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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Because We Can't Do Our Job & We Don't Have To Pay YOU


  1. Well, I guess that they could do a house to house search and question a thousand people in several neighborhoods, or they could station unmarked vehicles at every corner that these mugs have been doing their mischief, OR they could use social media to get a better idea of who these street performers are and then follow those leads. Which would you choose?

    1. Personally, I like the option that you didn't even mention... commandeer WBOC's drones

  2. I agree with you that the headline to this was a bridge to far. But it's hard to dispute the poor job SPD has been doing. Plenty of screw ups. Some public, some not. All covered up. Like the near celebration for an officer firing AND MISSING and armed person at close range. Not to mention everything he did wrong before drawing his gun. I guess Duncan and Day think we are all stupid.

  3. Joe these criminals are threatening and intimidating people on the Salisbury Police Department Twitter account after the citizens are posting the comments of where these illegal activities have been occurring.

    Copied from the Salibury Police Department Twitter Account

    Salisbury Police‏ @SalisburyPD

    Can u id these illegal dirt bike operators #crimesolvers 410-548-3165 #cashtips


    Tommy Trillfiger.‏ @youngmetrocard 11h11 hours ago

    Tommy Trillfiger. Retweeted Axxxxx Kxxxx


    Tommy Trillfiger. added,
    Axxxxx Kxxxx @AxxxxxKxxxx
    Replying to @SalisburyPD
    Church St. Down 13 by college, Fruitland, by Mitchel Martial Arts.
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    Tommy Trillfiger.‏ @youngmetrocard 11h11 hours ago

    Tommy Trillfiger. Retweeted Jxx Txxxxx


    Tommy Trillfiger. added,
    Jxx Txxxx @jxxtxxxx25
    Replying to @SalisburyPD

    I've seen them on RT 13 right at Main St
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    1_of_Won‏ @itzBroz 17h17 hours

    Replying to @SalisburyPD

    Lol I hope they skrt on u mfs the rest of the summer
    1 reply 2 retweets 8 likes

    Reply 1 Retweet 2 Like 8

    Da'Bronte Williams‏ @OtgBanga410 14h14 hours ago

    Myraa ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿฝ ๐Ÿ’‹‏ @Myraamiichelle Aug 22

    Replying to @SalisburyPD

    Snitches gets stitches ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ‍♀️ how they bothering y'all? Y'all focused on the wrong thing๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️ go find some murders and lay off these boys

    Myraa ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿฝ ๐Ÿ’‹‏ @Myraamiichelle 12h12 hours ago

    The city of salisbury wasted money on building that dumb ass railing in the middle of the highway on the east.

    Da'Bronte Williams‏ @OtgBanga410 14h14 hours ago

    Replying to @SalisburyPD
    Yall need stfu๐Ÿ’ฏ, its jus dirtbikes๐Ÿ’ฏ, its wat dey love to do, and nobody gone stop em, not even u dirty ass kops๐Ÿ’ฏ


    These tweets/retweets to the Coward Salisbury Police Department are an embarrassment to the City of Salisbury, the Mayor and Council, the Salisbury PD and the citizens of Salisbury.

    All of those negative comments and there were more, and the Salisbury Police Department must have been scared of them because they never responded even 12 hours after they were retweeted to the Salisbury Police Department. Funny thing is the Salisbury Police Department responded to the white people, but totally ignored the black people's post and threats. The SPD never investigated any of these threats to these people. "Snitches get Stitches" is clearly a ghetto way of saying "you talk to the police and we will KILL YOU!!" This is proof that there is reverse racism in the City of Salisbury and Jake (Crime is down) Day and Jim (There's no Crime) Ireton refuse to do anything about it.

    If that lady who retweeted a location and ends up injured or dead then the City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Police Department have BLOOD on their hands!

    Mike Lewis you are the highest ranking Law Enforcement Officer in Wicomico County and it's time for you to step in and do your job since they won't do theirs.

  4. I would choose leave them alone and go after the real criminals.

    1. Leave them alone, 6:29 and they become the "real criminals".

  5. 6:29 AM they are real criminals. I don't want to hear your whining when your car gets damaged or you get sued for hitting one of these thugs


  7. Capt. Hilts knows how to end this.

  8. Mayor Day do the right thing and get rid of Barbs. Better yet Barba, you do the right thing for this city and step down. The officers you command have no faith in you and your leadership. Day you should know "Army Guy" that without leadership, any division will fail. She will never regain the trust and ability to lead these officers so therefore crime and incidents like this will continue to grow and plague this city. Mayor you have to make some changes fast.

  9. Sorry 6:29 but this riding dirt bikes on the roads is illegal AND dangerous, both for the bikers and the rest of us. This sort of thing is generally not the bikers only crime. It is just a sign of their total disregard for rules.

