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Friday, August 18, 2017

D’Souza: Racist Democrat Woodrow Wilson ‘a Pretty Good Candidate to Have His Statue Pulled Down’

Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesdayregarding his new book The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left and also the Leftist-driven attacks on monuments.

In pointing out the deep-rooted ties between the American left, Nazism, and racism, D’Souza said, “Woodrow Wilson is almost single-handedly responsible for the revival of the Ku Klux Klan,” pointing out that Republicans had all but shut the Klan down prior to Wilson’s political ascendance.

He continued, “For several years there was no Ku Klux Klan and then Woodrow Wilson in the early 20th century screened a pro-KKK movie in the White House and it instigated a Klan revival. The Klan even spread to states where it wasn’t there previously, states outside the South.”

“So, if anyone is going to be going on pulling down statues,” he added, “Woodrow Wilson is a pretty good candidate to have his statue pulled down.” Wilson was a Democrat.



  1. So why won't Republicans pull it down ?

    Ohh i forgot WE WORK.

  2. The previous POSPOTUS is personally responsible for the setback in race relations over the last 8+ years! By offering handouts instead of real jobs/growth programs - by setting the example that laws don't apply (you just need to cry racism) - that you can be proud to be on the dole - he has raised the entitlist attitudes of that entire group of people - and the ire of all the taxpayers!

  3. Well if blacks weren't so hypocritical they would want the democrat supported prized and beloved Planned Parenthoods closed down and bulldozed.
    The founder Margaret Sanger of PP wanted all black gone and wanted to and tried to and did exterminate them. PP wasn't founded on women's rights but as a way to obliterate the black race.
    Every time they see a PP they need to think about how much the founder hated them and wanted them wiped off the face of the earth.
    Their own beloved democrat party even gives millions to this organization found by a real racist who got her jollies off of sucking black babies out of their mothers and killing them for no other reason then her hatred for blacks.

  4. Democrats will pick and choose what statues will go.

  5. So Dems want to ERASE civil war history but they WILL START A CIVIL WAR ..

  6. Today's liberal Democrats are the root of most of our Nation's problems. They want to destroy it along with its history. It's time to remove THEM from public places to keep them from spreading their communist-socialist propaganda like Hitler did. Those who have not kept their oath of office should be removed from serving in Congress.

  7. 12:02 - they're not intelligent enough to follow that logic!

  8. 1:45 I am beginning to believe due to their own actions that you as well as Margaret Sanger are correct and they haven't evolved intellectually as other races have-most anyway. There are a very few exceptions to what has become the rule like Dr Ben Carson for example.

  9. Talk about racism....look back into the Kennedy life line. Their father was as racist as it gets but wanted his sons president so changed his tune to get the vote out.


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