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Thursday, July 20, 2017

NAACP Lawsuit Against Trump Voter Commission Centers Around Alleged Racism

A lawsuit filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) against President Donald Trump and his newly launched voter fraud commission in part centers around the argument that the commission is racist.

The lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, argues that Trump has neither the constitutional nor statutory authority to create a new "executive organ for the purpose of launching an investigation that targets individuals or groups of people" and adds that it is an "unauthorized Presidential action."

Trump, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, the voter commission, Vice President Mike Pence, who chairs the commission, and Kris Kobach, the secretary of state of Kansas and the vice-chair of the commission, are listed as defendants on the suit.

"Both before and since his election, President Trump has made repeated statements alleging that there is widespread voter fraud throughout the United States, including the false claim that he lost the popular vote because of 3 to 5 million ‘illegal' votes for former Secretary Hillary Clinton," the suit states.

"The President and his surrogates have also repeatedly described voter fraud in language suggesting that voters of color are more likely to commit voter fraud than white voters, using racially-coded language linking voter fraud to predominantly-minority urban communities and to ‘illegals,'" according to the suit.

More here


  1. Race, race card, racist, racism, race baiting, are just a few words of the day or terms used by disgruntled folks out and about looking for attention. A new vision of Websters will be needed to hold all of this. Yes I am a ole white privileged male that has had nothing given to me that I didn't earn. The only thing I have inherited from family is debt. That's okay, I will take care of it. If others would follow doing the same it would be a better place for them. Don't label me racist because whites also throw the term around due to ignorance. There...

  2. Well now we know why he isn't giving the speech eh?

  3. Voter fraud has been proven now the NAACP wants to block the investigation.

  4. The NAACP is running out of things to complain about.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Race, race card, racist, racism, race baiting, are just a few words of the day or terms used by disgruntled folks out and about looking for attention. A new vision of Websters will be needed to hold all of this. Yes I am a ole white privileged male that has had nothing given to me that I didn't earn. The only thing I have inherited from family is debt. That's okay, I will take care of it. If others would follow doing the same it would be a better place for them. Don't label me racist because whites also throw the term around due to ignorance. There...

    July 20, 2017 at 9:34 AM

    Amen Brother!

  6. Anonymous said...
    The NAACP is running out of things to complain about.

    July 20, 2017 at 11:44 AM

    Well when they put people like Mary Ashanti as their leader what do you expect.

    It's all about "her peoples."


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