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Sunday, August 06, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Delmarva Power request another rate increase. Fourth in 5 years.

Joe I thought it would be appropriate to inform your readers of the pending increase to electric delivery charges here in Md. Again the hogs at DPL want more from the consumer to fatten their share holders and again nothing is being contested by the representatives in Annapolis who are SUPPOSED to be speaking for us. We pay rates comparable to metro areas (Source Wall Street Journal) and they're STILL NOT satisfied. How much is the consumer supposed
to bear so DPL can hand out money to Mathias, Otto, Haddaway, and Eckert to get what they want. This increase amounts to $27,029,794.00. The part they don't tell you is this is per monthly billing cycle spread among the residents of Md. who are on DPL systems. ALL your legislators sit back and collect their SOFT money and give them what they want and this is from Hogan all the way to the bottom man. I don't understand how they sleep at night knowing this is hard for people to pay that aren't getting slush fund money, the poor and the old.

A vote for ANY of them is a vote for WRONG and greedy businesses. Mathias takes money from power companies that have NO service obligations in this area or for that fact in Md.

Get smart people and elect some new comers who might have some morals. If you think the ones in office care or have morals then why should I be telling you this instead of them.

Thanking You Most Gratefully I Remain, J.R. 'Bob' Aswell who is Not Fooled.


  1. The bulk of these price increases can be attributed to renewable energy. If the transmission is installed prior to the project, the native ratepayers get charged for it. Like the Great Bay Solar project that is riding on our backs for a $55 million transmission upgrade. This is illegal, but if no one says anything, they get away with it. Please review Public Service Commission Case 9393 and the testimony of Dwight Etheridge. James Mathias was informed of this, but ignored it because he has already made backroom deals favoring the offshore project. Look around, transmission upgrades are being installed to ship energy to a metropolitan area off the Delmarva Peninsula.

  2. Residents have options to change to power delivery services that are less expensive than DP&L, right?

    1. No. I tried to change to the only other utility co a few years ago and was told by them they could not take delmarva power current customers

    2. I tried to switch to Choptank and was told they can go where Delmarva Power is or was.

  3. Good....maybe they can afford to take out the old pole that was replace in my front lawn 5 years ago. Seriously, it may be Verizon, but it sure needs to be removed after all this time. The newest pole has pasted the test and still standing. Please remove the old pole that has no service wires on it for years.

  4. This is the result of no competition perpetuated by big government oversight and green energy crap that wouldn't stand a day on its own without taxpayer largesse! I have dealt with Delmarva Power on several projects for my business and they are as bad as government. Unreturned calls, missed appointments and no sense of urgency! Basically legalized theft!

  5. How are they getting away with this EVERY FN YEAR.

  6. No, You as a customer of DPL are held hostage 10:23. Choptank buys power from DPL and the PJM Grid and still sells it cheaper. If you go with XYZ Power Co. you still get a bill from DPL for delivery and conductivity charges less the initial power supply charge along with whatever else they feel like charging you. You can't arbitrarily change companies because Choptank won't accept you on their system. This was not supposed to be the point of de-regulation. The supreme stupid heads in Annapolis could care less as long as their campaign checks keep coming.
    The reason the DPL machine gets away with what it does is people like you are un-informed and don't care enough to take these legislators to task over the injustice being imposed on the end users. There should be a house cleaning of the Eastern Shore Delegation because they are worthless and care nothing for the average family other than if they vote.

  7. What did you people expect, LOWER rates? You live in Maryland!

  8. As a senior I do not know where to cut anymore to save on my bill. I do not use main lights of any kind now. I use night lights in every room. I cut back on everything else too. My thermostat is set on 75-75 just to cool the house so I can breath. My bill still runs average $100 per month. This is what happens when these utilities are not regulated. Special interest payouts to our elected leaders giving them the vote to steal from the public. Everyone needs to contact Annapolis and demand they vote against this. Mathias, Otto, Haddaway and Eckart.

  9. Please remove the old pole that has no service wires on it for years.

    August 5, 2017 at 10:30 AM

    I'm sure they can find your house and the pole with that comment.

    August 5, 2017 at 11:00 AM

    What have YOU done to take those people to task?

  10. I sold my house and moved to an area Delmarva power didn't service they are a government approved criminal enterprise.

  11. well isn't gov't an approved criminal enterprise itself?

  12. Delmarva Power and Comcast are protected by the politicians. They won't allow any competition. They have a monopoly on services and it is useless to "write your congressman" because they own the politicians. The politicians elections are funded by these monopolies so it would be political suicide for them to vote against them.

  13. I feel so sorry for Senior Citizens on
    limited income. It's terrible what is
    happening with everything going so high
    in cost it's hard enough for the middle
    class to survive.
    It's got to stop somewhere but what do
    you do when most people in politics
    are in it to " pad their own pockets!"

  14. $100 a month isn't that bad. You use a lot more electricity than just lights and a/c. There is also cooking including stove, microwave, coffee pot, toaster oven and then your washer and dryer. Hot water heater which you could put on a timer. Televisions, computers, clocks, refrigerator/freezers.... It all adds up.

  15. 11:00 AM, and you don't think they know they left the pole there when every pole on the street was left behind. Along with other streets in town. I'm sure you didn't leave a address with the comment because you don't want us to know how simple the comment was.

  16. since we moved to Lewes we use more electric because that's how this place is set up. In Salis. we mostly used Gas for everything except fridge and dishwasher, and we had on demand gas hot water so that didn't fire up until we called for hot water. But we did have outside security lights that were on 24/7

  17. Hope with that increase they give the security guys a raise

  18. 2:53......nice...

    These sharks are PROTECTED by your "leaders", who happily take every form of payoff, kickback, deal, and bribe (they like to work the "combo") they can get.
    It's easier to grab an eel underwater than it is to expect a fair deal for "we, the people" from these corporate thieves.
    I'm not interested in funding their political contributions, their donations (for f'ing tax breaks!) to the poor (I want to pay for electricity, not their social work; after all, they have a monopoly), or their newest pension plan or summer meeting in the Bahamas for their executives (to plan the strategy for NEXT YEAR'S hike request).
    "We ,the people" are supposed to be PROTECTED from loansharking monopolies.
    By you know who. TOP job they're doing for us, huh??
    The list for hanging grows every day.
    You know trouble is coming the day they limit how much rope a person can buy at one time.
    I'll bet you don't think that could EVER happen.

    Keep cheering.


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