on then dirt bikes so fuck off.And one more thing they have more money than u do trust me if they will risk getting these high
    priced dirt bikes token!!!


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