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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Police blast Phoenix rioter in crotch with pepper-ball cannon

Ouch. Gonna need to put some ice on that.

Oh, dear me. When a fully-triggered leftist decides to kick a can of teargas back at the police during a riot, you can be fairly certain it's not going to end well for him. He's basically begging the police to fire back, so he can claim some sort of politically correct victim status.

Sometimes, the cops refrain from offering a response. Other times, they do not. Last night in Phoenix, their 'witty rejoinder' came in the form of a "pepper-ball" - an anti-riot weapon that hits hard, breaks open, and disperses a cloud of eye-and-lung-irritating capsaicin powder.

Getting hit with one of these "non-lethal projectiles" is painful anywhere on your body, but this guy goes for the gold. He takes a shot to the...well...let's just hope he isn't planning on having kids, because I suspect his baggy cargo shorts didn't provide a great deal of protection.



  1. I lmao when I first saw this. But don't worry about him, it's not like he or his kind have any balls whatsoever.

  2. Great speeches in the convention center before the foolishness began outside.

  3. Great shot Officer!

  4. That's gonna leave a mark.

  5. Sales of jock straps and cups will increase.

  6. And yet you wonder why people don't like the cops... Not saying this kid did or did not deserve what he got, but we never look at the cops actions when they do wrong...

  7. 8:28 AM

    8:28 AM - Police are under more scrutiny for their actions than ever before.

  8. OH WEll , .......the chips fall were they fall !!!!

  9. 8:28....I love the saying "when you look for trouble, don't get upset when you find more than you thought you would".
    He thought he would be the bad dude out there. He didn't look so bad-ace writhing on the ground. Too bad he didn't lose an eye.
    Keep cheering.

  10. An officer with a sense of humor. Love it.


  12. In his case it wasn't the gas that brought the tears 😂

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And yet you wonder why people don't like the cops... Not saying this kid did or did not deserve what he got, but we never look at the cops actions when they do wrong...

    August 24, 2017, at 8:28 AM

    People don't like cops for enforcing statute laws that have no victim, other than the one who has to pay the fine or jail time for these kinds of laws. (one reason)

    Others don't like cops because of some that abuse the authority they are given. Others don't like cops because they are disrespect to the ones who pay their salary. Others don't like cops because they commit the same infractions they charge others with.

    I could go on but what's the point.


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