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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

London Mayor calls for Cancellation of Trump visit to UK

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the British government to cancel a state visit from President Trump after Trump criticized his response to this weekend’s terror attacks in London.

“I don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for,” Khan said in an interview with Britain’s Channel 4 News.

“When you have a special relationship it is no different from when you have got a close mate. You stand with them in times of adversity but you call them out when they are wrong. There are many things about which Donald Trump is wrong.”



  1. They should not have a muslim in any official government position. Talk about a fox in the hen house. He's part of the problem.

  2. THEN ALL Americans should stop visiting ENGLAND.

  3. The London mayor belongs in prison.

  4. Trump is the Man. Sounds like London has a snowflake problem.

  5. London Mayor= isis

  6. 10:54 Would you go anywhere in Europe to visit right now?

    Forget it, Europe is lost.

  7. he's been doing that for 2 weeks now.

  8. So now we see that Muslims are in total control of England...

    1. Since the libs have run the show.

  9. He's afraid of Trump because he's a radical Muslim himself! How could he possibly hold a public conversation with Trump and win? His City would see him for what he truly is, as Trump says it out loud!

    No, this mayor is running and hiding from Trump Sunshine!

  10. The mayor of london has pissed off the Queen who has invited Trump. The demonic mayor does not run England. More lies from the left. Trump will be welcomed with open arms.


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