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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Dozens of people on dirt bikes, four wheelers ride illegally through DC

WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - Dozens of people illegally rode dirt bikes and four-wheelers through Northeast D.C. early Sunday night.

The group can be seen barreling down H Street, weaving in and out of traffic.

Although illegal in the District, Metropolitan Police are instructed not to pursue a person or persons riding dirt bikes or four-wheelers.



  1. Instructed to ignore the criminals and criminal activities!

    Sounds like our elected officials - wait, they work there too!

  2. Same thing on Hemlock st

  3. The inmates are running the asylum

  4. Not a problem until one of these criminals becomes road kill? Insane to ignore the law lock em all up!!

  5. Lawlessness. He is coming soon!

  6. Same crap in Baltimore.

  7. So what, Mike Lewis and Barbara Duncan is letting them do it in Wicomico County.

  8. It doesn't matter if these folks ride 4 wheelers and do no harm to a person or to property.
    That is Common Law - Constitutional Law.

    If on the other hand, they cause harm then, they should be cited and charged under Common Law for the crime against property which is alleged. A Common Law court can then hear the case and make a decision.


    Live and let live.

    1. BS Its a motorized veh and these AHOLES do not respect the law the veh need to be IMPOUNDED.

  9. Looks like a third world country.

  10. Dump bags of Calcium Chloride on the road, don't harm cars, but boy do motorcycles slip on it!

  11. We need a gadget that disables the electrical system cutting off the engines. Not rocket science!

  12. Saw them today by the Salisbury YM at about 7:15pm.

  13. I'm sure that they're all insured against damages they may cause and injuries that they may receive or inflict. Don't you feel safer believing that?

  14. Wicomico County needs to make any motorized off road type vehicle register with the county and display the proper registration County Seal in a prominent location to notify Law Enforcement whether these off road vehicles are registered annually. This will also break this crap up of running them on the roads illegally. Also a revenue source for the County. If there is no sticker displayed then it is possibly stolen and PD can pursue.

  15. 3 years now this has been going on, televised and NOTHING can be done?


  16. A few nights ago while headed North just before dark, I meant a posse of them headed South on busy business 13 in the area of Delaware Tire between South Blvd and College Ave. Traffic was heavy and there were 4-wheeler's and off road dirt bikes (approx. six). The leader of the pack was riding on the rear wheel only, while passing vehicles. I don't know the answer to this because a patrol car cannot keep up with them. Maybe the police can deploy a few bikes that can take to the terrain these clowns would use to avoid them. I don't know the policy or consequences of this type bike for police, but it would have to be more efficient than touring bikes.

  17. Instructed to ignore them, but handcuff and arrest people selling water? OMG, definitely something wrong with this country.

  18. I asked my buddy who is a DC cop (MPD) and he told me the reason that they are not to pursue these clowns is that they could get even more careless and kill an innocent bystander. If they wreck and kill themselves is one thing, however, killing someone else out of negligence due to fear of being arrested is another.

  19. 820 am
    One of those thugs tried to hit my bumper while doing a wheelie last yr on South Schumacher.

  20. The State jumped right on this problem right away when the enacted the new laws for registration, insurance, and helmets. Seems like that worked pretty well, doesn't it?
    The end result is that ONLY the law-abiding citizens follow the law on these mopeds and scooters, and most of them just stopped riding because of that law. Now only the lawbreakers ride with no apparent consequences.
    Take notes: Tell me again about wanting stricter gun control.

  21. How do the police know whether or not these things are stolen?


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