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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Lawmakers' Crime Plan Invests In Youth, Calls For New State Laws

A group of Baltimore legislators is proposing a package of new efforts to address public safety that relies heavily on new investment in youth and calls for new state laws.

A 30-page proposal gets an early start on next year's legislative session. Legislators said the problem is so urgent attention is needed now.

"This is an all­-hands-on-deck moment," said Baltimore City Delegate Luke Clippinger, D-District 46.

The public safety plan proposed by the legislators of Baltimore's 46th District includes both immediate steps to address crime prevention and long-term investment to steer youth to better outcomes.

"We need a comprehensive plan to address crime and increased safety of our communities. It can't be just about the crime fight," said Baltimore City Sen. Bill Ferguson, D-District 46. "We're really out here to up the urgency. We are really frustrated. Our constituents are frustrated.



  1. "The plan notes that between 2007 and 2011, the high school dropout rate in Baltimore dropped 56 percent. At the same time, there was also a 67 percent reduction in the number of juveniles involved in gun crime."

    This begs the question why did the Democratic mayor and council in Baltimore not continue the funding to begin with? Were they to busy funding stupid pet projects in an effort to get votes?

  2. good parenting would handle much of the issue

  3. The Government will never solve anything

  4. Stick to the laws that are on the books now, Just ENFORCE the punishments!!! Caught with an Illegal handgun - MAXIMUM SENTENCE!!!!! Caught with DRUGS AND HANDGUN - MAXIMUM SENTENCE!!!! The main problem is being WAY TOOOO SOFT!!! If these "KIDS" are old enough to use or obtain a gun in anyway then they are old enough to pay the consequences! Stop with the HUG a THUG and SLAM THE CELL DOOR!!!!!

  5. 11:45
    You are encouraging the government to crack down even more on non-Constitutional Statutes?
    All people are entitled to possess a hand gun.
    Possessing and using drugs harm nobody except for the person doing the possessing and usage.

  6. 1046am - yes they were and look what it got them. ~sigh!~

  7. If you are all that concerned build more prisons and go back to chain gangs and really really hard labor 7 days a week.

  8. Justice Reinvestment Act on the horizon--judges hands tied, sentences reduced, expect many to be released from jails and prisons....and they expect crime to drop...the statistics will be FUDGED to show the results they are touting. They have done it before...

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are encouraging the government to crack down even more on non-Constitutional Statutes?
    All people are entitled to possess a hand gun.
    Possessing and using drugs harm nobody except for the person doing the possessing and usage.

    July 19, 2017 at 12:25 PM

    For some reason I doubt they are unconstitutional. We are talk about young, dumb, criminal punks.


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