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Friday, August 18, 2017

Officials, Citizens Given Tour Of New Berlin Police Station

BERLIN – A training room, sally port, gym, ventilated property room and large patrol room highlighted a tour of the town’s new police station this week.

On Monday Berlin officials got their first glimpse of the town’s new police station, which is currently under construction on Decatur Street. Police Chief Arnold Downing and architect Tim Crosby led the tour of the facility, which is set to be complete in early 2018.

“The guys designed a wonderful building,” Downing said. “I think we’ll be really proud of it when it’s done.”

Downing began the tour at the building’s side entrance, which leads to what will be his office on one side and the offices of his lieutenants on the other. He walked officials through the hallways of the building, pointing out the fingerprint room, the processing room and the separate juvenile area. He said the large patrol room would include space for 20 work stations, which would allow the Berlin Police Department to have a desk for visiting law enforcement. He said that would be set up so that a deputy from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, for example, could process a prisoner. Downing said that could potentially save an officer a trip back to their home station.


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