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Sunday, August 06, 2017

Where in the World does Jake get his statistics?

The following just came through and it, once again, spouts unsubstantiated statistics and gobbly goop that has become hallmark Jake Day in regards to his interactions with the public. It is any wonder the Mayor even interfaces with people because he does have a Communications Director who could probably render more insightful explanations for things - if we dare to believe someone has competence in the Mayor's office.

"Hey Joe, I called Jake day out on his bs this morning. Here is his reply. Where is he getting his statistics? Jake day stated- Cities don't have the luxury of not investing in infrastructure. As for investing in police, we have increased the police department's budget by $2 million operating in the last 4 years - even while crime was on the decline. I put forth the plan to add 10 new police officers in 2015 (and we did). The reason why is when I came in to office, I met with SA Maciarello, Sheriff Lewis and Chief Duncan and asked what their opinion was of how to reduce crime and every one of them agreed, saying: increase # of officers. Salisbury needed more police officers. That's why we've grown the department. The proof is in the pudding, that the highest # of Part One crimes in our history was in 1986, second highest was 2009, and lowest is in 2016. 2017 - down another 4.5% right now. We now spend more per capita than any City in Maryland except College Park on law enforcement. I'm not sure spending more money on policing is exactly our issue."
It's interesting that none of these stats list any links to proof, leaving the reader to wonder if they're even real at all. Instead, it seems Jake gins up baseless claims, expecting you to be ignorant enough to buy the flimsy fancy talk. Glad to see he learned something at Oxford.

Since when did we accept this as proper etiquette for any elected official to give these half-baked ideas based on nothingness? Shouldn't he be held to some standard based in factual reference instead of the utter hoopla pulled out of thin air? Does he really think so little of you to believe this is a viable explanation for any question asked by a voter?

Isn't it time for Salisbury voters to demand a smarter city hall?


  1. you are interpreting it incorrectly. he actually believes the bs he is spewing. it is not that he thinks you are stupid, he actually believes that the community "perceives" it has a crime problem that doesn't exist.

  2. Nice railing......

  3. Spending millions to militarize police presence, nor increasing the number of officers will deter nor prevent crime. It might help in the apprehending AFTER the fact. Removing blight, hopelessness, joblessness and poverty will help. Placing section 8 housing and its ill effects at the very CORE of a city shows there is no intention of correcting crime proportions, rather growing the problem.

  4. Jake and the rest of the treasonous liberals have been brain washed by Soros Obama cnn x 8 yrs.

  5. Not enough of voters are paying attention and/or do not care.

  6. This is not a statistic. I have had a Salisbury address, but have not actually lived in the voting district for almost my entire life. The last few years have certainly been the worst I can remember and the years I have felt the most at risk.

  7. If his Section 8 is placed downtown, it will backfire on him. He will no longer be able to walk around town or to and from work as he currently does. It will cost taxpayers more money for bodyguards. You think it is crime ridden now, hide and watch.
    Also, I am a bit tired of seeing this guy strike a "look at me pose", like he is Debbie Nastywoman or other losers.

  8. The answer is this Jake too much time and $ is spent on foolish things, you need to look at the core of Salisbury and what is needed. I am trying to address you now as the person the public wants to see. Dog parks, skate parks, bicycle paths are for areas that are doing well we are not. We do not need expensive fire boats that were not needed maybe you can sell it and use if for a more worthy cause. The other issue is the bars in this area and not because I am a prude, but the downtown area needs to get back to what it once was an area for the whole family, stores different from the malls, a place for neighborhoods to get together. We cater to the college students and that is fine to an extent, but their are others like older people who have more $ to spend and care about their community. Meet with organizations like AARP, VFW, Salvation Army, Happy Timers and others listen to what they have to say. Open up The Roundtable meetings for neighborhoods again. Put suggestion boxes in places the Salisbury Mall, Downtown, the city park and in general just tune into untapped potential. Give attention to criticisms and suggestions change can be good.

    1. You mean listen to the people!?!!?

  9. The problem is akk the older generation that actually built this city up are slowly dying off if not already gone. Its a whole new culture and family values. There's an core family values anymore, the ones that are supposedly in charge are out acting just as crazy as the kids

  10. Jakebis learning from the best liberal communist Jim Liarton.

  11. I think he's getting his stats from his new hires who are just making figures up. You know, just like they made up their qualifications.

  12. from Liberal, Democrats

  13. Just think about this. In the next 2 elections the entire Salisbury City Council will be African American and you can blame that on Jim Ireton for pushing for 5 separate districts. There is also a possibility that the Mayor of Salisbury will be African American.

    Now here is something else to think about. What does Baltimore, Detroit, DC and Chicago have in common?

  14. Maybe Jake should just get back to us when he actually finishes Middle School? Maybe then we can chart a path for his future.

  15. 9:16 I don't agree. Pre the Baltimore riots the police there were proactive and taking guns off the streets on a daily basis. You saw this on the BPD Facebook. After the riots the police due to the actions of the citizens stopped being proactive. The posts about how many guns were taken were non existent. The results were record breaking #'s of murders and shootings.
    With this in mind the more police the more they can do to prevent the crimes from occurring.

  16. Question.....how do we force Jake to hold an open forum...."town hall" style meeting with the public? NO local media.....No social media. No pre approved questions. No special invitees. Just Jake and his constituents.

  17. Jake has a good education, so why is he using slang to speak with constituents? Using things like # instead of typing out 'number' or U2 instead of you, too or you two? This kind of trying-to-be-hip crap just reveals how immature he is and why he shouldn't be taken seriously. Our hip hop mayor.

