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Thursday, August 24, 2017

CNN Gets Steamrolled By Their Own Charlottesville Panel: "The Media Is Not Being Honest"

CNN's Alisyn Camerota got steamrolled by a panel of 6 people brought on to discuss Trump's reaction to the Charlottesville tragedy. You could tell the panel segment wasn't going to play out the way Camerota envisioned it from the very start when she asked who was "troubled" by the President's response to the violence in Charlottesville and precisely no one raised their hand. Meanwhile one panelist gave this response regarding Trump's controversial "blame on both sides" comment:

“I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I mean he addressed the problem. Let’s face reality, there are problems on both sides."

“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin which is what I consider both groups are."

"The Antifa group to me is totally a very Stalin-ish kind of group. If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground, that doesn’t seem like a very peaceful group to me.”

Asked to comment on whether there were "very fine people" protesting in Charlottesville, Camerota once again got a surprising response from panelist Daphne Goggins:

"It hasn't been investigated so we don't really know who was out there. But I'm telling you, I've seen videos of other people who were out there who were not neo-Nazis."

Finally, panelist Robert McCarthy commented on the media's blatant unwillingness to cover the Antifa counter-protests in which people showed up with "helmets, body armor and clubs...ready to do battle."



  1. They have no real concept of who Stalin or Hitler really were and the genocides they carried out, brutally ending the lives of tens of millions of people, all civilians.

  2. CNN got what was do them. Honesty from panelist. Liked Camerota when she was at FOX but when she went to CNN She did a reverse and hurt her career. This proves CNN the fake news channel. The channel of the "shadow government"

  3. Most of those Antifa idiots would switch sides in a heart beat for a little more money.


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