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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Governor Terry McAuliffe “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence”.


  1. What an idiot! He said it almost three times🤣

  2. O no 4 days we all will be gone in the United States.

  3. Well I guess we don't have to worry about climate change

  4. Out of a population of 322 million (2015). More lies from a BiG USEFUL TARD left.. BS
    All shootings: Some 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015, according to the Gun Violence Archive, and 26,819 people were injured [those figures exclude suicide]. Those figures are likely to rise by several hundred, once incidents in the final week of the year are counted.

  5. I guess in a few weeks he will be the last man standing by his math.
    What a FU***ING FOOL.

  6. this guy is a kook. does he ever think before he speaks?

  7. Instead of acting like the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia he was trying to push his anti gun policy at a time of horrific circumstances. Finally after 3 times, a reporter got him to correct it to 93 people a day. It was totally inappropriate to be discussing this in the middle of the terrible shooting in Alexandria Virginia .

  8. What a tool. Total "0". VA you voted for this guy? Sad

  9. At that rate, he needs to pull down all legislation about gun control ASAP, and give away free guns to everyone so we can save the human race before the 4 days is up!

  10. Me thinks his math is a little off.

  11. He likes to spout rhetoric that the idiots believe.

  12. A random drug screening program for our elected representatives seems more and more necessary.

  13. 88k ALCOHOL related deaths in 2016. That is ALMOST 7x higher then the number of deaths by firearms. I NEVER hear politicians talking about it or campaigning about banning booze... 2006 over consumption of booze brought in 249 BILLION... btw 88k is 5x higher then heroin/pill over dose Combined... yet it's NOT considered a EPIDEMIC. It's ALL a RACKET

  14. Approximately 237 people die per day from excessive alcohol consumption... gun grabbers are worried and 93 a month? Please.

  15. What a Dumb F'n Idiot!! Thank God there were 2 additional guns on the street yesterday morning or we would have had a large massacre. A massive slaughter of good Republicans in Congress.

    This incident proves that this country needs laws allowing good citizens to carry guns just as the 2nd Amendment affords us.

    First Virginia elects a dumb Democrat because of their stupid Republican Party of Virginia did not support the last candidate running against Terry McCauliffe which allowed a Donkey win. Now they lost a good Republican in this past Tuesday's Primary because the RPofV didn't promote and support Corey Stewart. Instead they supported Establishment Ed Gillespie who will get beat by Democrat Ralph Northam.

  16. If you do the research, you will sew that the overwhelming majority of mass shooting are perpetrated by Democrats. The problem is not too many guns on the street. The real problem is too many Democrats!!!

  17. Your typical liberal idiot

  18. All about gun control, and Mcauliffe said that was his plan from day one, and isn't it funny how someone gets shot in his state and the first thing they do, and I mean the very first thing they do, in a matter of a few hours is stop the introduction to pro-gun legislation!!!!

    Also, can someone tell me how the hell it is even possible with basic math, that 93 million people die a day from gun violence in america when we only have around 100 million to 300 million???

    That means in 4 days everyone would be dead in this country!!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!

  19. In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes (30,296 fatal crashes), killing 32,999 and injuring 2,239,000,[2] and around 2,000 kids under 16 years old die every year due to traffic collisions. Over 35000 in 2015. Now do you still want my guns? We can talk about drownings and outlaw swimming pools. If you want to lower gun deaths start execute people commenting murder on their first offence.


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