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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Mass. Poll: Liz Warren Loses — Even Among Democrats! — to GOP Governor

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who might be weighing a 2020 presidential bid, is more disliked than her state's Republican governor — even among Democrats! A new poll found Warren more divisive among members of her own party than a Republican.

According to a new WBUR poll of small central Massachusetts towns that voted for President Trump, a vast majority of Democrats viewed Warren as favorable (76 percent), while slightly fewer Democrats had a similar impression of Governor Charlie Baker (71 percent). But more Democrats had a more unfavorable impression of Warren (19 percent) than of Baker (12 percent).

Worse, Warren only enjoyed a 5-point advantage over Baker — among members of her own party — but she suffered a 7-point disadvantage when it comes to unfavorability.

By contrast, the Republican Baker is actually more popular among Democrats (71 percent) than Republicans (65 percent). Not surprisingly, Warren is deeply unpopular on the other side of the aisle. A mere 8 percent of Republicans viewed her favorably, while a whopping 83 percent said they had an "unfavorable" impression of the Senator.



  1. Wouldn't it be funny, (in a scary way), if the Dems were in cahoots with Repubs to turn everyone against Dems so eventually everyone would support Repubs and we would only have one party? (yeah I know there are also indies but meh)

  2. Senator Warren has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that anyone can rant and rave given the opportunity. It takes a real statesman to debate intelligently and work on issues of substance. She mocks the revered body and I am sure our forefathers are spinning in their graves.

  3. Warren is just another Hillary without all the fat rolls.

  4. Hopefully the Democrat Party will keep falling to pieces!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Wouldn't it be funny, (in a scary way), if the Dems were in cahoots with Repubs to turn everyone against Dems so eventually everyone would support Repubs and we would only have one party? (yeah I know there are also indies but meh)

    July 20, 2017 at 9:56 AM

    WTF are you smoking?


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