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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hillary Says "Creep" Trump Made Her "Skin Crawl"

With two weeks left until "What Happened,” Hillary Clinton’s post-campaign memoir, is slated to hit the shelves, excerpts from the book are starting to leak. And, in order to build the pre-launch buzz, the first chapters to emerge focus not on the mistakes Clinton made during the campaign, but target the man who some believe stole her presidency with the help of the Russian government.

Audio of Clinton reading from “What Happened” was leaked to MSNBC’s “Morning Joe." Here, Clinton describes how her “skin crawled” during a moment during the second debate with President Donald Trump when the "creepy" Republican nominee loomed behind her while she spoke – a moment that was roundly mocked by “Saturday Night Live.”

Clinton noted the timing of the debate, which took place two days after Trump’s “Grab her by the p***y comment emerged, in a transparent effort to make Trump's supposedly "aggressive" behavior look shadier than it was.



  1. Hillary made our skin hurt....hell, the whole Country came out and voted for President Trump bc of her....

  2. Did she mean just like the rest of us deplorables?
    The feeling is mutual, in spades.

  3. But she admittedly put up with her "creepy" husband as he groped and sexually abuse women. People with "itchy" ears run to those who will say what they want to hear. Good is bad, bad is good. Truth is a lie, a lie is a truth.

    People are blind and deaf these days. They can't see nor hear the evil that is right in front of them. Heck, they even celebrate it now.

  4. Hillary, never call me a deplorable again!

  5. But she had no issue staying married to a rapist and helping discredit Bill's accusers.

  6. Trump should complain Hillary made his skin crawl......!!!!

  7. Melania doesn't think he's creepy and she's a beautiful, classy woman. Compare to Hillary. See how absurd that statement is.

  8. She was either uncomfortable standing in a room with a real man or she thought she heard the footsteps of the FBI closing in behind her! :-)

  9. Your skin isn't crawling Killary. It's running away from you. Your own skin can't stand you.

  10. Hillary needs to just go away. No one wants to hear (or read) what she has to say.

  11. So that's her latest excuse for losing the election.


  12. The devil has her on speed-dial. She is an odious and disgusting person. Go away and shut up!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She was either uncomfortable standing in a room with a real man or she thought she heard the footsteps of the FBI closing in behind her! :-)

    August 24, 2017 at 8:34 PM

    I busted out laughing when I read that lol

  14. Maybe she felt she was back under "sniper fire", lol!

  15. That dummy doesn't realize it was her skin sagging that felt creepy. She is creepy to me and I've never been around her. That is one nasty subject in all ways. Go away because we the people do not like you in any way.

  16. Hildabeast's time is over in 3....2....1


  17. Hillary is one mentally sick person, if she still claims to be a victim over the election. It really scares me, to think how much worse this country would be if she had won.

  18. Let me ask you this.
    If you were gingerly walking through a dark house and one of them (Trump or hillary) jumped out from around the corner, which one of them would scare the hell out of you??
    Especially when she started drawing a pentagram.
    Who did she call a creep???????

  19. The only time Hillary's skin crawls is when she's shedding 🐍

  20. I take it from all these post hillary isn't very popular?

  21. How do you think poor Trump felt sharing the stage with this old hag with her diaper full and smelling?

  22. Probably a little worse than the rest of us who had to see her face on tv and hear all those lies.

    But at least we couldn't smell her.


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