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Friday, August 18, 2017

PBS Does Poll on Confed Monuments… Horrified by What Americans Really Think

There has been a recently renewed vigor in the debate regarding whether monuments and statuescommemorating the Confederacy have any business being in the public sphere, as some people find them offensive and others view them as historical relics.

While the left — with help from the media — would have you believe that virtually everybody in the country wants to see the Confederate statues taken down, or at least moved to a museum or some other site, a recent poll from Marist, NPR and PBS NewsHour and would seem to suggest otherwise.

The August 2017 Marist poll asked “Do you think statues honoring leaders of the Confederacy should: Remain as a historical symbol, Be removed because they are offensive, or are Unsure.”



  1. Should of asked them if they know the true reasons why we have confederate statues

  2. If the removal of the statues would bring peace to this country I would remove them by myself one way or the other....BUT...since that isn't the answer to peace... why bother.


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