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Sunday, June 18, 2017

I'll have what he's having...

By Thornton Crowe

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know the scene from When Harry Met Sally; it's all I've heard in my head since reading this honey dipped, fabrication piece in the US News called: Can Salisbury and Small Urban Enclaves make Rural Cool?

You really must read the whole article to fully grasp the syrupy sweet confection that makes your teeth just rot reading it as Jake Day gives the reporter sound bytes of blather tinged with the ever so whimsical cotton candy ending. It was so fantastical, even the reporter interjects, "...the plan is aggressive and maybe unrealistic..."

More comical prose are Day's rendition of The Jerk's "I was born a poor black man on the wrong side of town..." ode with:

"There were moments when, as a 9-year-old living in Salisbury, I was thinking I really want to be mayor in this town..."

Surely, the reporter had no idea Day ran unopposed for his $25K per annum dream job but that's just too inconvenient a truth to expect from our rose-colored glasses wearing Mayor. He reminds me of Mr. Kite from the badly made Peter Frampton/BeeGee remake of Sgt. Peppers & the Lonely Hearts Band from the seventies. A tale of homespun mystical elixir unlike no other:

"The biggest thing for us has been arts, entertainment and culture," Day explained. "Recognizing that those things can be more than an ancillary benefit, but a driver has been big for us." 

What? Really, Jake? That's the biggest thing Salisburians need right now is jute joints and dog playing poker picture exhibits? Surely you jest. But no, he said this in a serious interview.

Oh but my dear readers, it gets oh so much better! Day goes on to explain that

"The problem is that we're just not adding people at the same rate that we're adding jobs..." 

Interesting he should say this because just today, I was talking Mr. Albero about this very issue. Jobs are not in high quantity here in Splitsville. In fact, we have such a hard time with that area, large placement companies like Manpower closed up shop and left the area never to return! Oops!

Shall we continue?

Another humdinger is Jake claiming that we're like Frederick. Ah. Fun. A suburb of DC. Well, considering we're a good two-hour drive to DC on a non-summer, non-tourist day, being compared to Frederick is like being compared to Los Angeles. All of it sums up to Jake Day living in another alternate universe for which he is stands alone.

The only thing that likens us to Frederick or any other urban suburb is the traffic. Why? Because no one has a job here. They all drive all day long, trying to find a job.

All I can say is even though Salisbury has 33K residents, those who can vote should serious re-think this whole Day Dreamer experiment, because it's not working out so darn hot.

His fairy tale de jour was too tempting to not write something when it was sent to me from a reader. It proves my theory that we a have a delusional mayor of Simpleton whose living in a world which is unlike the one you and I experience.

And you think Day is really connected with his voter base or the woes in this community?

Ummm, Alrighty.


  1. The only thing I think you missed is Salisbury's master plan has a proposed price tag of about $640 million over 20 years, according to Day.

    Funny, Ireton used the 10 year quote to clean the river, now Day states it will take 20 years to revitalize Salisbury. He and Ireton will be LONG GONE and the accountability of all the money spent will be very hard to track while many of the good ol' boy businesses will have been either folded or retired and IF they are still alive they'll be relocated and retired to Florida, much like the a-hole who built the bridges and overpasses on the Bypass.

    Then there's the instant failure of the $140,000,000.00 waste water treatment plant where it failed right under their noses and no one got in trouble for that stupidity.

    Yeah, "it was your election to lose".

  2. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 15, 2017 at 4:53 PM

    Oh, Joe, you know those things are trivials. Professional politicians don't actually produce anything with the money they "budget," that's all just for show. They might as well just cut to the chase and say, "We're giving Gilkerson $1.4M, just because he's who he is and I owe him for helping me get elected. Thank you, taxpayers!" At least then it would be honest.

  3. All I can do is just shake my head. Can I have some of that Koolaid that Day is drinking.

  4. Salisbury has become a joke. The funny part is, while they are laughing in our faces, (Day, Ireton, etc.) the joke is actually on them. They have an 80% rental number because 80% of the people were actually smart enough to see their BS and get the hell out. Now here's the joke, the 20% left are the stupid Liberals taxing themselves to death while the rest of us purchase properties outside of Salisbury, (if not out of state) and get to use all the things they boast about for FREE. Well, unless we have to feed a parking meter. The joke is actually on them.

