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Saturday, August 26, 2017

'Disjointed' Is Like Any Workplace Sitcom — With More Pot, Sex And Language

Chuck Lorre is, without question, television's sitcom king. He created two of today's top money-making syndicated shows — The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men — and his other hits over the years include Dharma & Greg, Grace Under Fire, Mike & Molly and Mom.

So why did every single broadcast network turn down his latest sitcom?

One word: Cannabis.

Lorre's new show, Disjointed, co-created with David Javerbaum, premieres Friday on Netflix. Kathy Bates stars as the proprietress of a medical marijuana dispensary.

The show's Los Angeles set is a hippy-looking shop filled with psychedelic posters and glass cases displaying actual product. On a recent day of shooting a prop guy was handing out vape pens to the actors. "We'll be vaping," he says. "Vaaaaping."

Waaaay too edgy for Lorre's home network, CBS — even though he's earned the company more than $1 billion with The Big Bang Theory, according to Deadline Hollywood.

"We didn't even get a meeting out of it," Lorre said during an interview at his production offices in Burbank. "We sent the script and got back: No."



  1. Let's see what the cable networks say.

  2. Don't need to worry about most locals ever seeing this show. They'll pay $7 a pack for cigarettes everyday but complain about paying $10/mo. for TV.

  3. 10:04 PREMIERES Friday on Netflix.


  4. Over 50 years ago FCC Chairman Newton Minnow called TV 'a vast wasteland.' Subsequent events continue to prove him accurate.


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