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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Jefferson Memorial To Be Altered to Emphasize Slave Ownership

A nonprofit group that provides substantial financial support to the National Mall says the Jefferson Memorial and other monuments to the Founding Fathers will be updated to reflect their personal records as slave owners.

In the wake of a deadly clash in Charlottesville between white supremacists and radical leftwing protesters including Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the president of the Trust for the National Mall in Washington, D.C. says “the physical symbols of American history and democracy will be scrutinized and challenged” in the near future.

“Recent events only reinforce the need for an open, inclusive and safe space for Americans to exercise their First Amendment rights and to gather in pursuit of our shared ideals — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all,” wrote Catherine Townsend in a letter to supporters, reports the Washington Examiner. “I hope you will join us as we steward private support to implement modern and resilient solutions that can transform this dynamic space and preserve the historic legacy of the National Mall.”

Beginning with the Jefferson Memorial, what Trust officials are calling the “complexity” of the personal lives of the Founding Fathers will be emphasized as the monuments are altered.



  1. We must give everyone a safe place to air their grievances about how bad America has been to them.

  2. Utterly ridiculous!! If I am offended by something I just simply keep away, look away or don't read about or listen to it! I most certainly do not seek it out then scream to the top of my lungs and throw a tantrum until someone else does something about it. They sound like spoiled brats, 'Mommy I WANT, Daddy I WANT and will hold my breath till I GET IT!! ', and are not the majority in this country. The few now matter more than the wishes of the many!

  3. That is wrong. They must want to see it get vandalized.

  4. I'm not sure what this waterfall of PC speech really means.

  5. The loony left is just begging for another civil war. We'll let me tell you I stand ready to defend my ground! Bring it on!!!!!

  6. Now we're going to put an "ASTERISK" on everything??? I thought participation trophies were bad. This takes the cake!

    Hope you're real happy snowflakes, since this accomplishes nothing in the big scheme of things. Spend $$$$$$ on statue removal when the country is in debt....Real smart there P.A.L.S of the world!

  7. It will be torn down before it's over.

  8. When you get it finished, we can tear it down just like the Antifa folks were allowed to, right?

  9. STOP the ridiculous BULL crap !!!! Leave the damn
    monuments the Hell Alone !!!!!!

    For those who like them (AS they are ) You can LEAVE !!!!

  10. What they will "emphasize" is what a terrible, horrible, nasty, low-down ignorant, wealthy abuser of humans Thomas Jefferson was....
    Revising history has been the tool of communists and fascists all over the world.
    People who can't write a complete sentence, tell us ANYTHING about history, are lost when conversing about economics and are totally over their head when it comes to reason and logic, have decided THEY are the arbiters of knowledge and history.
    The "historic legacy" of Jefferson??? Need a safe space first, before
    I tell you?
    The most powerful military force ever seen on the planet that has delivered MILLIONS from tryanny. The GREATEST economic system of all time that helped hundreds of millions of people rise from poverty, and the greatest engine for culture and social progress that is known throughout the world (and untold numbers of people STILL risk everything they have to get here). FREEDOM. The Constitution, known as perhaps the greatest document for governing a country that the world has ever seen.
    NONE of that is taught is schools. Only that slave holding Jefferson was really bad.
    They must teach mostly things like "destroy property that isn't yours whenever you are offended or hurt". Always believe you are a victim of something. Blame others if you can't read or write. DEMAND "equality" an no matter what is done to placate you, demand MORE. And lastly, ALL white people, no matter how poor and disadvantaged they are, are "privileged" and all they have to do is file a form with other white people and they become rich. Just because they are white.
    Keep cheering.

  11. The Whites had to Fight the First Civil War and now they
    Have to Fight another one ..........so sad for America !!!

  12. Whites are the New Slaves !!!! No Govt Protections for them .............That's the way it is / It Is what it Is !!

    Cotton is next...........

  13. The Deep state which are the same people that own the networks are behind it.

  14. A cotton candy machine being installed !!!!

  15. I am absolutely ashamed of all of the protestors and what is happening in the US. It makes me want to move to another country who still values leadership and democracy. Trump is President and is literally taking shots from everyone. What the hell is happening !!!

  16. LEAVE Jefferson ALONE!!!!!


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