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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Trump mocks 'little' George Stephanopoulos, doubles down on ABC bias claims

President Trump didn't miss an opportunity to poke fun at "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos during his rally in Phoenix, AZ, on Tuesday.

Trump twice called the journalist "little" during the event, poking fun at Stephanopoulos' short stature during a lengthy rant against the mainstream media.

Before singling out Stephanopoulos, Trump called out the "failing New York Times" and "pathetic" CNN, and slammed the Washington Post which he called a "lobbying tool for Amazon."

Trump then trained his sights on ABC, likening them to his favorite media bias punching bag.

"I mean CNN is really bad, but ABC this morning," Trump said. "I don’t watch it much but I’m watching in the morning and they have little George Stephanopoulos talking to Nikki Haley.”

He then repeated "little George."



  1. He's Stephanopoulos from the Metropolis !!!

    A Loyal Clinton Allie and Campaign Mngr , so No Wonder he
    don't like Trump !!! Dugh

  2. I don't watch Georgie any more because of his obvious bias, hatred and twisted reporting.

  3. Good for our president. I just love it!

  4. President Trump gets bashed 24/7. Glad he did it to the lying media.


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