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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rosie O’Donnell Lashes Out At Trump For Misspelled Tweet – Accidentally Puts Herself On Blast

One thing I never, ever do is correct someone’s grammar unless I’m acting as an editor. I hate grammar Nazis and it’s just rude. However, since Rosie O’Donnell took it upon herself to bash President Trump because he misspelled a couple of words, turn about is fair play here. Rosie is such a freaking genius that while she was berating the President of the United States, she misspelled a word in her criticism. Doh! She misspelled ‘heel’. A word she should be familiar with because she is one. What a maroon (i.e. Looney Tunes slang for moron). And the word is ‘sh*theel’, by the way.

Now given – she may have been trying to be witty here and was probably referring to Trump’s past tweets:
But even so, she comes across as a bitter, petty imbecile here. Why celebrities and the left fixate on Trump’s spelling is beyond me. Then Rosie went on to state that Trump had an IQ of about 25. Not true – I would imagine an accomplished man like the President has a fairly high IQ. But even if it were 25, it would be about 20 points higher than O’Donnell. Just sayin’.


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