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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Soros Gives Additional $250k to Tom Perriello for Virginia Primary Bid

Liberal billionaire George Soros gave an additional $250,000 to Virginia Democrat Tom Perriello in May, bringing his total contributions to the former one-term congressman's primary to $500,000, according to a campaign finance report filed on Monday.

Together with $50,000 that was given to Perriello from Soros's son Gregory, money from the Soros family accounted for 16 percent of the money the campaign brought in between April 1 and June 1 of this year.

The new contributions come after Soros gave $250,000 to Perriello in January and two of his other sons—Alexander and Jonathan—gave $135,470 to Perriello in March, bringing the total amount the Soros family has given to Perriello to $685,470.

Soros was not the only Democratic mega-donor to chip in during the final two months of Perriello's push to defeat Virginia lieutenant governor Ralph Northam in the June 13 Democratic gubernatorial primary.

Joining Soros with $300,000 worth of contributions is Donald Sussman, a hedge fund manager who sits on the board of directors at the Center for American Progress.

More here


  1. Is that his great-grand-daughter there with him?

    Looks like he's pervert too.

  2. Soros has more money than he has sense(cents). Even with all the money he gave Hillary and the Democrats he still lost big in the last election.

  3. COMMUNISM!! When are the idiot Democrats going to learn that George Soro's wants to ruin this country?? He even admitted he hated us. This man has so much blood on his hands it is unreal.

  4. SOROS needs to be HUNG for TREASON.

  5. Do you really want to know who is trying to manipulate elections? Just look at Soros and his ilk.

  6. Sounds like a job for seal team six this king tard needs to be put on trail at the world court or better yet buried at sea with osama

  7. Sounds like a job for seal team six this king tard needs to be put on trail at the world court or better yet buried at sea with osama


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