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Monday, July 24, 2017

Aerial Video Of Damage In Queen Anne's County


  1. That sucks. Sorry for the victims.

  2. Where is WBOC News Leader helicopter or their six licensed drone operators.... Baltimore covered it....LOL

  3. wboc isn't there because it's not Delaware.

  4. Isn't it sad that just a few miles east in Delaware, WBOC would have been on this like flies to S**T, but if it is in eastern Maryland, you know the eastern shore of Maryland, they don't even give the story the time of day.
    They will go to the internet and find the pictures and post this on their website so they don't have to get off of their behinds and report the news here in Maryland that needs to be reported!
    WBOC needs to totally relocate to Delaware because they certainly don't report much from Maryland or Virginia our their so call Delmarva Report!!! I will say however, WMDT does a better job of reporting the news here in Salisbury with the limited resources they have available. Where is chopper Willy? How about the Drone team you bragged so much about. Looked more like the model airplane nerd team!


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