  5. To my disgruntled fan:

    The reason I wrote this and the last article in such a snarky fashion is because it's gotten to the point where it is all a joke. It's like the whole city government has gone stark raving mad and they don't have any intention of hiding their idiocy from any of us. It's actually quite brazen the way they've shamelessly wasted taxpayer money and made poor hiring choices based on some silent code of cronyism rather than actually looking out for the residents and seeing to their needs as much as a government office should. As a small government, personal freedom proponent, I never want nor expect cradle to grave government; however, we don't pay taxes to be robbed or deceived into believing things that just aren't so. It is sad it has degenerated to this snark bark but it's just what it is. Some of this idiocy going on at City Hall is just too stupid to be taken seriously anymore.

    Yours truly,

  6. LOL he thinks Sby is like Frederick? That boy ain't got the sense God gave him so let us school him. Millions of people live within a short driving distance to the city of Frederick. Montgomery alone has 1 mil plus.
    Ft Detrick is in Frederick. Also Hood College and Mt St Marys U, private colleges where those attending tend to come from upper middle income families. There are also medical research facilities that employ several 1000.

    1. I'm nor sure Jakie has ever been to Frederick. Downtown is livable. They have real stores downtown. They have real restaurants and bars for adults not thug nightlife. They also have an educated population.

  7. Salisbury reminds me of the restaurant scene in Harry Met Sally.

    But, knowing the truth, I won't have what she's having.

  8. Joe and Thornton are correct. Salisbury has become the punch line to a very bad joke. From Mayor Barry, the drunk, Tilghman and all her drama, on to Rainbow coalition, drunk drama queen Ireton and now this. A boy playing at a grown ups job. I have a few more years til retirement. Rest assured, those years will not be spent in this dive.


  9. Boy mare always reminds me of Ernie's pal from Sesame Street. Just a puppet!

  10. It is disheartening to those of us that were raised in Salisbury. Such nice memories and that is all now. I know change is part of life, but this is so sad.

  11. Where is this arts and entertainment he talks about in this thing? I haven't seen them do anything but Third Fridays. Nothing else though. Even that's lame and a pain for area residences and business owners.

  12. Jake is an embarrassment to Salisbury when he does this stupid idiotic interviews like this. He makes himself look delusional and everyone in Salisbury right along with him. Just sick of his silliness. When is he up for re-election. You guys should post the schedule and deadlines for the next elections so people can hopefully convince others to run against this guy. His teenage posse are unimpressive. They're play-acting at government without a clue about what the hell they're doing.

  13. "Another humdinger is Jake claiming that we're like Frederick. Ah. Fun"

    Ironically just today I attended the Chamber of Commerce lunch meeting at the civic center and the guest speaker was William R. McCain, appraiser extraordinaire. He mentioned that he was talking to his buddy "Mayor Jake Day" and he also said that Salisbury is just like Kent County, Maryland.

    Kent County Maryland. You know that place where all these rich people live. That place where hard working people that work in Baltimore, DC, AACounty and Annapolis and commute back and forth. Hard working, well off people just like in Salisbury.

  14. JoeAlbero said...
    The only thing I think you missed is Salisbury's master plan has a proposed price tag of about $640 million over 20 years, according to Day.

    Funny, Ireton used the 10 year quote to clean the river, now Day states it will take 20 years to revitalize Salisbury. He and Ireton will be LONG GONE and the accountability of all the money spent will be very hard to track while many of the good ol' boy businesses will have been either folded or retired and IF they are still alive they'll be relocated and retired to Florida, much like the a-hole who built the bridges and overpasses on the Bypass.

    Then there's the instant failure of the $140,000,000.00 waste water treatment plant where it failed right under their noses and no one got in trouble for that stupidity.

    Yeah, "it was your election to lose".

    June 15, 2017 at 4:50 PM

    You are 100% correct Joe. It is nearly 10 years and Jim Ireton still isn't swimming in the cess pool river. That same river that he and Barrie Tilghman are responsible for polluting.

  15. I want to know how much the tax payers are going to have to pay to keep paid firemen on duty around the clock since Jake Day and Rick Hoppes ran the volunteers off.

  16. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog! said...
    Oh, Joe, you know those things are trivials. Professional politicians don't actually produce anything with the money they "budget," that's all just for show. They might as well just cut to the chase and say, "We're giving Gilkerson $1.4M, just because he's who he is and I owe him for helping me get elected. Thank you, taxpayers!" At least then it would be honest.

    June 15, 2017 at 4:53 PM

    I almost threw up my beer when I saw you claim that Jake Day was a "professional politician."

    Give me an F'n Break!! Jake Day isn't even Minor League to a professional politician. Jake Day isn't even a community organizer like his boy Obammy.