  18. Jimmie Gladwell Part I
    4 hrs ·
    So after reading some FB posts referencing comments on a local alternative news outlet, I decided to do something foolish by visiting said outlet and seek the thread referencing the aforementioned posts. As usual, I regretted doing so and one day hope to attain the ability to listen to my own reasoning and refrain from giving in to temptation.
    Said news outlet continues its onslaught of attacks on members of the SFD. It calls out numerous officers about alleged events in their past, ineffective leadership qualities, lack of qualifications, credentialing, blah, blah.... One post by a brave anonymous Chairborne Warrior specifically states that Bryan Wayne-Records and I struggled just to make it through high school and there is a subsequent brave anonymous expert who lists all the officers and challenges any other of the news outlet's bravest to anonymously challenge any/all credential information of those members listed. I thought about this a bit and decided I would assist them with their research.
    As Bryan graduated ten years prior to me, I can't/won't speak for his high school transcripts, however:
    I did "struggle" in high school. At age 16, I lost my first child. Poor decisions on our part (girlfriend, at the time) led to some pretty difficult times and subsequent decisions were made for us that led to that loss. It was beyond life altering and to this day I wonder: "What if?"
    My immaturity, inability to get along with my parents, and other factors led to me leaving home at 17. Most kids don't do that and I learned the hard way, why.
    Nonetheless, here's how my high school "struggles" ended up:
    Graduated Top 10% of class of over 200 graduates.
    National Honor Society
    Who's Who Among American High School Students for athletics, academics, and band
    Lettered in soccer, wrestling, track, and academics
    Achieved all required credits for graduation by junior year. At the time, had to take four years of English, so had to return for senior year just to do so. Enrolled in college English and a work release program and obtained two jobs in the (old) Salisbury Mall. Have worked multiple jobs the majority of my life.
    So, yes. Perhaps I struggled, some. But I did ok. I'd wonder how this anonymous hero would know how I did at anything in high school?? Anyway.....
    As for my lack of credentialing to obtain/hold my current rank/position:
    The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) is this state's training program institution and is a subsidiary of the University of MD, College Park. It sets curriculum, standards for same, hours required to meet standards, pass/fail testing criteria, etc...and is one of the leading entities for fire/EMS/rescue in the country. It also maintains a training record repository of all classes/programs individuals enroll in through the institute.
    My training record is four pages long. It includes: Essential I-IV, Emergency Vehicle Ops, Hazmat Ops, Hazmat Technician, Hazmat Incident Commander, Emergency Medical Technician, Numerous advanced rescue technician classes to include rope, confined space, trench, high angle, vehicle, farm machinery, grain bin, and water; Coast Guard Boat Operator, Inspector I & II, Instructor certifications, Fire Officer I-IV, FD Safety Officer, all National Incident Management System (NIMS/ICS) classes available, Pumps, multiple strategy and tactics courses, Wild land Interface Firefighter, and numerous other classes that space prevents listing. For nine years I was a Cardiac Rescue Technician (just short of paramedic).

  19. Jimmie Gladwell Part II
    4 hrs ·

    I've attended the Fire Department Instructor Conference (FDIC) in Indy and New Jersey (Indy is the largest training conference in the country) where I've participated in advanced single-company fire/rescue drills as well as practical/didactic classes on structural collapse. Some of the greatest fire instructors in the world present at Indy where 30,000 firefighters group together to train/learn/network each year.
    I obtained my Red Card with the MD Forestry Service and have battled wild land blazes in Colorado, California, Nevada, and Oregon.
    I am a Level III Fire Service Instructor and have been employed by MFRI for over 18 years. During my tenure, I've taught literally thousands of hours and thousands of students, including many Fire Officer classes (FO I & II) to many of the existing officers in the surrounding area. Brother David Merritt and I have shared the top spots as the highest rated MFRI instructors, not in the region, but the entire state, for Hazmat Ops and EVO several years running. We don't get to rate ourselves. Students and College Park compile that data.
    I'm into my 27th year of this firefighting journey. Ive been a part of many exciting and unusual calls. Until the last several years, I never much cared to take the time to actually credential myself. I took the class and obtained the knowledge. That was what was important to me. I didn't care if anyone else knew what I had accomplished. All I cared about was obtaining that knowledge and applying it when necessary.
    As I advance in my career and saw what a ridiculously litigious society we were becoming, I realized the necessity and importance of credentialing and started getting all my work Pro Boarded (officially credentialed). I even made the decision to obtain a college degree and at age 46 finally obtained that goal, as well. I need to further advance that degree.
    So to my Anonymous fan club, here's a quick snap shot of what makes me qualified to do what I do. Your love for me inspired me to do the research that you requested, for you. The sad thing for me is that many of those names you listed/questioned have more credentials than do I. Some have very advanced degrees such as Masters and one is currently enrolled in the Executive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy. That's as good as it gets.
    As for my friend and mentor Bryan Records, there's times when we don't agree on specifics, but I'd like to know what he's forgotten over the years. At nearly 60 years young, he's still one of the best firefighters, anywhere. As are many on your little list.
    This epic post may sound boastful and cocky. It isn't intended to be but I'm over the ridicule me and my peers receive from arm chair bandits who hide behind the safety of anonymity. If you desire to question our credentials; fine. I'm up for your challenge.
    Where's yours???? That should be a good read.

    1. Not cocky or boastful, just arragant and immature.

  20. Dam Gladwell, it's not been since Jester last spoke, anyone thought anymore about themselves. Problem is, both of you have plenty of book smarts, but dumber than a rock when it comes to common sense. And we won't even talk about loyalty, entegrety, or honesty.


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