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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice Says She's a Victim of Racism and Sexism

Former national security adviser and UN ambassador Susan Rice refuses to go quietly into retirement, even though she remains one of the most controversial figures of the Obama Administration.

Now, thanks to a glowing profile in New York Magazine, we know that despite Susan Rice’s very public shortcomings (whatever happened to that dastardly filmmaker who spurred violence across the Middle East, anyway?), she believes any criticism of her tenure is at least partly the result of racism and sexism.
When asked why she became a “target” in the Trump Administration, she replied, “I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this. What do you think?…I do not leap to the simple explanation that it’s only about race and gender. I’m trying to keep my theories to myself until I’m ready to come out with them. It’s not because I don’t have any.”

But, she goes on to imply, Trump—and the rest of his administration, for that matter —doesn’t seem to like people of her race and gender.

And she feels personally violated by the continued interest by Trump and others in her actions as both a National Security Adviser and as a diplomat. All of her major achievements —the non-binding Paris Climate Accord, the new relationship with Cuba, and the Iranian nuclear deal—have been walked back by Trump. And she thinks that’s a personal jab at her and not simply a new administration rolling back hastily made and ineffective policy.



  1. ha ha, best laugh I've had all day!

  2. Has she retained a boatload of lawyers yet?

  3. I don't recall that Obama's preference for appointments was caucasian. It would make sense that some of those appointees caught up in wrongdoing tended to seems like racial bias.


  4. She's both a bad person and an idiot. A total tool.

  5. she is only guilty of the lack of brain syndrome

  6. Riot say "She's a Victim of Racism and Sexism" as your far right source says. According to FOX she was ASKED if She'was a Victim of Racism and Sexism.

    The FOX article is titled "Susan Rice suggests race, gender bias linked to 'unmasking' backlash" and quoted Rice as saying " I do not leap to the simple explanation that it’s only about race and gender. I’m trying to keep my theories to myself until I’m ready to come out with them. It’s not because I don’t have any.” The far right and far left - one is bad as the other in writing to suit their fake news bs.

  7. The only thing Rice is a victim of is being on the side of Obama and Clinton.

  8. No, the only thing Susan Rice is guilty of is being a pathological liar. Now I am sure and 100% certain she colluded with the Obama administration if not Obama himself on the false narratives she spewed on TV. I guarantee she will not testify under oath as she will surely perjure herself. She will take the 5th just like Lois Lerner.

  9. She (Susan Liar Rice) is a victim of her own repeatedly lying mouth.

  10. She is an intelligence asset.

  11. Now she has found a use for her race cards.


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