    Has Jake Day even cleared up his suspended license court drama for his numerous speeding violations and Failing to Appear?

  17. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog! said...
    Oh, Joe, you know those things are trivials. Professional politicians don't actually produce anything with the money they "budget," that's all just for show. They might as well just cut to the chase and say, "We're giving Gilkerson $1.4M, just because he's who he is and I owe him for helping me get elected. Thank you, taxpayers!" At least then it would be honest.

    June 15, 2017 at 4:53 PM

    "We're giving Gilkerson $1.4M, just because he's who he is and I owe him for helping me get elected. Thank you, taxpayers!"

    Palmer Gillis
    Bob Cannon
    Bob Cannon
    Barrie Tilghman
    Mike Dunn
    Brad Gillis
    Joey Gilkerson
    Jim Ireton
    Jake Day
    John Cannon

    What's so damn hard to understand?


    Three new pizza delivery drivers are hired in da 'Bury.

    Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday Tweeted

    So proud to welcome new drivers to our team! @SalisburyPD - Swearing ceremony Salisbury City Hall ESCJA Session 78.

  19. JoeAlbero said...
    Salisbury has become a joke. The funny part is, while they are laughing in our faces, (Day, Ireton, etc.) the joke is actually on them. They have an 80% rental number because 80% of the people were actually smart enough to see their BS and get the hell out. Now here's the joke, the 20% left are the stupid Liberals taxing themselves to death while the rest of us purchase properties outside of Salisbury, (if not out of state) and get to use all the things they boast about for FREE. Well, unless we have to feed a parking meter. The joke is actually on them.

    June 15, 2017 at 5:00 PM

    Joe, that is not a very fair assessment of you calling some of us stupid liberals!! Did it ever occur to you that some of us were left behind because we couldn't sell our properties. I can assure you that I and possibly others will get the Hell out of Dodge as soon as we can afford it.

    I think you really should offer an apology to some of us for that statement.

  20. Politicians are often far better at campaigning than governing unless you are a boi mare that has the Mayor's job given to him. This is especially true for city politicians. Kept in office by loyal constituencies, city politicians turn to corruption and nepotism just because they can. That is why we have years of giving valuable properties owned by the tax payers to their bunkies like Palmer Gillis and/or their offspring or both.

    It’s no surprise that metropolitan areas are run predominately by Democrats. Democratic city councilmembers and Democratic mayors, you name it. The donkey party enjoys a virtual monopoly over densely-populated cities. Many of these cities are in dire need of infrastructure development due to years of neglect. And you wonder why no one wants to live in Salisbury, even with their love of Boy Wonder.

    Do you think Jake Day is going to revive downtown Salisbury? Hell No! And so what if he does? What is downtown anymore? Nothing and it never will be unless it's crime and more crime. Jake Day is only in it for Jake Day and Jake Day alone. A prime example is how he used the death of a child for a photo opportunity and you idiots fell fro it Hook, Line and Sinker.

    Stop voting for Democrats dumb morons, especially fruitcakes like Jake Day and Jim Ireton. You idiots have become slaves to the Democrat Party and you are helping to enslave others that shouldn't be there.

  21. This what I found on his FB Page and find it extremely shocking and shows a major lack of leadership in Jake Day and the City Council!! I will comment further tomorrow! Just read it word for word and you will see what a F'n Joke it is. The City adds an additional Assistant, oops I mean Deputy Assistant Administrator. Millennials hiring millennials. Joe you guys need to do a serious story on this stupid move.

    Andy's most recent and longest job was really the director of Kidz Klub, an after school program and it's not even mentioned. LMAO

    Jacob Day shared City of Salisbury, Maryland's post.
    June 14 at 6:56pm

    City Welcomes New Deputy City Administrators

    Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day and City Administrator Julia Glanz are proud to announce that Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will be joining the City as its new Deputy City Administrators. In line with the Mayor’s recently adopted FY18 budget which mandates reorganization in some areas of City government, the formerly singular Assistant City Administrator job title has been reimagined to better handle a growing workload.

    “The Assistant Administrator position came into being as part of the FY ’07 budget,” said the Mayor, “and it has been the office where the rubber meets the road on our most important fiscal and planning documents ever since. As we have taken on more and more event planning and production, with all that is laid out in our Master Plan and with the National Folk Festival now a very big reality for us, the position’s scope of responsibility has become large enough that a second person is needed as we move forward.”

