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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Surprise! Seattle's Minimum Wage Charade Is Making People Poorer

As the old expression states, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In 2014, Seattle decided to lead the way “forward” in the attempt to impose the leftist utopian dream of creating a “livable” minimum wage for all. Largely ignoring sound warnings from seasoned economists, Seattle pressed on with its crusade, passing a progressive increase to the minimum wage with the goal of eventually reaching $15 per hour by 2017 and 2019 respectively for large and small businesses. So has Seattle been able to defy all conventional economic wisdom and raise a greater number of individuals out of poverty with its mandatory minimum wage hike?

A recently released study from the University of Washington appears to be throwing a well-deserved bucket of cold water on Seattle’s pipe dream. Researchers found that low-income workers saw their overall pay decrease, as companies either cut hours or cut the number of employees..

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  1. Maryland Welfare makes you richer, you want a bigger check, pop out some more little bastards.

  2. This is the whole point, the same as why the govt keeps spending money and raising taxes and fees... TO make you and keep you a slave...

    And if you knuckleheads don't think so, try living off the grid and see what happens... You are not free... You will always pay the piper...

  3. This is simple logic which liberals never understand! It is simple ECONOMICS! If you increase the wages, then the cost of everything rises, to the point when you are poorer than before! It is a trickle effect idiots! Oh the McDonalds workers want $15/hr so the truck drivers that deliver the items to the store want $30/hr. So your $1.59 burger just increased in price to $5.00 Yeah it is real! Oh and don't forget that by making $15/hr compared to $8.50/hr you are now placed in a higher tax bracket, so kiss that big fat refund check goodbye!!!!!

  4. ugh you are all a bunch of idiots to believe this propaganda. comes from big corporations and the government but you never hear it coming from any workers.


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