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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Two Top House Dems Accused Of Ethics Violations

Democrats have been having a rough time lately as the phony Russia collusion narrative crumbles (with a little help from noted fake news purveyor CNN) while some of the party’s most venerated officials are facing allegations of misconduct – be it for colluding with the Clinton campaign (Loretta Lynch) or for allegedly submitting a fraudulent loan application and improperly pressuring a regional lender (Bernie and Jane Sanders).

Add to that list Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) who as the Hill reports are facing possible ethics infractions and will appear before a panel at the recommendation of the Office of Congressional Ethics. The OCE is an independent, bipartisan group that examines ethics complaints and forwards what it considers the most serious cases to the Ethics Committee.



  1. All I can say is that Conyers wife is doing a prison stint for corruption in Detroit.
    Habits are learned!

  2. Anyone else remember back when most congressmen were passing bad checks and bouncing them left and right? It's been a few years since that was reported and I have no idea if it continues these days.

  3. The House banking scandal broke in early 1992, when it was revealed that the United States House of Representatives allowed members to overdraw their House checking accounts without risk of being penalized by the House bank (actually a clearinghouse).
    This is also sometimes known as Rubbergate (from the expressions "rubber check" (bounced check) and "Watergate)". The term is misleading because House checks did not bounce; they were honored because the House Bank provided overdraft protection to its account holders, the Office of the Sergeant at Arms covered the House Bank with no penalties.[1] It was also sometimes known as the "check-kiting scandal".

    The House banking scandal ultimately involved more than 450 representatives, most of whom did not break any laws. Twenty-two congressmen and -women were singled out by the House Ethics Committee for leaving their checking accounts overdrawn for at least eight months out of a sample of 39 months.[2]

    The scandal contributed to a perception of corruption and malfeasance and was a contributing factor to major changes in the House, in which 77 Representatives resigned or were ousted in the 1994 election.[3] Four ex-Congressmen, a Delegate, and the former House Sergeant at Arms were convicted of wrongdoing as a result of the investigation that followed.[4]
    Among these, former Rep. Buz Lukens (R-OH) was convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges. Former Rep. Carl C. Perkins (D-KY) pleaded guilty to various charges including a check kiting scheme involving several financial institutions including the House Bank. Former Rep. Carroll Hubbard (D-KY) pleaded guilty to three felonies. The former Sergeant at Arms, Jack Russ, pleaded guilty to three felonies.[5]

    Looked it up for your convenience.


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