    City Administrator Julia Glanz said, “We set a high bar for this group of applicants, and there were some very strong interviews. It’s a unique situation to have to search for two ideal candidates to fill matching positions like this, but we were fortunate enough to have met a couple of interviewees who really ‘wowed’ us.”

    Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will each bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to bear upon their new assignments. Currently, Alison serves as the Communications and Special Events Coordinator for Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services. Andy is the Recreation Superintendent for the Wicomico County Recreation and Parks Department.

    Alison’s experience is grounded in government and public relations. Throughout her professional career, she has served as the Legislative Director for Delegate J.B. Jennings of the Maryland House of Delegates, as well as the legal assistant for a Kansas State House Representative. In addition to her service in various political capacities, Alison has also served as the Military Community Liaison to the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and as the Leadership Manhattan Coordinator. Locally, Alison is the Race Director of the Hero Day 5k, and one of the driving forces behind the Rotary Club’s “Flags 4 Heroes” displays across from Shorebird Stadium in Salisbury.

    Andy has worked as the Recreation Superintendent for Wicomico County since 2011 and has experience in activity planning and personnel management. Throughout his time with the County, Andy has coordinated efforts within the community to encourage citizen activity and program participation. Andy has also managed multiple special events with a multitude participants. He is a Salisbury native.

    “I’m excited to welcome Alison and Andy, and I look forward to each of their contributions as we move our City forward,” said the Mayor. “The expectations for these positions are high, and that was made abundantly clear during the interview process. These individuals will be leading our City team as we make historic progress over the next few years, and I’m confident that we’ve found the right people for the job.”

    #SBY #SBYNEWS #ItsHappening Alison Pulcher Jacob Day Julia Glanz Andrew Kitzrow

  22. WHY is MSP doind WCSO and SPDs job by doing undercover prositute stings in da bury.

  23. Jake day and Cropper's Cult agenda. Their above and beyond anyone else that lives in your area.

  24. To those of us and our children that have had the unfortunate pleasure to have had dealings with these clowns we want to send our sympathy to cropper he must be borderline suicidal by now. Just four years ago he went to local papers boasting about his kid getting drafted in MLB anywhere from founds 3-5, well 2016 and 2017 MLB draft have come and gone and not a peep out of Mr. MANUP

  25. Anonymous said...
    Politicians are often far better at campaigning than governing unless you are a boi mare that has the Mayor's job given to him. This is especially true for city politicians. Kept in office by loyal constituencies, city politicians turn to corruption and nepotism just because they can. That is why we have years of giving valuable properties owned by the tax payers to their bunkies like Palmer Gillis and/or their offspring or both.

    It’s no surprise that metropolitan areas are run predominately by Democrats. Democratic city councilmembers and Democratic mayors, you name it. The donkey party enjoys a virtual monopoly over densely-populated cities. Many of these cities are in dire need of infrastructure development due to years of neglect. And you wonder why no one wants to live in Salisbury, even with their love of Boy Wonder.

    Do you think Jake Day is going to revive downtown Salisbury? Hell No! And so what if he does? What is downtown anymore? Nothing and it never will be unless it's crime and more crime. Jake Day is only in it for Jake Day and Jake Day alone. A prime example is how he used the death of a child for a photo opportunity and you idiots fell fro it Hook, Line and Sinker.

    Stop voting for Democrats dumb morons, especially fruitcakes like Jake Day and Jim Ireton. You idiots have become slaves to the Democrat Party and you are helping to enslave others that shouldn't be there.

    June 16, 2017 at 1:03 AM

    Here, Here! Well Said!

  26. Love the header with the photo. Dude is grinning like a jackass eating briers.

  27. arts entertainment culture? Lets take a look at that one boyday.
    Arts? would that be the artisit enclave on the river that is actually section 8 housing?
    entertainment? listening to the police scanner as the reports of murders, rapes and robberies come in?
    culture? would that be the boys from the park rapping on youtube flashing their fake guns?

    Oh what a beautiful little city I mean ghetto sby has become under the dems!

  28. "As we have taken on more and more event planning and production, with all that is laid out in our Master Plan and with the National Folk Festival now a very big reality for us, the position’s scope of responsibility has become large enough that a second person is needed as we move forward.”

    Yeah Buddy!! You really justified 2 assistant administrator positions with that National Folk Festival!!! LMAO. How stupid can you damn Democrats be!

  29. "City Administrator Julia Glanz said, “We set a high bar for this group of applicants, and there were some very strong interviews."

    Sort of like the city set a high bar for you Mrs. or Mr. Glanz?? BWAHAHAHAHA!