  10. They will not be stopped , because even if they are caught , no punishment .
    So having said that why in the hell should the police respond to them.
    Just deal with it , if you don't like it and you have a vehicle you can do something with your car , I would. I would call them black top resurfacing.

  11. The mothers of these lil houligans know who they are,the need to stop them.

  12. Churchill Ave., Snow Hill Road, Vine Street, Shiloh Street (Check out the apartments there city police), Lincoln Avenue, Washington Street, Eastern Shore Drive - Every Day, Every Night, All The Time.

  13. "The city of salisbury wasted money on building that dumb ass railing in the middle of the highway on the east."

    No, that was put there by the state.

    1. Paid by the state for incompetent contractors to out up - which they did incorrectly the first time. They had to remive it all and start outting in again. Waste of money on incompetent contractors!!!

  14. if you see them coming up near you while driving, just swerve over and run them off the road. wouldn't. be hard to do if the riding wheelies.if the behind you hit the brakes lightly and watch them try to stop.the cops cant be everywhere so take the time to stop the bikes then the cops can pick them up off the road

  15. Chief Duncan, do the right thing and arrest Jake Day for crimes against the city and abuse of the power of his office!

  16. Things like this cannot be handled as fast as social media reports it. Heck, even Baltimore and Washington DC continue to have problems with THUGS on dirt bikes riding illegally on roadways. They have made SLOW progress in DC by capturing a few, who have then "snitched", allowing the capture of more - to include the dirt bikes.

    Unfortunately, law enforcement takes time. Society is just used to immediate gratification via social media.

    Bad guys always "git" whats coming to them....always!!!

  17. Complete immunity for any car driver involved in the injury or death of a dirt biker if said biker is showing off at the time of the accident.

  18. Tweeter - Bront'e Williams is easy to find in Salisbury. I would say she's an idiot. Keep swinging those threats and insults honey, we can find you to press charges.

  19. They are real criminals. Bikes probably stolen and on the rode illegally. And I will judge, I am sure some of them are already in trouble with the law. If they just boys having fun take off the masks.

  20. Saw them Tuesday at Lake st and Isabella. No big surprise! Both were wearing masks and had pants with many pockets appearing full. Hood rats, for sure.

  21. 8:34 AM you have no proof of that. enough with your stupid lies and has nothing to do with drug dealing thugs on bikes. quit trying to hijack the thread.

  22. Not sure why the police are having difficulty catching them. I see them at least a couple times weeks.

    1. Follow them and confront. Stop being such a wimp

  23. After you chase, fights, pepper spray and finally handcuff the criminal it's not over. You go to hospital get your broken finger fixed and probably shoulder injury looked at. Then back to work to write your report but you have to stop because internal investigations has just suspended you because of a complaint filed. The SAME people complaining your not working are the SAME people now roasting your job performance from their OFFICE JOBS. Those days are OVER for ME. I do my 8 and SKATE. lay low wear blinders and RETIRE. You ALL wanted the THUGS to own the streets NOW you got it.

    1. Can't say I blame you 9:32 but not all of us are democrats that make excuses for the thugs. Some of us have common sense and don't want the thugs on the street. Your attitude doesn't help those that want here. We're all not the SAME people you keep referring to.

  24. Chief Duncan and Mayor Day couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat! Two clueless individuals who have absolutely NO LEADERSHIP SKILLS. What a joke!

  25. So the police need to be the community babysitter? They're supposed to take care of every problem that exists? I don't understand why you losers get on them when They ask for public assistance. I would much rather someone identify them and turn them in then have the police chase them through the center of town. More than likely the police cars will not be able to catch these motorcycles as they can quickly exit the road.

  26. Finally someone gets it 9:32. spot on.

  27. If I knew I wouldn't tell.

  28. 9:32 AM Wow, most ignorant comment of the day. And bad grammar too. If you are a cop you should find another profession, you obviously took the job for all the wrong reasons.

  29. 8:20 AM Wash and Balti have done little to curb the problem, and IMO waiting a year or more for the popo to resolve the problem isn't expecting instant gratification.

    In the meantime, while the cops do nothing, the problem is getting worse. Just look at Wash and Balti. How did all that do nothing work out for them.


  30. E Church St, N & S Saratoga, E Main, Old OC road, Civic Ave, Truitt St.

  31. If WBOC was able to talk to 2 of the dirt bike riders, wouldn't you think the police could find them as well? Maybe Nicole Lauren could have called the cops to let them know that she was interviewing the dirt bike riders?

  32. 11:17...you only name a few locations. These turds are like horse crap, everywhere. No way a patrol unit can make a stop unless the turd wants to stop. No way a patrol unit can keep up with them because they are using off-road bikes.

  33. 11:26 AM Thank you, I just watched it and here's where we really are at.

    The cops plea for identification is political BS. Fake feel good news. Why?
    Like you said, WBOC found them. identified them, and SPD did nothing.

