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Monday, July 24, 2017

Late Distance Amendment Could Derail Offshore Wind Project

OCEAN CITY — Less than 24 hours after Ocean City officials voted to send another letter to potential offshore wind farm developers over the distance from shore issue, Congressman Andy Harris was successful in getting an amendment passed that could derail the project altogether.

Harris, who represents Maryland’s first congressional district, on Tuesday was able to attach an amendment on a Department of the Interior appropriations bill that will prohibit the use of federal funds to conduct reviews of site assessments or construction and operation plans for wind turbines less than 24 nautical miles from the state’s shoreline. The amendment adopted could effectively put an end to the state’s two offshore wind farm projects approved by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC).

The US Wind project calls for 62 turbines as close as 12-17 miles off the coast of Ocean City in its first phase. During a presentation of the proposed project this spring, Ocean City officials pressed US Wind to push the front line of turbines further back in the designated Wind Energy Area (WEA) and the company agreed to move the turbines to 17 miles offshore. The second approved project, Deepwater Wind’s Skipjack project, calls for 15 turbines as close as 19 miles off the coast of the resort.



  1. why should federal funds be used at all?
    or any gov funds?

    let the company that want to build them foot the entire bill

    1. I agree. This decision was made to kill the windmills. It won't go forward if they have to lay miles more power lines on the sea floor.

  2. 1244
    Federal Funds are used because our government is a Facist Dictatorship and works for corporate interests.

    Any more questions?

  3. Maybe they are finally waking up and smelling the coffee. Wind power is collapsing all over the world once the heavy subsidies are taken off.

  4. This is an important commonsense amendment. The hosting communities are the ones who pay in lost resources and increased transmission while the power produced is shipped to a high use area in another region. This project is about creating temporary jobs in inner city Baltimore. After the blades are manufactured, the plant will close and Ocean City will be stuck with lower property values and decreased tourism. This is a very bad deal for everyone but the developer and inner-city Baltimore residents.

  5. Any business that needs tax payer funds to get established and function, with no plan for tax payer remimbursement should clearly be an indication that it is not able to compete in the free market.

    With coal, natural gas and oil resources being plentiful, energy costs are coming down, thus reducing manufacturing and transportation costs immensley. Our country is becoming an exporter of gas and oil which should eliminate the need for the massive tax subsidized wind and solar projects.

    Many scientists are of the opinion based on good scientific research, that changes in the climate are cyclical, and that the Creator has it all under control.

  6. Way to go Andy! Thank you for looking after the taxpayers!
    There are many reasons, too numerous to mention here, for not providing tax money for such projects.

  7. Federal Funds are used because our government is a Facist Dictatorship and works for corporate interests.

    Any more questions?

    July 24, 2017 at 1:26 PM

    I have one. Were you always this stupid and negative or did you work at it?

    Way to go Andy! Thank you for looking after the taxpayers!
    There are many reasons, too numerous to mention here, for not providing tax money for such projects.

    July 24, 2017 at 2:06 PM

    I bet you were his tutor.

    Keep paying those higher than necessary electric bills Bubba(s)

  8. Just came back from Elkins West Virginia. They had these hideous creations on top of those beautiful mountains on the north side of the town. Ugly and most were not even turning. What a god awful con these things are. Ocean City reps would never consider these things unless they are being influenced with back room $$$$$


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