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Saturday, August 26, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Bait then grab?

Joe- have you ever heard of the SPD doing anything like this before. This morning I was at a shopping center here in Salisbury when I walked outside to wait for my husband I noticed a SPD car parked in front of the door of the store I walked out of. He had 2 men in the car with him but they were in plain clothes looked like ones he would have apprehended or good disguise. He handed the one in the backseat something and motioned for him to do something the guy got out and positioned a cell phone in front of the store leaning against like the door frame and then he went back to the police car. About 30 min later the officer got out of the car picked up the cell phone and put it in front of one of the pillars in front of the store and after seeing me watch him got back into the patrol car. About another 15 min later he picked up the cell phone and rode off. Is this some kind of thing they are trying to do to see if someone sees the cell phone and steals it then arrest them? Seems like kind of a set up is this even legal? I swear it happened., and I was not the only one that saw it.


  1. Why not just ask them?

  2. If they were working some kind of operation, why would I get up and hinder what they are doing, I am just a citizen and they are the SPD, I just thought someone would know about police procedures and if this was one or not. There were multiple shots fired on Jackson St on 8/13 and never on the news except for this blog, and no comment from the SPD wouldn't shots be a bigger deal than catching someone trying to steal a cell phone, that they were using as Bait? The incident on 8/13 2 shots were fired in two parked vehicles in their own drive ways what needs more attention citizen protection or games?

  3. I'm just confused as to how picking up an unattended cell phone would be considered stealing? Call the station and see what they were doing if your that concerned about it. Or better yet, get involved and become a volunteer or an actual police officer instead of sitting in your basement posting about it.

  4. Sounds like the same "M.O." they use to arrest male citizens for "soliciting prostitution." It's a lot safer than chasing rapists, thieves and murderers and the pay is the same.

  5. Or better yet, get involved and become a volunteer or an actual police officer instead of sitting in your basement posting about it.

    August 26, 2017 at 12:51 PM

    Why do so many people want to shut people up? Everybody can't be cops, and some that are cops shouldn't be.

    And from what I have been seeing of our local police, they are lucky to have what they do. It certainly isn't for the prestige.

  6. The real question is - How long did you have to wait for your husband?

    Sounds as if SPD was doing "the old shoe/shirt check" operation, - required quarterly. Most store post "shirts and shoes required" so perhaps the guys were doing the quarterly operation, of checking if customers were breaking the law.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sounds like the same "M.O." they use to arrest male citizens for "soliciting prostitution." It's a lot safer than chasing rapists, thieves and murderers and the pay is the same.

    August 26, 2017 at 3:06 PM

    I think someone got popped for hooking up with a hooker. lol.


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