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Thursday, August 24, 2017

America's Inner Cities Are In Chaos... Just Look At Baltimore & Chicago

America’s real war zone is not in Afghanistan or on the Korean Demilitarized Zone.

It’s actually in our inner cities where this forgotten war decades old is plagued with out of control homicides and an opioid crisis tearing America apart at the seams.

The root cause of this chaos is from with-in and linked to 50-years of democratic controlled leadership, along with decades of deindustrialization.

A new crisis is looming and the first shot was heard in Charlottesville. The growing tensions in America between the left and right could spur a “new civil war”, according to Rush Limbaugh.

The battlefield of choice is America’s inner city, where leftist groups threw the first punch in toppling Confederate statues not just in Baltimore or Chicago, but across the entire United States.



  1. The legacy of The Party of Liberal Jim.

  2. call for B-52 strike !!!

  3. But wait! Didn't Baltimore get rid of the Confederate Statues and that didn't stop the problem? You've got to be kidding? Seriously? RINO Larry even took down a 140 year old statue of a judge in front of the State House and you still have problems in Baltighetto? Say it ain't so!

  4. These people should be arrested and taken down to the recruiters office (Army) sent to Afgan. and let them fight over there. :)

  5. Remember someone said " The South shall rise Again" , it's about to happen.

  6. Baltimore is disgusting, dirty and smells like Sh*^!!!


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