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Sunday, August 06, 2017

For those interested, Here’s Salisbury’s flag as recognized by the State of Maryland, USA.


  1. Now the question is how do we get Boy Mayor Day to properly display it once again.

  2. That looks about right. Jakie, how about we put your flag up there next to it and actually let people vote or have some kind of input?

  3. Simple get in touch with state ethics guidelines offoce, go back referring to Salisbury Maryland city charter and any requirements procedures it takes to change said flag. Day did this all on his own force huz hand people

  4. 12:3 it's simple. Fire him.

  5. This is what we need not the other. Much better correct and professional.


  6. Why does Salisbury need a flag anyway?

  7. This is a much nicer looking flag and done in the state's colors. What in the hell was Jake thinking that he was so big to change the flag without the consent of the electorate. What a moron!

  8. Somebody from his office has posted the "Snowflake Jake" flag on Wikipedia just this year. Wiki posted it even with only ONE input for all time.

    This needs immediate correction by people with accounts there.

  9. Generate a petition to remove Mayor Jake Dat from office. This kid is in way over his ability. And can't distinguish between telling the truth and compulsive lying.

  10. Just about sick of ole smiley and the fruitcake thing he has done around this town. Grow up punk and resign.

  11. Simply, Jake is very qualified to run a small company with an infinite amount of resources. Sadly that is exactly the way he is choosing to run the city. He needs to be focused on cleaning up things as they stand and less time on his "Rebranding" effort.

    rebranding? please. What a was of money.

  12. What is it with flags?
    I really only care about an American flag, a state flag, and the checkered flag in NASCAR.

  13. Hey, Jake Day is your new boos, the boss, get over yourselves.

  14. What's the tree in the middle about?

    Why is there no chicken or crab, or oyster or fish?

    Given the colors, there should be a Smiley face there, too.

  15. Rebranding is a moronic thing to do when the city needs a lot more than just a facelift. Day is passing from naive to idiotic.

  16. This one is classy looking. The other monstrosity looks like something Day did with his crayons while in his safe space.

  17. That "rebranding" he fell for was beyond idiotic. He got the tax payers hosed big time. The snake oil salesmen have Day's number. As they say in the carnival business he's a "happy larry" meaning his IQ is somewhere around the imbecile range and he will fall for anything.

  18. The funny thing is his supporters no doubt are telling him how clever he is and how the new flag design is great. Day does not live in the real world. He's the kind of person it seems who since childhood did things 1/2 assed and everyone praised him and told him how wonderful he is instead of doing the responsible thing and telling him to get out there and do better. He's a participation trophy kind of person.

  19. That rebranding was beyond moronic. Just as moronic as Headquarters Live. You can not polish a turd or try and sugarcoat crap. It's still crap. What's unfortunate is the city is deteriorating while the mayor is being a play baby and wasting money on toys instead of putting his big boy pants on and taking the bull by the horns and speaking out publicly and loud and clear about the crime that is out of control in Sby.

  20. 244
    FLAGS are military symbols.
    That is their history.
    It will be their future.

    For that reason, a City flag makes no sense.
    A logo perhaps, but not a flag.

  21. Beach towels belong on a beach, not in our City Council room.

    FU Jake the Fake flag guy!

  22. I want my city flag back!!

  23. Think 1732 is Streeeetching the truth a bit !!!!

    probably only indians were here then .................


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