  30. It's sad that Salisbury with just a population of 33,000 people thinks they are big enough to have 2 full time Deputy City Administrators and a full time City Administrator.

    What's even more sad is that those 33,000 people have allowed that to happen without even a whimper out of them. Because Salisbury is now a thriving city with 3rd Friday and now a "Folk Festival." Give me a damn break. We have a Mayor and all his secretaries and a PIO, a City Administrator and now 2(TWO) Deputy City Administrators and they can't handle a "Folk Festival?"

    Ladies and Gentlemen this exactly how Democrats think and that is why Democrat Cities go bankrupt!

  31. Anonymous said...

    Three new pizza delivery drivers are hired in da 'Bury.

    Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday Tweeted

    So proud to welcome new drivers to our team! @SalisburyPD - Swearing ceremony Salisbury City Hall ESCJA Session 78.

    June 16, 2017 at 12:22 AM

    Where the Hell is the Salisbury City Hall?

  32. Anonymous said...
    Where is this arts and entertainment he talks about in this thing? I haven't seen them do anything but Third Fridays. Nothing else though. Even that's lame and a pain for area residences and business owners.

    June 15, 2017 at 7:52 PM

    Third Friday is nothing but weirdo, Homo people trying to unsuccessfully sell their crafts. That is not a family atmosphere because there is nothing for kids to do. If you think some strange adult dressed up as a clown painting the faces of children is what children want to see then you have lost you what few brain cells you have left. The last time I checked is people that like to dress up as clowns have a mental issue. Usually it's child molesters that like sexually violating children. Often times these weirdos are behind some missing child case or even a murder. You idiots better wake up.

  33. Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will be joining the City as its new Deputy City Administrators.

    Jake Day hiring more of his Millennial Homo buddies along with Julia Glanz. Between all 4 of them you can't find enough leadership to run the City of Salisbury. I'm confident the leadership in Annapolis and the Maryland Municipal League is laughing at us and making us the Butt of All Jokes. This city is such an embarrassments to all of us.

  34. "Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will be joining the City as its new Deputy City Administrators. to better handle a growing workload?

    The office where the rubber meets the road and with the National Folk Festival now a very big reality for us, the position’s scope of responsibility has become large enough that a second person is needed as we move forward.”

    Excuse me, but what the Hell did the City of Salisbury just create a position for and hire Jaime Heater??

    So we hire one person to handle Third Friday and one person to handle the National Folk Festival?? Two events that haven't even been proven successful and one that hasn't even come to this area??

    What the heck was the city council thinking when they approved this budget??

    Muir Boda we hired you to be the watch dog of our tax dollars and you voted to allow this?? You are no Republican and I will address you at the next Republican Club meeting!

  35. Anonymous said...
    arts entertainment culture? Lets take a look at that one boyday.
    Arts? would that be the artisit enclave on the river that is actually section 8 housing?
    entertainment? listening to the police scanner as the reports of murders, rapes and robberies come in?
    culture? would that be the boys from the park rapping on youtube flashing their fake guns?

    Oh what a beautiful little city I mean ghetto sby has become under the dems!

    June 16, 2017 at 8:35 AM

    "culture? would that be the boys from the park rapping on youtube flashing their fake guns?"

    Yes, that would be the work and support of Jake Day and Jim Ireton's favorite minority Jermichael Mitchel!!

  36. Anonymous said...


    Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday Tweeted

    Swearing ceremony Salisbury City Hall

    June 16, 2017 at 12:22 AM

    Where the Hell is the Salisbury City Hall?

    June 16, 2017 at 2:40 PM

    I don't know unless he is talking about where the city council holds it's council meetings in the council chambers. That's where the swearing in ceremony was and last time I checked it was the Wicomico County Government Office Building and last time I checked the City of Salisbury hasn't paid their fair share of the rent yet.

    When the Hell is Bob Culver and John Cannon going to find the balls to kick them out??? John Cannon being the Slum Lord that he is should be used to evicting bad tenants.

  37. The City of Salisbury is rapidly becoming the gay capital of the Eastern Shore and quickly out pacing Rehomo Beach.

    When you elect and hire people like Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Julia Glanz, Chris Demone, Barb Duncan, Andy Kitzrow and Alison Pulcher you are going to keep getting more and more gay people to this city.

    I feel sorry for the department heads and city employees that have to answer to those clowns.

  38. Check out the cropper cult and mayor day bonfire going on now assateague MD. Day befriends and hires all the gay lesbian agenda in and for public view and approval but religiously dead set against their beliefs


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