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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Breaking News: Christopher Wray is President Trump's pick for F.B.I. director. He was an assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush.

President Trump said Wednesday that he had selected the former federal prosecutor Christopher Wray, a partner at the Washington law firm King & Spalding, to be his new F.B.I. director.

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  1. No more Obama loberal. Cra0pb say No Sweet ones

  2. Oh my President Trump knows how to push the buttons of the democrats and send them into a frenzy! Love it! Gov Christie's Bridgegate attorney You could almost feel the collective a la Chris Matthews thrill going up the legs of the democrats when the President Tweeted this news.

  3. I'm sure the liberals will not like this choice or anyone else he would pick

  4. I actually applied for the job but they told me I was overqualified.


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