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Monday, July 24, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Report Animals in Distress

Your Name Is Not Given When You Do!

Joe, On your Site a couple of days ago I read two comments that
were upsetting to me about animals needing to be reported to Animal Control. Examples of comments are as follows:

The person was Not Reporting because they didn't want to give their name to Animal Control, thinking it would be given to the animals' owner and thought there might be repercussions

Another was --- There was a dog tied or chained in the heat 1/2 way down Nanticoke Rd. with what appeared to be only a lean-to type shelter . I responded asking if they would give me the address I would report it. There was no response. (This was on 7-21st post)

I've reported to Animal Control many times and was told by them my name would not be given out. I called the Humane Society Saturday to ask them and the lady told me that to her understanding names of those who report abuse are not given out! (Animal Control wasn't in the office at this time for reply.)

I 'm hopeful this information gets " passed around" so people will report animals in distress & abusive situations.

Dog Laws for our County can be found on line at http://ecode360.com/10170130
Related subject is ------Article 1V # 133-17 Please take the time to read them.


  1. As I previously mentioned, you are not required to give your name, you can politely decline. I always decline.

  2. They have given out names before.

  3. 1:46 PM Then don't give them one or say you are Jane Doe. Really people, use your brain.

    Oh I would rather see an animal suffer because I am too stupid to not give out my name? Really?

  4. I have received the name of a person that turned in a neighbor's dog to animal control, even though she requested anonymity. Don't believe what you tell them is a secret.

  5. Do gooders need to mind their own business.

  6. 12:37 then understand we LE arrives and do not witness what you reported there's zero they can do. Witnesses refusing to cooperate is 90% of the reason people do not get charged with crimes.

  7. It's like this 3:09, for those who can't
    speak for themselves like little children,
    the impaired elderly and helpless creatures
    then ---We speak up and as loud as we can.
    That's the Godly thing to do you know!!!
    Or, perhaps you didn't .

  8. 3:42 PM flawed analogy. Because even if you give your name and they show up and do not witness it, there is still nothing they will do about it since they did not see it for themselves. SMH at this ridiculous thread.

  9. Those folks certainly will give out the names and Molnar won't send out an officer if the caller doesn't give their name. Then when the gossip employees in the humane society get a hold of any info you might as well put it out on a billboard as it goes everywhere.

  10. If you see animal abuse, put it on Joes Blog with the address.
    I believe some kind human being will ck it out
    and report it !
    When you don't report, you're just a guilty as the one
    who's abusing!


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