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Sunday, June 18, 2017

REMINDER: Comey's Termination Papers

Here's a refresher for everyone to read for themselves to understand Trump's Tweet:

See the third memorandum.

The Documents:


  1. What happened to " I decided..."

    1. How do you feel about the way he handled the Hillary Clinton matter?

  2. ANON 12:45PM After Rod Rosenstein started getting heat from the press for his memo, which you have here to read on your own, President Trump took the heat so he wouldn't continue being badgered by MSM. If you would inform yourself, you would already know the answer to this question before asking it! I suggest you go back to the May 9th date and read the articles around that period and see when Trump assumed the brunt of the MSM clamor! You might learn something!

  3. Who asked Rosenstein to write the memo??

  4. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Read Your Stupid Asinine CommentJune 16, 2017 at 1:18 PM

    115 do you have too much free time and tinfoil?

    1. Some on here live in whole tinfoil suits. They are brainwashed into thinking MSM is actually telling them the truth when those in the know know different. Pawns & jokers 🃏🃏🃏

  5. I don't get it. Trump said he decided on Comey before receiving the recommendations from the two gentlemen?? Are you saying he acted based on heat from MSM? Sounds like a snowflake to me.

  6. 148 he did what real leaders do, take ultimate responsibility for his team. Why do you think that's such a snowflake? Snowflakes don't take responsibility for their own actions much less anyone in their charge. Maybe the problem is you haven't seen a true leader in so long you forgot what one looked and acted like.

  7. 139 Clinton will be dealt with in due time. No worries about that; he made a promise and intends on keeping it. His agenda to make yours and my life better comes first then he'll deal with the swamp riff raff. Assured.

  8. It's absurd to go pissing boots with this, when it was clear Comey didn't do his job all along. Who really cries for a guy who lied his butt off, leaked information and then turns around trying to act like he's victim when all along he put the kibosh on the following:

    IRS targeting political opponents
    Unmasking private citizens being illegally spied on
    20M Americans being spied on without due process or just cause
    Clinton Foundation for RICO, Quit Pro Quo,
    Clinton's Illegal Email Server - mishandling of classified and privileged information
    Fast n' Furious - gun running to terrorists and Mexican drug cartels
    Middle East Oil Pipelines - part of Clinton Foundation also involving McCain and Graham.

    Do I need to list more or is this enough reason to terminate someone?

  9. Is it just me or is anyone else tired of all these non-issues just to attack and try to discredit Trump? Do they really think any of these fake stories and trumped up bs will get the man out of the WH?

    I would bet money that obammy and killary are behind some or most of these dramatic soap operas. Killary= Resist, insist, persist, enlist.

    Obammy= Robert Gehl reports that Barack Obama is preparing for a massive, coordinated insurgency to take down President Donald Trump.

    In preparation for this, he is turning his new Washington home – an 8,200-square-foot, $5.3 million mansion in the Kalorama district – into Ground Zero in this anti-Trump insurrection.

    He has invited his closest personal advisor Valerie Jarrett, to move in with Obama and his wife.

    Obama has been given an office post-presidency, but he is forbidden from using that for political purposes – so his political planning against Trump must be done at his private home – where he pays the bills himself.

    Just so you know who is behind most/all of this hoopla.

  10. Unknown said...

    I would bet money that obammy and killary are behind some or most of these dramatic soap operas. Killary= Resist, insist, persist, enlist.

    June 16, 2017 at 2:54 PM

    So why do you think Obama stayed in DC and rented a house in DC instead of heading back to his Magnum PI mansion on the beach in Hawaii?

    Why do you think he ended up buying the house in DC that he was renting?

    Where did he get the $8.1 Million dollars to buy the house that he was renting in DC? He certainly can't afford it on his Presidency salary and retirement.

    Where did he get the money to buy the beachfront Magnum PI Mansion in Hawaii?

    Where did he get the money to buy the other 5 mansions he now owns? The book sales aren't that good?

    There is going to be a hostile take over or an attempt at a hostile takeover of the Trump Presidency and the GOP ran congress? What just happened in Alexandria and that was only 1 Bernie supporter who didn't know that armed Capital Police were at that practice. His intent was to take out 25 GOP Congressmen.

    You better take heed and lock and load.

    Soros and Jarrett?

    1. Actually Valerie Jarrett wanted Comey to be fired 654. She tried to get Obama to fire him many times. Comey is headed to jail.

  11. Mueller hires more than a dozen lawyers for Russia probe, plans to hire more
    BY BROOKE SEIPEL - 06/16/17 09:47 AM EDT


    Cut his damn budge off. How stupid can you people be!

    1. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I threw my lemonade when I saw this post!June 16, 2017 at 7:55 PM

      Agreed. All options are being discussed & considered. Just stay tuned and watch Trump's tweets. Things are heating up very quickly, 712 and it's about to get interesting.

  12. By Trump allowing this to happen and playing into this, I'm starting to think this is what he wants to happen!

    1. 713 you're completely missing the point of this inquisition. They're looking for anything to nail Trump and keep coming up empty. Please inform yourself. You have the info to do so, so use it to enrich your understanding rather than make silly remarks. 🤢🤢🤢🙄🙄🙄

  13. You better take heed and lock and load.

    Soros and Jarrett?

    June 16, 2017 at 6:57 PM

    Could you lose the cowboy mentality and actually make a point?

    1. Point made, the average American has no idea who and what George Soros is and the evil intent of his ambition,.!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Actually Valerie Jarrett wanted Comey to be fired 654. She tried to get Obama to fire him many times. Comey is headed to jail.

    June 16, 2017 at 7:50 PM

    I assume you meant 254. And I don't see the relevance to what you say?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Some on here live in whole tinfoil suits. They are brainwashed into thinking MSM is actually telling them the truth when those in the know know different. Pawns & jokers 🃏🃏🃏

    June 16, 2017 at 7:52 PM

    You will never be taken seriously talking to people like that. Try again without being condescending.


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