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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Police: Father Of Perry Hall Girl Strikes Teacher With Bat After Finding Inappropriate Texts

PERRY HALL, Md. (WJZ) — Inappropriate messages between a teacher and a student lead to an incident in Baltimore County.

The mother of a 15-year-old Perry Hall High School student first contacted police about a suspicious condition early Thursday morning.

When police arrived, they found numerous text messages sent back and forth between the girl and one of her teachers.

Officers say the texts described an emotional relationship that seemed inappropriate for a teacher and student.



  1. Looks justified but handled wrong. He should have gone to the principle and presented the evidence. Contacted the authorities for a proper arrest report and then had charges brought up against him.

  2. OMG what have we got teaching in our schools and colleges? Teachers are suppose to be teaching History, Math, English etc. Instead they are teaching hate, sex, racial divide, their one sided views on politics. Maybe we need to start vetting our teachers.

  3. 10:37: I will ask you this yet again, how do you make a great nation, not great? Turn it upside down, and that is what is exactly happening... Face it, Evil is winning becasue good men are letting it!!!!!

    1. Whatever you are preaching has nothing to do with this post. This post does not show anyone getting away with anything.

  4. I would have castrated the guy!

  5. Very appropriate behavior, I hope he hit the "potential" molester where it hurts.

  6. Gosh 11:12, if only I, and the rest of the world, heard you the first time. There would be peace on Earth!

    If you think Evil is winning, then you already gave up. There is no end, evil will always exist. It's the "good men," that won't let it win. Try to inspire, and not be so much, "I told you so."

    Maybe donate some time to your community? You will see that there are plenty of not only good men, but good women and children, animals, and parks and recreational programs that will inspire you to not just preach, but actually be a good man. I assume you are a man, since you stated that only good men are letting evil win? Not a feminist, just another educated eastern shore redneck, just commenting on my favorite news site!


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