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Saturday, August 26, 2017

CNN: Trump Voters Are White Supremacists ‘by Default’

CNN doesn’t just think you’re a white supremacist. They’re telling you right to your face.

In an article by John Blake entitled ‘White supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible, the author says:

It’s easy to focus on the angry white men in paramilitary gear who looked like they were mobilizing for a race war in the Virginia college town. But it’s the ordinary people — the voters who elected a reality TV star with a record of making racially insensitive comments, the people who move out of the neighborhood when people of color move in, the family members who ignore a relative’s anti-Semitism — who give these type of men room to operate, they say.

I counted, and this article uses the word “white” FORTY-THREE TIMES. But he’s not trying to race hustle or anything, he’s just telling us the cold hard truth.



  1. Does this mean CNN is ANTIFA and anarchist, since they spread false news / propaganda / indoctrination?

  2. Mainstream media should have NEVER got behind Antifaaaaaah. Session will deem them domestic terrorist and the game plan on identifying them will be much different.

  3. CNN is not telling 99.9% because we dont watch them. As for the other .1% who live in mommies basement you don't matter.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Does this mean CNN is ANTIFA and anarchist, since they spread false news / propaganda / indoctrination?

    August 26, 2017 at 9:35 AM

    Probably since they are traitorous as well and anti fags are admitted anarchists.


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