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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

President Trump's Fantastic Speech to Kick Off 'Made In America'


  1. Yes ! Trump Yes! See, Made in China (mind control) Trump sees Obamas fail Clintin (modem implant 1994) made in USA = no mind control. Mad in China =Mal Ware Soft Ware Bugs viral No Sweet Ones Say No! Mind implants should be Made in UsA only !

    1. Joe, why do you continue to post this idiot's comments. You could be talking about the weather and he will post some incoherent thought about mind implants!

      Get help, sir!

  2. His speeches just keep getting better.

  3. 11:14
    Have you ever given a clue to the code for deciphering your comments? If so, I missed it. I know there are some missing words, and if one has the code, one can include the words and decipher the comment. Are you part of intelligence? CIA? Mossad? Are you typing codes into Joe's blog?

    Come on, inquiring minds want to know.

  4. 11:14 AM - please reread your prescription label for correct dosing.

  5. Nice hat, Mr. President.

  6. President Donald J. Trump.....man that sounds good.

    Trump/Pence 2020 !!

  7. Working America is winning under Trump!

  8. 12:22 I'm like you I can't figure out what the hell 11:14 is talking about he must be a spy of some kind.

  9. 11:14- When you call your audience sweet ones, it comes off as creepy. Never mind your constant dribble about the Clinton's and Obama and Trump having brain implants, but apparently Trump is okay because his was made in America? Glad your not claiming that Obama is a demonic alien reptile cyborg with foreign brain implants anymore. A bit much. Almost funny, but you apparently mean it. For that matter, what the hell does, "Trump sees Obamas fail Clintin (modem implant 1994) made in USA = no mind control," mean? Can you read? Did you make it beyond the 4th grade? Can't you see your responses constantly state the same nonsense? I TRY to read your comments and take something from it, but really you should think about what you are saying. It is utter nonsense.

  10. It is possible that the words this person is typing do make sense to him/her.
    Possibly, this person has a mental disorder and the words come out in a "disorderly fashion".
    However, it is very strange writing and makes me believe that it is possibly being done on purpose.

    I know some people find the writings to be funny, but I wonder if it is possible the person is typing in a code?
    We would all feel terrible if it were later discovered that the person is a part of an intelligence network and is sending code to secret readers of the posts.

    I truly wonder about these posts and would love to know if they are intentional.
    Perhaps someone knows the person who is typing them?


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