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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Congressman calls for removing Lee statue at Antietam

KEEDYSVILLE — The National Park Service didn’t put up that big statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee near the Newcomer House on Shepherdstown Pike, and has no plans to take it down.

But U.S. Rep. John Delaney, D-Md., said this week that he believes the statue should come down, and that the park service should review all monuments and exhibits concerning the Confederacy that are on its properties for historical accuracy.

Delaney’s concern over the statue, which became the possession of Antietam National Battlefield when it acquired the Newcomer property several years ago, is not simply that it recognizes an icon of the Confederacy. It also is because it doesn’t accurately tell the story of Lee’s misadventures in Maryland.

“I don’t believe that statues and monuments meant to glorify the Confederate cause and Confederate leadership belong on federal land, and they should be taken down unless they serve the clear purpose of educating people about American history and are placed by historians in the proper context for that purpose,” Delaney said in a statement to Herald-Mail Media.



  1. How about something as simple as adding a plaque that describes in simple details what part these men played at wherever their statues appear?

  2. Maryland democrat says it all.

  3. What is this actually supposed to change?

  4. why stop at confederacy?
    lets take down all statues.
    the history of the us is full of hate and racism

    /sarcasm off

  5. Wow Nazi's do exist.

  6. Next time, we should give them notice about the arrival of the next bandwagon.
    These slimy lying two-faced scam artists didn't give a crap about the statues until they though they could get some votes by being offended (now) by all this racist history.
    Keep cheering.

  7. Confederate statues located on Civil War Battlefield and nothing more than markers, like Chess pieces on a board, marking the location of the opposing armies.

  8. Representative Delaney said he "believes" the statue should come down. Hmmmm Rep Delaney, what do your constituents think since you speak for THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Special kind of stupid right there.....should surprise anyone....Annapolis is full of them!


  10. 10:10 Gary --couldn't have said it any better Sir! You cant fix stupid but somehow they get elected in MD

  11. What about adding a sign to the MLK statue saying that "Yes, he was a liar, and adultery, but advocated peaceful resistance to segregation".

  12. They are going to get their RACE WAR.....

  13. The Democrats are fueling a new civil war and they will loose.

  14. This is just confirmation that the left will never be satisfied. No one will ever be able to do enough to please them. When this misguided campaign began, many of them said that such statues had no place in the 'public square' and that they belonged in museums and battlefields. Well, now they want to change that and start attacking them on the battlefields too, which are museums. Anything short of melting down every statue that they believe offends them, they will not stop.

  15. OMG, give it a break. These statues are not bothering anyone, just standing out in the hot, cold, rain, snow, whatever and these people are hollering that they should be taken down. So much going on in our world and these people are worried about statues? Their priorities are really all screwed up for sure.

  16. Wow it is amazing how fast Russia has disappeared.


  17. Stop for a moment. He's the no-accomplishment congressman who plans to run for president. He'll be doing, saying, and advocating anything at all to grab a bit of ink.

    So he'll be for: free kellege for Harm City youth able to spell their own names after graduating HS; free fidget spinners; changing Kaep's birthday so he can run as his VP. Well, you get the idea. Anything for a media moment.

  18. 1132 - or democrats populated the south during history AND were slave owners.

    Lest not allow books to provide a look at history, but allow someone from the 21st Century speak about it....because of course - THEY WERE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stop allowing LAME STREAM MEDIA dictate the direction of our country!

    Well, the nonsense will end in several weeks with the start of College and Professional football!

  19. Now these Idiots are trying to mess with the damn battlefields ...........obviously these statues should
    REMAIN !!!!!! Who the hell else fought there ???
    Not very many Blacks that's for shure !!!!!!!!

  20. Blogger Zorro said...
    They are going to get their RACE WAR.....

    August 21, 2017 at 10:39 AM

    There was a time I would agree with you but lately not so much. I just don't take them seriously anymore. They remind me of a bunch of monkeys running around the streets after someone left their door open. They are not focused, they can't articulate a reason for any of the crap they are doing, they are just following the herd and doing whatever the person in front of them is doing.

    Mindless. Not a coherent thought among them. They simply do not know why they are doing their crap. Other than what someone tells them and tells them what they should do, they couldn't plan their own breakfast.

  21. The crybabies these days who want to tear down our USA
    monuments have never been to WAR ....
    All they do is complain and have too much time on their hands..........should instead, Maybe go to WORK instead !!!!
    Get a LIFE !!!!

  22. boy they really workin on gettin the black vote

  23. Can't Change History !!! crybabies wine all ya like !!!!


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