    Just because John Doe owns a bike doesn't' mean he was riding it in the street.
    So they can't arrest him.
    They can't do anything to him about owning a bike.
    And we already have proof that they have done damage to a vehicle.
    And who gets to pay for it? The vehicle owner.

    We had a dirt bike when we were kids and used to ride it in vacant lots. No one complained. We stayed off the streets. We had fun.

    The stupid thug justifying his illegal activity is hugely telling. What a sad and pathetic mentality. The "all about me" culture. Guess if you and your friends weren't drug dealers they wouldn't be dying. But hey we will do more illegal stuff to make ourselves feel better.
    Ignorant uneducated logic. But what do you expect from them.

    Go get a job.

    So there you have it. SPD fake feel good posts with no intention of stopping this problem until one of those POS get killed. Then they will cry crocodile tears.

  34. 11:52 AM if you weren't such a total moron you would realize that these streets are all connected and make a circle. Quit making excuses and spewing your ignorant rhetoric.
    All you keep re-enforcing is this - hey law abiding citizens, sorry for your luck, but we are too stupid to solve this problem, so you are just going to have to live with it and all the damage these pos do to your vehicles.

    Have I decoded your narrative accurately, cop?

  35. They run drugs and commit crime on the bikes because the police cannot catch them.

  36. 12:58 PM yes, yes they do, but no one wants to admit that. Especially their supporting black friends and family. That would crush their ignorant narrative that they are just participating in a sport and having some fun. The kind of fun that puts others in danger. What do you expect from a culture that only cares about their uneducated selves.

  37. Demonizing and harassing kids is much easier than going after adult murderers so let's use the local press to make this an issue so we can claim we are actually doing something.

  38. 1:26 PM I will help you with your sentence structure. I think you mean. Demonizing and harassing THUGS is much easier than going after ......

    They are law breaking THUGS, pure and simple. That is a huge part of the problem with your culture. Treating and describing THUGS in a kind and romantic way. What I saw in the video were not kind, educated, KIDS. What I saw where law breaking THUGS putting others in danger because they are selfish and uneducated.


  39. Track by drone. Offer meaningful bounty for video capturing unlawful riding back to where bike is stored and where rider hangs out. Say $500 for arrest and another $500 if results in conviction.

    Return stolen bike to owner; crush and dismantle if owned by rider.

    An innocent person will ultimately get hurt. Cops need to activate the Protect aspect of Protect and Serve.

  40. I saw them on Adkins road and Jersey Road intersection.

  41. Tuesday night they ran the red light at snowhill and beaglin at 930 pm as i was going through .. no lights on bikes in the dark.. if they are so brave take the damn masks off.. next time i will not brake but i will take the POS out.. i did my best to clip his back wheel and spin him. Not only did he run the red light stopped in intersection and revved the bike taunting me... no problem ass..car beats bike everytime. Youre giving us real bikers a.bad name and we WILL handle you

  42. DaBronte wow the public school system really failed you honey.

  43. August 24, 2017 at 2:48 PM

    Changing "kids" to "thugs" is helping someone with a sentence structure? Wow.

    Are you an English major at SU? lol. Or, I hope, you are still in jr high school.

    Why don't all of you leave people alone and worry about the beam in your eyes instead of the splinter in someone else's?

  44. Other than a flagrant disrespect for the law, I don't see any real damage happening here. It's interesting to think about why they are doing it. It's also interesting to think about why SBYnews readers in particular are so upset about it.

    Why not just make a motocross track nearby? These kids have skills.

  45. 7:50 Why don't you pay for a motor cross track for them then if it's no big deal. These kids are thugs.

  46. 9:13 Where in 7:26 statement did they say the word thug? And really I don't think it would take a English professor to see that his use of the English language needs work ๐Ÿ˜‚
    7:50 You said it in your first sentence. Flagrant disrespect for the law. Yet you condone what they are doing. They are going to cause an accident and you and I both know they have no insurance. How fair is that? But because they have skills it's okay to break the law. And then you want the tax payers to pay for a dirt bike track for them ๐Ÿ˜‚
    You see this is exactly what is wrong with your culture. Your kids break the law and it's okay cause they were just having some fun. Excuses excuses. Why don't you try being a role model to these kids instead of making excuses for them. That's exactly why they will never be productive members of society. They will all end up in jail all on the taxpayers back.

  47. This title is stupid because its not bad to ask the public to help identify people. Lots of times friends, relatives or neighbors of goons like this know they do these things and their gear by sight. Nothing wrong with posting this request for public assistance.

  48. 11:26, how did she find them? Maybe she knows who they are.

  49. Wonder if they are using the trails in the woods behind the Civic Center to move around unseen?

  50. Snitches get stitches? Yea, right. Big talk for a little bitc-. We are going to get your punk azz's. People are not going to put up with your stupid acts.


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